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Everything posted by Garoon

  1. Needs to have a telekinetic variant called the Psycho Mantis~ I will show you the power of the world's greatest mind reader and psychokinesist!
  2. Not enough sexually frustrated males here, you require more! More guns that require size comparing!
  3. That's definitely a 'My gun is bigger than your gun' moment... That can be taken so out of context
  4. 2 sergals going yes A reference to NTASM's ever changing profile picture. SETTLE ON ONE PICTURE, DANGIT
  5. I see Zeke's developing a fondness for scarves, possibly? Either way, I approve Also, is that... absinthe? Why does the guy who cant handle 2 glasses of alcohol have a bottle of absinthe?
  6. "B-but I wanna show my appreciation to teh admun team so they can give me cool schtuff!" Not really
  7. Churchy's been taught their techniques by those dirty lust demons Speaking of, you should make an incubus and call it Churchy, that seems like something up your alley
  8. Seven pissed off engineering crew getting called to the Chemical Research lab
  9. Five scientists making black powder, meth, krokodil, and what have you in Chemical Research
  10. So much kissing, it can make anyone blush...
  11. Ashley is the manliest woman I have ever seen
  12. There's a cryosleep room in the dorms especially built for SSD people to go in, use it. The doctors dont need an uninjured SSD assistant cluttering up their halls and confusing them as to who needs treatment and who doesnt
  13. You forgot the part where those toy facehuggers will happily latch onto you as much as anyone else
  14. Station too deadly for free willed organics, everybody should be borged and kept working in secured areas. The organics are a danger to themselves, they MUST be borged to ensure safety and security! NO EXCEPTIONS
  15. Not enough vein popping, that's definitely not Adr
  16. Garoon

    New dishes

    That's actually been a feature in the game for... about three months. https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/1112 Also, how about the chance to make marmite/vegemite and marmite/vegemite toast? BECAUSE EVERYONE LOVES MARMITE AND VEGEMITE
  17. So there's a term that I've heard floating about in regards to spirits and legends, and it got me curious. This term is the Wendigo. It's basically a legend specific to the Algonquin tribes of North America. Basically, the Wendigo is a malevolent spirit creature that is created from a human cannibalising another human. So that got me thinking, there's the definite option of committing cannibalism with no actual consequences in SS13, apart from potentially being shunned IC by other people, so why not give the gruesome act a particularly gruesome outcome. The in-game Wendigo would basically have a very, very, VERY rare chance of coming about, possibly 1-2% chance, when one of the crew eats a steak made out of another crew, but only if said crew steak was made out of human and is being eaten by a human, or if the steak is made out of an Unathi and it's being eaten by an Unathi. If, and only if, the rare chance occurs, the wendigo spirit of the consumer would only come out if the consumer is killed, without it being a suicide. Of course, the consumer has no idea if they would become a wendigo since there would be no definitive confirmation that they met the chance. But, once the wendigo is created, maybe there should be something similar to that old undead surge event or whatever it was, where all the crew would feel dirty, or have a chill up their spine. Once this wendigo is created, it would be very weak to start. Similar to the vampires to a point, they would have to consume their original species' flesh to gain power, leaving skeletons in their wake. As they consume more people, they grow in power, although I'm not sure what kind of abilities a cannibalistic spirit who is always hungry would have. I imagine that one of the major things they have going for them is a far better capacity in melee combat. Maybe the ability to go transparent, similar to the vampire's cloak of darkness, since it is a spirit creature after all. A downside to this power is that the wendigo is very sensitive to light, maybe possibly to the point of being blinded by it, similar to the Shadowlings, but not to the point of being killed by it. In addition, it would be quite vulnurable to the chaplain, and most anything involving the holy, since it's a malevolent spirit, kinda like the big, angry brother of the Revenant, now that I think about it... Any ideas to help hash this creepy thing out would be very nice, although I'm not sure about how the heads would feel about adding yet another supernatural beast to a game that is generally supposed to be about surviving against the mundane. EDIT: I just heard that Goonstation has a Wendigo already, I didn't know at all, and they dont seem to have a single thing about them on their wiki, it seems. So this is still an independent thingy
  18. Better, maybe, but charcoal is the cheapest material to use for something like this. And you know how stingy NT can be with expensive materials
  19. When in doubt, get out the Chain of Command
  21. Reminds me of one of the Silent, only with glowing eyes, and no fashionable black suit... Put that guy in a fashionable black suit!
  22. Looks like my character's just going "Why does he keep doing this..."
  23. Why does that remind me so much of Hellsing... But still, that looks awesome
  24. I still say to dye Zeke's tendrils blue, they look rather nice blue. And Kasp, Phantasmic did a wonderful job on my lizard, and if I could, I would hugsquish them into putty
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