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Everything posted by NTSAM

  1. NTSAM


    brain damage ruptured lungs And what Shadeykins said.
  2. NTSAM


    Dorms used to have bedrooms. Those were scrapped because I think nobody used them and/or it looked ERP inviting and/or gave antags a place to hide stuff without fear.
  3. >everyone gets either hulk, telekinesis, superfart, or freeze powers >expect good things No. I mean just GOD NO.
  4. HOLY SHIT THOSE SPRITES ARE AMAZING. If anyone ever codes in necromorphs with those sprites SS13 will be the only game I'm playing ever, those are badass.
  5. A nice and small idea. Cargo techs should get a nice Mech in case they like manual delivery. These mechs would ideally have: Medium-sized Hydraulic Clamp - Does less damage than a normal clamp because why does cargo need to fight anyway, and can only load crates and lockers. A high speed, Odysseus-style. Maybe some way of being able to enter disposals and set it's own destination tag? Built-in Clipboard - Allows you to make the mech carry your cargo reciept-thing forms around with you. Destination tagger and package wrap, to send crates easily. Just a dumb little thing I thought up of, since Lolzyking said it'd be cool to have more non-combat mechs. Maybe it could look like a bunch of crates stacked up onto eachother?
  6. ...That's a pretty good idea. I wanna see more utility mechs, mostly stuff that can be used on-station without the fear of greytide killing everyone with them, IE cargo MAILMAN mechs, or engineering mechs.
  7. No, please. I can give you shitloads more reasons we don't need easy access Phazons again. Phazons effectively give you all access with the phazing. Bluespace crystals are easy for competent miners to find. Phazons are OP. Phazons are used for nothing but validhunting or endround grief (Actually endround grief is what it was used for 99% of the time.). Breaking space law because you think a mech makes you immune to the law. Greytiding. Grief. Roboticists bumrushed them and did nothing for the rest of the round. Also, like Coldflame said, noone needs them. Weren't Phazons originally Admin-only? I'd actually like reverting to this.
  8. NTSAM


    Miki meant the green slime type shadowpeople, I believe. Actually I suggest completely reworking extract shadowpeople if we would add nightvision, they're glitched to fuck.
  9. Coughcough explosive implants coughcough
  10. Quite technically you can still do this, depending on their health. 15u welder fuel can ruin a crit guy with nothing better to do than smoke. You can also just use this harmlessly. I love making snap-cigs, they don't damage you and just make you chuckle when you find out it was a prank.
  11. As I've said before, restrict it to Nukies, traitors, and lings, so then they'll have an actual reason to when caught. Also, yes, it shouldn't count as a glorious death.
  12. NTSAM


    Yes. If there's no plans of making them a karma race, could we invert how they see the light? So lit up areas appear dark and the dark is lit up?
  13. I feel like we should keep the Suicide verb, but make a rule stating that if you're a non-antag that suicides when taken in by Security, you can be punished. If people still use it to be dicks, we should just restrict it to Traitors/nukies/lings only or make some kind of option that allows it, but I hope we never do.
  14. NTSAM


    Customizable PINs. We need it, asap. It's annoying that, if you have to put in your PIN when buying stuff for whatever reason, that it's some long and annoyingly randomly generated thing. We need to make a char. creation submenu for PINs to input a 5-6 number custom PIN, though there should be an option to keep dat randomize.
  15. I smell !!FUN!!. ...Dare I say, VACUUM PACKED FUN!!??!! sorry sorry I had to.
  16. You can inject chems into drugs? Welding fuel wouldn't do anything right now, would it? Maybe that can be a weaker version of the Napalm suggestion? (Kinda like what plasma would be compared with black powder's what I mean.)
  17. Hell yus, steampunk IPC, badasser than badass times twenty!
  18. oh feck better put this BIG thumbs up in a spoiler
  19. FUCK YEAH C-can you do a steampunk IPC perhaps? That would be so fukken badass as heck...
  20. NTSAM

    Chemical Gas

    Yes, this is a great idea. Would the results be hilarious if someone were to put styptic powder into atmos?
  21. Dante isn't bad, actually :\
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