Brig Physician
This article contains content which is no longer in the Paradise Codebase, this page has been kept for archiving purposes.
Superiors: Head of Security
Difficulty: Medium
Guides: Guide to Medicine, Guide to Surgery, Guide to Ghetto Surgery
Access: Brig, Medbay, Operating Theatre, Morgue
Duties: Heal prisoners and officers.
Departmental Head
Head of Security
Guide to Security • | Combat • | Identifying Antagonists • | Riot Control • | MODsuits • | Security Items • | Space Law • | Standard SOP • | Legal SOP • | Security SOP |
Required Knowledge
Medical knowledge, of course. You should be qualified to play a Medical Doctor. Triage and preventing death are the main goals here. Surgery and advanced medical procedures can be done at Medbay. You may be in combat. You shouldn't be seeking it out, but the ability to defend yourself with stun batons and the like is a big help.
For Standard Operating Procedure for this role and other security roles, please see Standard Operating Procedure (Security).
Before You Begin
Before you begin treating people who may very well attempt to kill you, it's important to note one thing. YOU ARE NOT SECURITY. More accurately, a Brig Physician's only job is to treat officers and prisoners. They should not be:
- Chasing criminals
- Detaining criminals
- Arresting criminals
- Processing or brigging criminals
- Investigating crime scenes
- Using weapons (unless the situation is desperate)
- Doing anything that is under the role of the Security department.
This role may seem mundane, yet is as important as a Medical Doctor. You basically have to do the job of a Doctor, yet in the brig with dangerous criminals and with limited supplies. As a Brig Physician, you begin your shift in the brig's medical facilities. You have a Sleeper that can deliver Ephedrine, Charcoal, Salbutamol and Saline-Glucose Solution. You have an advanced med kit in your hand, a few syringes labeled with their contents, a Medical HUD, a medical belt, a medical laptop, a box of latex gloves and a box of sterile masks, three roller beds and plenty of normal beds. You also have one of each basic First-Aid Kit in your locker. This is a Karma role that can be unlocked with 5 Karma Points.
Your goal as the Brig Physician is not to completely heal everything. It's to ensure people stay alive. Don't worry if they're in pain. Likewise, as per SOP you are not actually required to treat self-harmers, nor are you expected to attempt reviving them, especially if they're doing it thinking it's going to inconvenience you.
Once your patients are stabilized, verify with the Warden or Arresting Officer if the prisoner is clear to go get additional medical help in the Medbay, if required.
Since you lack some required components, you may go ask around the station for supplies. If you ask nicely, Medbay is likely to lend you one of their spare defibrillators, anesthetic tanks, or even a NanoMed Plus vendor. The chemist may provide medicine, Cargo can provide crates of supplies, and Engineering can build you operation tables, a body scanner (useful for checking for toolset implants!), and other medical machinery. Use that grace period at the start of the shift to turn your small ward into a working Medbay!
It is strongly suggested that before playing this role, you should make sure you understand every part of Medical. This role is basically a medical doctor at a specific part of the station that must do more with less.
Serve and vivisect 
Brig Physicians are ineligible for antag selection at the start of the round due to possessing a Mindshield Implant, with the exception of Blob.
Box Station Locations