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Everything posted by improvedname

  1. Yeah but if led flashes would just work like normal flashes but like a ghetto flash 1 bulb light + sheet metal + wire coil + battery
  2. /obj/item/device/flash/proc/flash_recharge(var/mob/user) if(prob(times_used * 2)) //if you use it 5 times in a minute it has a 10% chance to break! burn_out() return 0 var/deciseconds_passed = world.time - last_used for(var/seconds = deciseconds_passed/10, seconds>=10, seconds-=10) //get 1 charge every 10 seconds times_used-- It doesnt random burn out
  3. A led flash is basically a normal flash but nerfed EDIT: Led flashes are basically normal flashes with a drawback instead of the bulb burning out it overheats anfd hurts you since you cant use a normal flash in a row it will burn out on repeated use so basically what you did was taking a normal flash and add a drawback to it ((it would be cool as a tablecraft recipe altough))
  4. Fire alarms are to stop fire spreading/give you a warning that something might be wrong
  5. I swore the disks used to be able to store all research
  6. Just make the box empty and have one epi pen in it incase any of your hooman friends dies
  7. Gone since you can just bug science to make corgi smoke. They were removed long before Goonchem was ever a thing. Steal a jetpack is still an objective (last I checked), and you can get those for free as a miner, or any role that has EVA access. Clearly a oversight anyhow Any traitor objects really do it doesnt have to be one like killing the captain or stealing a weapon Any objective that is pretty much RP based is fun too even if it cant be tracked (fuck greentext anyways :^)) traitors are here to spice the round up and give the crew fun by doing certain actions/gimmicks so like having a objective to start a riot
  8. D2k5 did this before it died it was pretty effective and good heck sometimes they put job and wiki pages related to the job
  9. 1. How do you feel about the current security players
  10. Gone since you can just bug science to make corgi smoke. add miscreants when?
  11. I mean like you can make Fire alarms but there is no point making fire alarms if you cant make firelocks
  12. Airlocks that say if you open this you gonna get burned
  13. Just add a subtye plasmasuit that doesnt have armor values and if you edit the suit it removes simple
  14. This is awesome thing it be really cool if war just was this
  15. They can still stealth ops/gimmick ops but sometime they gotta place down the nuke
  16. Its fucking spraypaint not reinforced steel they shouldnt get any armor values
  17. Gee im on a suggestion roll anyhow Spice up the traitor objectives I like some i saw from goon some as example Kill every medical doctor this doesnt include you if your a doctor Kill the clown and make sure hes gibbed/cremated/turned into food Collect 4 tasers/collect 5 batons Just more fun objectives which can end up you just starting a riot against as example 1
  18. As we all know our nuke opratives loves to murderbone and then go off the main objective getting the nuke disk What if we ported the nuke ops mechanics from goon where you get appointed a area and have to place the nuke its armed and the crew gets 8 minutes trying to disarm the nuke like a gang dominator So the nuke ops have to protect the nuke while the crew tries to destroy it this would eliminate the confusion about what 2 do. Where is disk? My pinpointer?! This would give you a simple objective plant the nuke and protect it untill it blows
  19. Give a hop a spray paint dispenser so he can give paint to the plasmaman to change his plasmasuit when he changes from job I know its rare but it be a perfect idea
  20. So today i played goonstation got to play medical director so after a while i got a patient who was bleeding i applied bandage and saw the awesome sprite for being bandaged I suggest we add on character bandage sprites OR Atleast splint sprites as it makes sense you should be able to see somoene in splints and not be like he has his whole arm broken and is fine Unrelated note to the topic:(splints should really disable your hand untill removed (if you have broken bones atleast)
  21. Emagging a sleeper should just remove the overdose safeties
  22. Hop getting plasmaman suit spraypaint when?
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