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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/23/2018 in Posts

  1. I think a cool update would be to have fire burn clothes off of bodies, the clothes would cause less burn damage to occur, but after the clothes burn off the full burning effect takes place. This is just an Idea.
    4 points
  2. So... I was playing around with a pda server I found in a super secret location... I sent the captain a pda message pretending to be a CC Officer concerning details about a surprise visit. After this, I sent him a message from the NT Rep Sihsse Zsak (by simply putting in his name/title, etc) and I just let the magic happen. The first message at the top is from me, the rest after that is from the rep himself.
    2 points
  3. WARNING The following documentary is totally legit and official and real and if you doubt me I will start crying Part 1: Engorge(s) For the sake of simplicity (and the fact that I don't want to fucking say 'the watcher' or 'Eevee' or that other guy that Shesi thinks is talking to them over and over), I will refer to all redspace entities that have manifested and visited the NSS Cyberaid as 'Engorge' despite the fact 'Engorge' is a name of an individual, not all redspace entities who have manifested. For the sake of my sanity, "manifested" from here on out refers to a redspace entity, whether it be auditory ('The Forgotten[voice sheshi hears in his head]', 'Slade[married to kennard rose and have a happy family together/spooky skeleton man that may or may not be in space red sox]', etc) or an actual physical manifestation (e.g 'Eevee[cute dog thing], Engorge [black and red scheme guy], etc). Part 2: Known abilities An Engorge's trademarked ability is how they are able to teleport with finesse. However, it isn't teleporting in the traditional sense but rather a form of how the bluespace entity - vampire, mists. To detail, their manifestation turns into mist and evaporate into the floor, before phasing through and above the floor a short distance away. An Engorge's natural speed (or their manifestation's speed anyways) is quadrupled and they are untouchable in this state. It is unknown if their mist acts as their body, being able to harm it and it having an effect on the Engorge. But good FUCKING luck trying to hurt them because, very recently, the Engorge actually named 'Engorge' manifested itself as a dionae nymph and no matter how many times I squashed the fucker, they told me it was a MASSAGE. MASSAGE. It is, however, not confirmed if they feel pain via different methods (such as BSA or just a good old shot to the kneecap[?]), so we cannot rule out the possibility that they can feel pain. What /HAS/ been told to me before is that they are /NOT/ gods. So the weirdos who think 'the watcher' is a God are fucking lunatics and they should be shunned for thinking of such an idiotic idea. Obviously, space jesus reigns supreme. Dolts. Another ability an Engorge has is that they.. Have different 'levels', to be put bluntly. The Engorge actually named 'Engorge' demonstrated this to me when we last met. The last statement in the last log of our conversation indicates that they can take different forms when they are 'powered'. Now, prior to manifesting, the Engorge which I am talking to claims they were a wandering soul before coming across Slith. It is assumed that the 'talking voice' is a redspace entity that has not manifested yet, since Slith-Skaar and the Engorge had conversed before Slith-Skaar willingly gave his blood to the Engorge, letting them manifest. It is not clear if they had taken blood to reach 'full power', or there is another method of 'powering up'. Part 3: Manifestations It seems like Engorges can manifest bodies, and the body, after a short while, will be warped by Redspace. In the Engorge actually named Engorge's redspace warped form, they take on the body of the manifested, but the colour scheme changes to black and red. This is yet to be tested with other redspace entities for OBVIOUS FUCKING REASONS. Another way to be warped by redspace is to jump into a redspace portal. For bipedals like humans, Unathi, etc., there are two outcomes- They either die, or become warped by redspace. The only known warping is to have your skin change to black & red, but there may be other variations of a 'redspace warp'. Part 4: Redspace (portals) Redspace, with these Engorges, has been proven to be real. Containment for studying will be nigh impossible considering HOW THE FUCK WOULD YOU CATCH ONE YOU MAD MAN that they can simply mist out of any and all containment. Lockers may be useful in temporarily containing them What is interesting though, is the concept of a 'redspace portal'. According to the Engorge actually named Engorge, it is possible to use a redspace portal in the same way as a bluespace portal. There are two outcomes, like above. You either die (for unknown redspace reasons, oooooOoOoOo), or you get to your destination however you are warped by redspace. Redspace does not carry the risk of letting out bluespace entities such as vampires or actual Godly figures like Nar'Sie and such, but there is a possibility you may let out redspace entities instead. Redspace entities, although not proven to have lethal abilities, do have AND WILL UTILIZE EXTREMELY TEDIOUS ONES which I will list (but are not limited to) Fucking with you in your head Teleporting you Teleporting you through space Teleporting you TO space Teleporting you VIA space Paralyze you Combine your soul with at least 2 people Combine your soul with people. Combine your soul. Make deals with you in exchange for something valuable you own preferably your soul
    1 point
  4. @Benjaminfallout aww, it's okay. The character was around before your time, and it's not like I say his full name often.
    1 point
  5. Name: Gerhard Van Lutz @Normalyman Commendation: Medal of Loyality Reason: Security Officer served to assist the crew personnel of Cyberaid instead assist myself, Wolf O’Shaw, NTR, by escorting me to shuttle bay while terror spider code Prince was nearby. Actions leading to Commendation: From brig medical, decided to assist me by getting me to the shuttle leaving the station and keeping me safe with a little help from armoury. With the Prince was attacking the bar, took me through maintenance and pitch blackness before arriving to point B. The officer could have disappeared and assisted fellow officers and left me to defend myself.  Recommending Person: Wolf O’Shaw, NanoTrasen Representative I, Wolf O’Shaw, do solemnly swear the above account is true, made in good faith, and understand that lying upon this commendation is grounds for immediate dismissal from NT and further penalties may apply. [sign]
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. Here we have a commission for @Pokemon_Joey; E.L.O, MURA-128, Artonya, and Asrair And a commission done for @Normalyman of their character Gerhard Van Lutz
    1 point
  8. So, how about we actually use that huh? Name: Gerhard Van Lutz Commendation: Cryostar Reason: General experience in field of medicine, exemplar CMO and medical doctor. Actions leading to Commendation: years (or months?) of experience, countless of saved people Recommending Person: Xann Zxiax I, Xann Zxiax, do solemnly swear the above account is true, made in good faith, and understand that lying upon this commendation is grounds for immediate dismissal from NT and further penalties may apply. Name: Ipsum Bellus Crinitus Commendation: Medal of Bravery Reason: He does not know what fear is. Really. Actions leading to Commendation: He died propably more than 200 times, every time fighting the weirdos with guns or other weird stuff, I guess you could call that "bravery in the face of great danger". He fought them after all ~~and died~~. Recommending Person: Xann Zxiax I, Xann Zxiax, do solemnly swear the above account is true, made in good faith, and understand that lying upon this commendation is grounds for immediate dismissal from NT and further penalties may apply. Question: can we recommend someone that has no record on "NSS Cyberiad Crew Records" or bio in Storyteller club? ((For example E.L.O.?))
    1 point
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