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Everything posted by improvedname

  1. What if we add tesla-proof kits that engineer will start with one cargo can order more 100 points which you also can use to make eva softsuits tesla proof
  2. Only if the chaplain gets a replica golden monkey statue
  4. Codewise Cargo can't handls any mobs at all it breaks the shuttle
  5. Cargo can't handle living mobs
  6. Eh we making such problem over a 5 units welder or just give them 1 nanopaste i guess
  7. It indeed does as meth vapor gives you nuerotoxin2(chem nuerotoxin)and normal toxin Code says cyanide vapor only gives you cyanide so odk realy But you epi pens can really stop any suffocation problem And a 5 units welder aint that bad hell you cant even repair 2-3 limbs with it before it runs out and you likely just get a 15 unit welder anyways
  8. The dog whistle should be a traitor item tbh ipc race only :^)
  9. The number of times you have been shot up with cyanide is somewhere between 0, and 0. The amount of times I've heard of and seen cyanide ever being used is once, it was used to poison a drink. * Cyanide more commonly affects chemists who are making it as a precursor to pentetic acid, without wearing their masks. * Cyanide will kill you from BRAIN DAMAGE, not suffocation. * By the time you realize you have been shot up with cyanide, you won't be able to get your autoinjector. * IPC's can't be shot up with cyanide, anyways. It's perfectly fine, as it is. This idea has been shot down more than a few times in the past, because it simply doesn't require changing. The wiki says it only causes suffocation/toxins Cyanide never gave braindamge im pretty sure that was a side effect of heating certain things like meth/cyanide Its pretty sure to find out you got cyanide inside too since you suffocate slowy so if you connect internals and still suffocate you shoot yourself up with a epi pen easy And a page out of the codebase /datum/reagent/cyanide name = "Cyanide" id = "cyanide" description = "A highly toxic chemical with some uses as a building block for other things." reagent_state = LIQUID color = "#CF3600" metabolization_rate = 0.1 penetrates_skin = 1 /datum/reagent/cyanide/on_mob_life(mob/living/M) M.adjustToxLoss(1.5*REM) if(prob(5)) M.emote("drool") if(prob(10)) to_chat(M, "You cannot breathe!") M.losebreath += 1 M.emote("gasp") if(prob(8)) to_chat(M, "You feel horrendously weak!") M.Stun(2) M.adjustToxLoss(2) ..() So yeah finding out you got cyanide in you is extremly easy if you cant breath drooling etc
  10. You would really think circuit boards would use more gold and silver and sonetimes a tip of diamond
  11. Police batons are advanced technology even if its made of wood botanists cant make them
  12. On the first day of christmass santa gave to me ONE VULPAKHIN
  13. Sepia slime should be clearly 1 use time stop spell ZA WARUDO! TOKI NO WARE
  14. >stunprods aren't enough
  15. Observe command is forgotten I blame the follow command
  16. Epi pens caps suffocation damage at 25% so if you get shot with cyanide just shoot yourself up with epi pen and your fine it game be game changing just you dont know when to use it
  17. RD has a "pet", Lamar A neutered one that is
  18. ...That's... interesting, I was PRETTY sure a stunprod was a melee weapon, the exact same as the alcohol bottle which ALSO fits in your bag the same a prod. And that you could surprise people with neurotoxin by putting it in someone's food an shit. And slips can be thrown to the tile in front of someone as they are walking. As i said Slips can be avoided likely harder to pull off Beer bottles smashing can by avoided by headwear Nuerotoxin trough food requires the person eating the certain food Stunprod is the most easiest tool to use and the most scaring there is Stungloves were removed because it was litteraly a suprise tool midcombat/ambush Stunprod is litteraly the same thing just not on your hands even alcohol doesnt have that long of a stun atleast make it backfire or shorten the stun
  19. Slips pull/alcohol/nuerotoxin can all be avoided as the stunprod is mostly used as suprise and likely as defender
  20. Alcohol Bottle targetting the head = stun Nuerotoxin + ingest method = stun Slips = stun (long enough to cuff too) Random combat stuns of a high brute weapon = quite a long stun Saying stunprod is the only stun as non sec seems to be ridicilous
  21. Its not a internal box its a emergency box for ya know... emergencies like somoene dying or lack of oxygen its for you or the person in need really
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