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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/16/2021 in Posts

  1. A study has revealed that journalists working aboard NanoTrasen stations are the most common victims of fatal workplace accidents
    6 points
  2. "OH SHIT SPACE ANTS" "Want me to make a grenade out of them?" yep that's me alright
    1 point
  3. You mfs talk flaming shit within my baton range actually has lore below, not just meme She likes to keep her PDA strapped to her right upper arm and wear a black security coat instead of the jacket. Also the radios are clipped to the back of her ear, not too tight though. Her rank is Cpl (Corporal) and wears three ribbons on her coat: Cyberiad Magnificent Medical Medal (ICly cannon, thanks Sophie/Edroy), Dagon special operations service ribbon (one of the 4 expedition operative to make a landfall onto a rogue planet), Nanotrasen Service Medal (every single nukies round I immediately join sec force and help command out, I assume she'd get an award for at least getting captain out of a sieged bridge at least twice). Realistically she has NSS Cyberiad and NDV Dagon (NDV because NTSS is the retired version of Dagon) service ribbon or whatever every crew/sec has when you serve on them, but she probably snatched one from NRS Orion too since Dagon practically orbits around the communication array.) Helka and Velklana version will come with some lore.
    1 point
  4. 5 star family friendly restaurant.
    1 point
  5. Just gonna casually drop this here. Hope y'all are doing fine. Didn't feel like this warranted a new notification:
    1 point
  6. Tis I once again. This time with a drawing from not H.A.V.O.C. Been spending some time in CM so I decided to draw up my muhreen (if it looks off it's because I used paint 3D for this one) And because this couldn't be complete without an appearance from the one and only I redid one of my first sketches of H.A.V.O.C
    1 point
  7. Tokorizo being the best vox bartender despite the height complication
    1 point
  8. Mime Vox is good Vox becase they don't skree they have great masks!
    1 point
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