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Everything posted by improvedname

  1. Blob at medbay good thing there welders in those kits
  2. Put iT in Spess make a Tiny syndiecate outpost Being protected by 1 Unarmed syndiecate
  3. O boy two revolvers another reason to raid security
  4. What if we get the system like goonstation Add traders to the console they require a certain item you put it on the shuttle And they will give you points And of course buying from the trades like if the traders Sells solid plasma and they want 5 points for it for every sheet That would have two things science gets a certain mineral faster Cargo will be out of points faster So i thought of a few traders Ore trader[sels unsmelted ore][Also great for turning unwanted ore into points] Artifact trader[sells strange rocks for high prices]][would also dispose of useless artifacts by turning them into points] Contrabrand trader[REDACTED][should appear when circuit board is hacked] Gardening trader[TURN DA CROPS INTO POINTS AND BUY MUTATED SEEDS!] So invest things at cargo to get better things or get ores faster etc etc
  5. Name:Sleet Age:34 Gender:Male Race: Vulpakin Blood Type: O+ General Occupational Role(s): Paramedic Civilian Biography:[Wip] Qualifications: Medical Medicine Chemistry Employment Records:[Wip] Security Records: Name:Sleet Job:Paramedic/Civilian Current status:None Minor security notes *empty* Major security notes *empty* Other notes *empty* Medical Records: Name:Sleet Bloodgroup:O+ Current status:*Stable* Minor medical notes: *Empty* Major medical notes *Empty* Other notes *empty* Personnel Photo (Appearance text):[Wip] Commendations [only to be added by admin]: Reprimands [only to be added by admin]: Other Notes:
  6. So like gibbed when your wearing a lawyer suit harm intent or grab idk anymore and you slam the table and you screen shakes
  7. For robotics only? Sure. But not for RnD. I dont see why not if we had the pin ststem RnD could freely deconstruct guns without troubling somoene goes murderboner with it and if you want to activate a gun you gotta get pins from the armoury En yeah pins for robotics is fine just give them 1 box of them and the rest must be ordered/or if rnd has very high engineering/mat they should ble able to made at rnd but a high cost
  8. Updated following Your military PDA can open/Close the blast door You start with a syndiecate cards and a red button See following extra notes
  9. What if you could make your own vending machines and putting items inside that you want to sell and when somoene buys as example a Health scanner upgrade (100) he gets the health scanner upgrade and you get 100 credits(optionally you could link your pda to it so you get messages that somoene bought something) This could give money a big play for example science could make a vending machine with night vision things and stuff etc just to make money on it
  10. Oh wait no that was a type shortcut for a game but i fixed it up
  11. So you been selected for the NUKE OPS? As first your objective is to explode the nuke and take the nuke disk back to your SYNDIECATE STATION 1.Plan This is the imporant thing off all the plan By creating a plan you can suprise the crew like Shut down telecomms so they cant communicate Or powersinking the station so theres no power/lights (aka nightvision your best friend) You can use your creavity to create all sort if plans 2.Equipment As obviously you need equipment(you aint gettin the nuke disk naked with a bedsheet on your back) you obviously need to grab equipment that fits your plan be also sure to check whats on the station with your military pda because cyborgs can cause trouble so you hit yourself up with some emp implants 3.Syndiecate shuttle This is basically your shuttle it can fly to some places near the station or telecomms The shuttle is equipped with lockers that has a swat mask syndiecate hardsuit and a harnass jetpack and theres a locker with syndiecate shotguns(for god dont leave them or atleast take the ammo out of it so you have spare for yours) and some extra ammomution for your pistol 4.Entering the station As soon you leave your syndiecate shuttle Close the blast doors so nobody cant enter it (and if you didnt please god that you token the ammo out of the locker and shotguns) flip your pinpointer on and go near the station stay out sight of windows if the arrow is red it means your far away if the arrow is green your close to it if its Blue your very close to it 5.GOT DAT FUKKEN DISK When you got the disk head to your shuttle to get the nuke Grab the nuke and deploy it on the station (not the solars) put the nuke disk in put code in Safety off Timer on and head back to your shuttle and then use your shuttle to go back to your syndiecate shuttle 6.Extra notes -Your syndiecate hardsuit has 2 modes travel and combat travel is meant for in space and combat well yeah explains itself -Energy shields may be expensive but they are great for blocking shots and reflecting them -Use your Military pda and check the crew manifest if theres a security pilot you better ready up for a fight with a space pod -Your military pda also can open your shuttle blast doors dobt let it fall in the crew's hands -you start with a syndiecate cards and a red button syndiecate cards are a last resort weapon to throw if you are out of weapons or unarmed and the red button explodes syndiecate minibombs -You also have a detomatrix cartbridge in your military pda one exploded pda could be enough to send the captain to surgery (which is awfully close to space)
  12. As i stated in previous topic viewtopic.php?f=12&t=5240&p=35577#p35577 i said mining should get gemstones for cargo points But then somoene replied with a genuis idea to use it for jewelry Like crowns rings necklaces etc we can work this thing out Silver/gold for the base can add gemstones to it and here you go a (x) ring This could also be great for poeple actin though with some bling bling And if were gonna add it we could make from vacant office A jewelry workshop that should start with some silver/gold necklace/rings etc bases And a bit of gemstones to work with it And they should get those inspection goggles to check how many karats a gem is This could add a fun touch at trading/selling/buying gems
  13. Name:Raffloon Age:38 Gender:Male Race:Vulphakin Blood Type:A+ General Occupational Role(s): Engineer Lawyer Scientist Librarian Civilian Biography: A light blue vulpakin 38 years old with black eyes and a dark blue kajam Qualifications: Advanced engineering training Basic lawyer training Advanced xenoarcheology Employment Records: (Comin suun) Security Records: (Comin suun) Medical Records: Addicted to thirteen loko can be dangerous on high doses Personnel Photo (Appearance text): Commendations [only to be added by admin]: Reprimands [only to be added by admin]: Other Notes:
  14. Then add a new ability Where you leave no fingerprints Yu may say OP but it does takes a ability point
  15. What if we gave mining a chance to get gemstones for cargo! Rubies sapphires emeralds and other gemstones like that with only one purpose 1.For cargo for extra points Or if not adding gemstones than auctally give every currently existing ores A point value like maybe for diamonds 10 for every sheet Heres my Gemstones suggestions tho (should have a random chance to pop out like goonstation) Ruby(2), Sapphire(2), Emerald(2), Amber(5 maybe add a function to xenoarch to!) Amethyst(5), Jade(5) Jasper(10) Citrine(10) Malachite(15)
  16. So everything begun like a normal day i was the cmo of the shift The captain asked to report in so all heads reported in (As a part of irony the borg had to pda me to turn my suit sensors on) As part of my job i healed poeple up as suddenly my lust for blood was awakened Objectives: Steal nuke disk, kill a scientist, acculate 280 blood, escape So like every cmo/genetics vampire i headed to genetics and drain some monkey blood Until i was full powered and could make 2 slaves yes 600 blood i drained and to lessen suspicous I put alot if radition on the monkeys and delivered them to the chef The chemist was fooling around making drugs calling himself the meth lord so i grabbed my hypospray with morphine and injected 30 units of morphine and then entrhalled him And asked him to make a stronger knock out chem and stop using drugs As next when i was heading back to genetics i saw a guy just locking up a locker with some humanizied monkeys so i thought he was a fellow vampire!(but he was a changeling instead) Next the CE wanted a job change to Chemist i accepted his request dragged him to surgery He stabbed my eye with a screwdriver twice glared him knocked him out enthralled him also And thus he left without a question Third the captain came to surgery for a Borer removal he didnt wanted at first when i cane but i said what the dangers of a borer could be that it could reproduce and effect the whole crew So when i hooked him up on no2 i called a another surgeon to remove the borer in his head while i was stripping him and putting the stuff in his satchel i looked around for the nuke disk but the disk wasnt there so i suspected it was in his office so i headed to his office looking for the disk with my vampire vision the disk was nowhere to be seen So i headed back to surgery to look how to operation was going i saw that the surgeon accidently removed the captains loyality implant so i asked the surgeon to leave so he left and so i enthralled the captain removed the no2 tank and medical mask waked him up asked where the nuke disk was it was in his safe asked him to kill the scientist and ordered him to keep his borer under control So later on i headed to bridge where the captain was i whispered him to give me the nuke disk so we headed to his office he gave me the disk i asked him to kill that scientist but it seems she was executed a long time ago for being a changeling(thank god that could be a pain if she transformed) So i asked the captain to call the shuttle and he said i need a excuse to call the shittle So i headed to maint turned my suit sensors of and said NUKE OPS everyone asked where and i said THEY ARE IN STEALTH I SAW ONE WEARING A SYNDIECATE BELT so the shuttle was called so later on i dragged my first chemist enthrall to captains office to drain him empty from his blood He punched me a couple of times on my head by breaking my head bone so i energy crossbowed him(from research) and contuined draining his blood he kept punchibg me to the red health (so i adminhelped him for not listenibg to my orders) so i headed to medbay to heal my head up and then i headed to the shuttle and the shuttle arrivered and it was pitch black by Dark TM headed to the cockpit and when i was there i turned blind by my braindamage and we waited and waited untill the shuttle arrivered at centcom i was a succesfull vampire! The chemist slave was kinda stupid he didnt listen to me orders Made a shitty knockout chem even worser than morphine But the captain that was the best slave i ever had if i could give a medal I would give him a medal for best vampire slave ever! Eh but the ce slave never seen him again
  17. So you want something that travels to places like comms just making your "traitor" shenigans easier So you want to fly off the clown crash shit just to get bananium faster?
  18. Nuke op #1: GOT THE DISK AND NO OFFICERS NEARBY THIS IS SO EASY Suddenly security teleports into bridge Nuke op #1: Me and my big mouth SCIENCE ISNT SCIENCE WITHOUT MATH
  19. You know when you make a gun it comes printed out and shit>lot minerals= mass production What if we add a section called Weapon parts and you need to print out every part Of the weapon and construct it like for example construct the gun and adding a power cell it to make it rechargable/functioning and some ultra powered lasers to make laser cannons shoot etc This will stop Traitors/And other antag shittler things mass producing submachine guns And it would be cool if you add a better battery you should have more charge Adding a better laser will increases the damage Etc (With being the super matter bin pico manipulator etc being their normal damage values) Because if something is fun its researching things in science (And come on how can a gun magically be created less than 10 seconds)
  20. Well i think hulk shouldnt be removed but you can also make 4 different hulk genes and you need all 4 to activate hulk power and those 4 is hidden in a random blocks / also hulk in 10 minutes? Pff got it in 3 minutes
  21. Well the point im looking at why would a engineer need liquid plasma and a syringe I thought just have akit ready with these stuff
  22. Extremly hard to get>3 rounds in row that i got it in the first minute
  23. Engineer traitor item Sabotaged Engineering kit, includes A plasma injected cell x2 Plasma injected lights x3 Fake insulated gloves x1 Emagg x1 Fake blueprints x1 A plasma injected cell -its a power cell thats injected with plasma soon it makes contact With electricity it will explode in a 3x3 bomb Plasma injected lights -lights that are also injected with plasma as soon it makes contact with electricity It will explode (strong enough to break a table) Fake insulated gloves -They just look like real ones theres even rubber! But sonething doesnt seem right.. Those gloves dont protect you but they look like real ones Emagg -speaks for itself Fake blueprints -just looks like the real blueprints but there can be no difference seen If somoene throws water on it it will shrink and dispear So i was thinking about 7-10 telecrystals since plasma injected stuff are pretty cheap But kinda harder to get as engineer and a emagg costs 8 by basic i think?
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