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Everything posted by Garoon

  1. Another little DO NOT as Captain; Throwing parties on the Bridge, your office, any high security area and inviting random civilians and/or working staff. Throwing a party in the Bar is perfectly reasonable, but for the love of god DONT let Greyshirt McBaldyblackeye in the bridge or your office because 'Oh I'm bored! Let's have a party and get drunk off our asses!'. Not only is that bad form, it's also liable to end in at least something stolen, or at worst, your death.
  2. I am almost certain that this thread is being camped by you people... Anyways, 1 person who camps
  3. That headgear reminds me of something from Guns of Icarus, I definitely approve of anything involving that
  4. I'm curious as to how you picture the Voxxies, to be honest
  5. I think he got into ADR's *Secret* stash of... stuff You dont want to know what the stuff is :shock:
  6. CE also makes sure Telecomms is functioning right RD has the choice to play with Telecomms scripts Just putting this here because I didn't see it in the list anywhere
  7. Sentry guns? You probably found that syndicate mini-base
  8. Where's the fez? You cant have a bowtie without a FEZ!
  9. Just an idea, maybe there could be protein bars and/or protein shakes? I mean, yes, there are quite a few sources of protein, but meat in general can get rather scarce if medical doesn't bother to make synthmeat for general consumption. Would be nice if there was an alternate source of 'healthy' protein in the snack machines instead of restricted to the chef.
  10. WANT. If they're like dragon wings, of course. I wanna get my lizard some wings~
  11. *As a relatively decent atmospheric player* Whenever I'm a scientist and someone's already 'claimed' R&D for themselves, I tend to migrate to the Toxins lab. When I make the bombs, I actually try to use them out on the 'roid and clear out space between those big mineral veins. Mostly because, let's be honest, there is NO practical use for my kind of bombs on the station proper, unless I specifically want to cause destruction and mayhem with a 3, 7, 14 or whatever bomb. Now telescience, that is something Mijhead, or anyone else interested in it can play with, I'm not touching that with a 5 foot pole
  12. I'm curious, is meat and that delicious jerky the only ways to obtain protein at the moment?
  13. I wouldn't mind if Gutter was this 'Low Gothic' that Adr spoke of, the syllables and verb feel more... bestial, than what feels like should be a relatively organized criminal Tradeband.
  14. Not that you would know Fj, you almost never take yours off in the first place!
  15. I like this idea, would also give options to have species specific details, little jaw horns or something for them Unathi, for instance. Or longer antennae for Kidan maybe?
  16. Those magboots actually would look better with the Nukies, I think
  17. Hm, how about Monochrome? Patron deity of various Greytide?
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