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Everything posted by Garoon

  1. Should've put S.S Bromance on the other ship
  2. Garoon

    I'm Edd

    Where's Ed and Eddy?
  3. What about a self portrait of you as a spooky ghost? Would that work? And if you're going with D&D races, what about a Half-Dragon? Or Half-Whatever you feel like, because dual species are cool
  4. I dont know why, but when I see that I just think of this guy Also, it's totally a joke~ Maybe...
  5. I'm noticing a lack of tasteful ballgag here, perhaps Zeke would be willing to oblige?
  6. That Steampunk Plague Doctor looks Phantasmic. Does it look... orgasmic? *Muzzles self*
  7. For the high five, please refer to the following video~
  8. I would say something Invader Zim related, if I could remember anything from when I watched that dang show...
  9. I'm kinda expecting Cali to just go full "Boy, you bettah get yo mitts offa my boy!" *fingersnap* Even though Zeke's probably not having anything to do with Cali...
  10. I dont understand some kinds of fashion, sometimes...
  11. This sums that up pretty well, I feel "MY HAIR IS EVERYWHERE, MY SKIRT IS... WHY"
  12. One on the right seems vaguely Bioshock themed Mr. Bubbles~
  13. The secret is that he's wearing a mask of sorrow. Always. The mask is so well done that you cant even tell the difference between his flesh and the mask
  14. The prettiest corset dress wearing IPC the station has ever seen. Wait... isn't that a traditional 'Lady of the Night' outfit, or something?
  15. http://store.steampowered.com/app/268500/ IT'S HAPPENING~
  16. Steampunk robolimb Jonah with his five o'clock shadow, and THEN it gets shaved by steampunk Zeke to look less badass?
  17. What can I say, I'm a devilish idea crafter~
  18. The five o'clock shadow gets stronger and stronger with each passing image you make of Jonah. Make Zeke shave him!
  19. It's always fun giving Adr high blood pressure, it's too bad you didn't get to draw him in a pretty pink dress, though...
  20. Demonic fire, always the demonic fire
  21. "The gods look favourably up-" "HE'S A CHANGELING, BURN HIM! BURN HIM AND SMASH HIM!" Slightly more serious, would a little bit of 'divine sparkling' to go along with a rejuv be fitting, considering it is technically the gods working a miracle? Just a light temporary sparkle overlay, nothing supremely obvious and in your face, like a flash of lightning. Goddamn Zeus
  22. Yes, dont reveal the little fairy on your shoulder whispering bad drawing ideas into your ear. They'll never believe you anyways Oh, and I also learned how to make tower burgers as well, was playing as my messing around diona character named 'Briars of Scarlet'
  23. Reminds me of Songbird, for some reason. Must be the wings
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