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Everything posted by NTSAM

  1. NTSAM

    DNR Setting

    DNR - Do not revive. Simply a tab in OOC preferences that makes you be unable to be scanned by cloning scanners, (Mental interface failure, everytime) unable to be cloned, (Could make "Clone" button greyed out in cloning records) unable to be defibbed, (Gives a failure message) unable to be strange reagent-ed, (Just gibs?) and unborgable. (Brain loses spark?) tl;dr you lazy asshole, this isn't only a sentence add an option for people that get killed by, for example, a traitor or their own stupidity and don't want to return for reasons. (AFK, deciding to become an observer, blah.)
  2. I tried making an IPC look like Solid Snake. It became a cancer to the eyes with a laser cannon on it's back because I got bored. Also I think I accidentally made him look like a druggie as well. That's a cigar, not a joint, god fucking dammit.
  3. Vendor use. Cargo Merch. Use. Bribery. Paying for assholish bartenders. Tipping good bartenders. It's money. :3
  4. Instructions unclear, thumbtack stuck in foot.
  5. If robotics doesn't do that, the scientists do. Syringe guns + tasers are very popular ways to boost science. Yeah I think you're right, but when I play research I personally like to do it Au natural and without Robotics aid (except for wormhole) and I just hate when robotics runs in with armfulls of stuff ruining the fun Good point...
  6. If robotics doesn't do that, the scientists do. Syringe guns + tasers are very popular ways to boost science.
  7. NTSAM


    WARNING: giant heartbreaking story below, only read if you want to cri errytime ;_; tl;dr give clowns a *juggle emote to juggle stuff in their hands.
  8. [Muffled "NEEEEEEEEERD" in the distance]
  9. Talk about a... *puts on sunglasses* Sticky situation.
  10. Oh yeah, last night, this dude Majordormo Executus or whatever that was a coworker kept getting EMPd. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, it needs a "Warning: Electromagnetic Pulses" sign as well.
  11. EMPs are blocked by blast doors, aren't they? Why can't we just cram a few into maint?
  12. I think the location is fine, it can't cause any more damage than what the equivalent of a toxins screwup can.
  13. If you mean strapping others, please, do. If you mean strapping yourself, god no. It shouldn't take any more than half a second to willingly sit down in a chair when you remember "I forgot to strap in and the mining shuttle is about to go." Also gets plain annoying when you need to sit down in the bar or on a sofa or whatever. ...Actually, why can't we restrict buckling to Shuttle Chairs and make it so you just sit down in normal chairs? It seems ridiculous that EVERY FUCKING CHAIR AND BED has a seatbelt.
  14. Why not android? Androids are badass.
  15. I thought this was a bug anyway? Yeah, it needs fixing, asap.
  16. I've not been able to (at least willingly, dunno about force-injection)
  17. They can't drink holy water. You can't even patch holy water onto them.
  18. NTSAM

    I'm Edd

    >mfw it's this guy >and his name is Edd.. Kidding, you're cool.
  19. I think XenoBiology's guide is a biiiiit outdated. It still uses the old image (shown in spoiler) and some of the steps are very old.
  20. Sudden species change-- Meh, not even gonna question it.
  21. NTSAM


    Hah, yes please. We need to give chaplains the ability to pimp slap some vampires if they're not getting those religious powers anytime soon.
  22. I totally just fracking personified the two stations and they're cute. -snippity snip snip-[/img] Notice us, Colonial-senpai~ I think I just did that wrong.
  23. DAMMIT DAVID I was JUST getting over my fear of that video.
  24. *loads plasma cutter like le badass* Time to curb stomp some geneticists...
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