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Everything posted by improvedname

  1. Why should nanotrasen reward the crew for doing their job Simply enough if they dont do their job they get fired Theres enough poeple willing to fill the position
  2. Only the mulebot part OP because it has HAS a horrible KNOCK DOWN stun plus if they are hacked CRUSH X3 DED why did we allow pais in mulebots first place OTHER bots can be controlled by the ai anyways
  3. tg has this (not the vandalizing part) Never get used here altough but basically you get a option to print a wanted poster trough security records plus the reason/what they done as examine text
  4. And top of the cake make it print out job transfer forms so i dont have to write them everytime
  5. I know but its add extra snowflake to the wall console to look which jobs are open
  6. So sometimes poeple say which jobs are open and as i the lazy hop just tell 2-3 of the 10 But what if we put a wall in the middle of the windows left of the line and added a sort of wall console that shows the crew manifest and which jobs are still open and heads being able to put requests on it and automaticly prints out job transfer forms and additional access forms (has to be stocked with a toner cardridge)
  7. This is a guide how you will make a decent bomb for sure 1. The first thing you want to do is grabbing a oxygen canister from the toxins storage and hook it up to the cooler and set on the lowest setting and turn it on this will bring the oxygen temp to -200 2. You want to do rnd if nobody is doing it aim for tier 3 bins and tier 2 lasers when you get them move back to toxins and check if the oxygen is -200 or -180 3.unhook the oxygen canister turn the freezer off deconstruct the freezer screwdriver the circuit board so it turns into a heater construt the heater put the better tier parts in 4.get a plasma canister from toxins storage hook it up the heater on its max setting which will be 536 celsius at this part 5.get a plasma tank and oxygen drain them empty with a air pump fill the oxygen one with the cold oxtgen then if thf plasma is hot enough 536 celsius fill the plasma tank with it 6.slap it on a TTV attach a signaller/health sensor/move sensor and you made your bomb! If you want bigger bombs you have to heat the plasma but this is a safe quick and easy way to make one
  8. Not like the cargo tech can get it out for you but i agree on the plasma glass part
  9. Using pickpocket activly is using the right hand slot when you steal try to get into a conversation with them If you are looking right use your left hand to pick pocket If you are looking left use your right hand to pick pocket Always have a pocket free for a quick storing so the victim doesnt know something got stolen
  10. Claw game you just need to be pixel perfect in the middle if the ball and ye win
  11. Maybe just aesthetic glasses that dont change gameplay, they are just for looks but dont do anything It be cool if most of them fixes being nearsighted because its pretty rare to stumble upon thise
  12. Make hyposprays a rare miner find
  13. Its still wip :^) Name:Ramish Masko Age:47 Gender:Male Race:Vulpakhin Blood Type:O+ General Occupational Role(s): Scientist, Shaft miner, Blueshield, Biography: Qualifications: Employment Records: Security Records: [spoiler2]OH DANDY ITS CLEAN[/spoiler2] Medical Records: Personnel Photo (Appearance text): Medals: 1 medal of distinguished conduct [For reviving ian after the QM brutally murdered him] Commendations [only to be added by admin]: Reprimands [only to be added by admin]: Other Notes: IS A THIRTEEN LOKO ADDICT GOD SAVE HIS SOUL
  14. Or can we alternativly give chemistrt a box of empty auto injector max 10 units that can be filled up with any chem but very limited more can be ordered from cargo
  15. Goon ones are fine because they have safety protection on them and purge any harmfull chemical unless emagged
  16. Toolbox must be a sekret admin item which does 99999999 damage
  17. Th Rd radbow+esword combo is dying out because you cant murderbone without the haijck objective
  18. The key to ops is a backup plan If getting a fire extinguisher isnt one (thats on every wall) then welp
  19. It's 30TC. Its strong enough
  20. He posted the same number tho 2 lizards erping in dorms
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