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Everything posted by Garoon

  1. Better be glad they didn't shave the tendrils off, I've heard there are wacko barbers who'd do that... And I think I actually like the blue, it compliments the green face
  2. When he's alone. If he daydreams of hitting on people when he's alone, then wouldn't that be a lie?
  3. But... when ISN'T he hitting on... well... ANYONE?
  4. The trap has been sprung, the ritual begins! But anyways, welcome. Hope you have a wonderful death on the NSS Cyberiad~
  5. What, no anything on the story behind the pirate outfit, or is that not an official thing?
  6. Love iiit~ Is it okay if I swipe this for avatar use? And Kei doesn't know that Unathi prefer the heat, and also that Garoon is wearing a big 'ol atmospheric suit whenever shit goes down Still wondering if you can do a rendition of the clowncar pod, with like... 12 people all stuffed into a tiny pod that can just barely fit them.
  7. There ya go, Spaceman. I fixed it for you~
  8. I like it, but for future reference it's blue with amber eyes. Also horns. But everything else is basically how I imagine my character ^^ Oh, and a big blue scarf, I NEVER go anywhere without the big blue scarf~ Makes me feel speschul that you wanted to draw my character, thank you
  9. Fishface detected! Alert! Alert! Initiate alcohol purge! Also, needs more clowncar podding. I'd LOVE to see a rendition of how the hell that would work.
  10. So, I was just introduced to a curious Hunger Games simulator, where you can put in your own personal names. So, I decided to share this, and want to see what kind of shenanigans the people YOU put in the Hunger Games get into. http://brantsteele.net/hungergames/edit.php May the odds be ever in your favour.
  11. That is totally asking for an "I never asked for this", BUT YOU DIDN'T HEAR IT FROM ME, 'KAY?
  12. Cute nymph pinup to counteract the scantily clad Detective pinup? I dont mind that idea
  13. I would've imagined NTASM a little more... ramshackle, considering he's on his, what, 15th iteration? Probably more than that... And is there a possibility of anyone getting into a... kerfuffle with the tentacly Goliath? Or is that a bit TOO much? *Totally trying to feed you even more horrible Adr scarring ideas*
  14. Oh dear, did I get you really into drawing the Skimpy Detective outfit? I should stop putting ideas in people's heads...
  15. Haven't touched the first one either, but I've played the second one until I found that big blue protector covenant. Haven't touched it since, though. I kinda wanted to have a dual twinblade build and look badass, but I heard bad things about that.
  16. I kinda thought the tiny tail was a little cute, it's kinda reminiscent of that Dragon Torso Stone armour from Dark Souls 2... Did you ever play any of the dark Dark Souls games, by the way? Just as a random question
  17. Makes quite a bit of sense here. I had to give my Voxxy character a bit of time to develop a personality of his own, that wasn't just a copy of my lovable anti-social lizard. Also, why such a tiny tail for the resident Xeno costumed maniac?
  18. Nah, it's a stray lock of hair, it looks like. Kinda like that bit of hair that goes in front of the ear that they try to hook behind the ear, but it keeps going loose. Also, curious. Do you actually play Zeke so... promiscuous if you play in game, or is that just a 'When I draw him' thing?
  19. Hanging out in the bar is a favourite past time of a great many detectives, you wouldn't be the first. You can probably get away with being drunk the entire round, too, considering how few times security actually calls for a detective in my experience.
  20. The Comdoms cant stand any sort of 'fun' law being in their machines. It may cause them to tell the crew how huge of a comdom they are
  21. Would probably help to mention what kind of... flavour you want to go with the Raider stuff. I noticed that one of their things, that Spike Thrower, looks to be bio-mechanical in nature according to it's description. Not that I personally do spriting, just want to clarify it for those interested
  22. Kinda curious about how you'd do Zeke as a detective, to be quite honest. Though let's be honest, you'd probably have him in the normal attire, only instead of the suit, you'd have him in that skimpy thong you like drawing him in
  23. The halfling needs to find the heart to face his fears?
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