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Everything posted by Garoon

  1. It's still horrifying to imagine, hand tentacles... That would bring Adr and his chainsword running (I almost misspelled it as chinsword)
  2. The right hand looks like they're smaller versions of his head tentacles... How horrifying, hand tentacles
  3. Guaranteed to make any conversation you bring it to... heated
  4. I wonder what Jonah's times in the kitchen would look like...
  5. A little late, but that picture of Earth feels like it would be a costume from the Saints Row games...
  6. Brass knuckles on a chain? Easier access to bash some fools or something?
  7. The real question should be why is Zolt so serious ALL the time?
  8. 400 years vintage lamp just make me think of one of those genie lamps
  9. I remember this one halloween where I was the one handing out candy. I got dressed up in a headless butler outfit and sat on a bench on the front porch, still as a statue. It was so good that a few of the trick-or-treaters thought I was part of the decorations, until I stood up and politely held the candy bowl out for them. Startled a few of them quite good...
  10. Go quote it in her thread Tauka, it'll probably get a laugh at the very least
  11. Who cares what the stuffyshirt teachers think, it's damn fine art The lack of detail on the extremities are kinda strange to see though, in my opinion
  12. I imagine Churchy would leave chips of potato chips or something lightly strewn about, just to be extra annoying
  13. "Who's this Alice Peirson you're talking about? Oh, is it that one person who always sent canned speeches over the intercom?" On a serious note, welcome back. Do try not to get pissed off at the greytide, yeah?
  14. My hand isn't supposed to go there moment?
  15. It's especially fun for talking about lewd jokes Wait, no... that's the other thread...
  16. You're late, I already made that pun before you. Back in the reddit invasion
  17. It looks like he needs one of these things
  18. OH MY GOD THAT'S GREAT It's the scarf monster! Run!
  19. Just give them both bowties! Bowties are... yeah Oh, and a fez!
  20. The station requires a babysitter for the manchild command, you have been drafted for that role Church. Have fun
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