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So, Paradise has been hitting high number player counts for the past few weeks now, and it's obvious that all the jobs can not contain the player count, and people do want more jobs, so I suggest this one.


The Biologist job is a mix with Science and Medical (Such as Genetics) and it's role is very much like Alien Abductors.

They cut things open, remove things and put other things in. Another place I see this going is the use of them creating their own organs (sorta like virology, you have x thing and you do shit to it to try and make it good, or bad)

Why do I think this is good?

Well, numeral uses can come out of this, not just for the faction itself.

Genetics has something else to do, giving supplies to them (IE animals with super powers).

Xenobiology can even be involved by giving them slime cores (place these slime cores at x place for x mutation).

Miners can bring home valuable trophies, giving them some nice intestines or stomach for never going starving again.

They can even assist medical.

Slot limit should be two to three.


Please let me know what you think of this idea.


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A job that is centered around creating improved organs that medical or science can later put into people to make them better? Yes, please.


This would need a lot more work on the concept itself, including properly balancing it all and making sure the organs won't create godlike security or antags, but I think this is a pretty good idea.


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Yes, that would be neat and would make science more sciency. But I think we should not make it like new job. Expand existing xenobiologist to do so. One biologist is enough to work with slimes while the second one can do organ shenanigans.

We also can split mechatronic engineer from robostist and make him work together with biologist - it would be whole transhumanism sub-department designed to improve crewmembers biologicaly or cyberneticaly.


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A job that is centered around creating improved organs that medical or science can later put into people to make them better? Yes, please.


This would need a lot more work on the concept itself, including properly balancing it all and making sure the organs won't create godlike security or antags, but I think this is a pretty good idea.


Like I mentioned, having Xenobiology included would be amazing for both of them.

Maybe having the person implanted with the slime essence do something similar to what the slimes do?



Yellow: Sets off mini-bursts of EMP's

Orange: Immune to fire/heat and pepperspray

Purple: Intoxicates the "victim" and who ever goes near them

Dark Blue: Resistence to cold

Bluespace: Randomly teleports/gotta go fast

Sepia: Slows the user down (Chance to "dodge" projectiles)

Gold: Shits mobs out

Oil: Blows up after x amount of time

Rainbow: You leave a trail of rainbow behind, or some good shit power


I'm not good with balancing so shrug

So maybe have them like make a "slime organ" which requires x amount of slime essences.


Then there's alien organs from the planets which can do shit, if you could somehow get Xenomorph organs, that'd do shit too.

Heck, we could even have experiments such as "Putting monkey lungs into vox body for breath"


And Farya, I didn't want them to be mixed with science/xenobio for the first reason I stated, however I like the mechatronic engineer idea.


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The idea of a specialized role that deal with implants and robotic augmentation has already been tossed around. I'm also sure the knee-jerk reaction to this will be "Sci buff? I THINK NOT" and it'll get immediately shot down. Though really sci doesn't need a buff, and probably will not be getting one until we have some form of control/security/scarcity with circuit boards (Unless you have no machines involved in this idea, in which case ignore most of what I just said).

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  • 4 weeks later...


maybe make this more of a medical-related job and have them fuck around primarily with organs and animals. they can use cores if the xenobiologist/RD feels like sharing, but they dont run out of things to do if they dont get science materials. that way nobody feels like science is being buffed, and medical gets a well-needed interesting feature.


i imagine the benefits'll be sorta like when the virologist or geneticists feel like sharing their hard work. maybe genetic instability can play a part in it too just to keep it from going too off the rails.


maybe those horrifying multi-species-limbed creatures can have a use now.


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Well we already have Biomehanical witch is pointless because it is not bigger then attaching someone's robotics legs or arms, and I think it perfectly fits for this job. For now it can be used that we finally have someone who have time implanting all this mechanical implants in to people, that almost none have time to, and later it can be done to implant more things you mentioned and playing with organs, but only after they code it.

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I tossed this idea around in my Sci Rework, if you want to poach some ideas from it feel free, cause that's most likely never getting done. It's in the code discussion part of the suggestions forum.

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  • 5 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Hm i think this should be added to medbay not science. Something like medical research there could be genetics, viro, cloning, even xeno. And so we do not give the Sci-Departement even more power.

Research could be done by experimenting with  and scanning of organs. I think Medbay can spare some :D. Maybe a organprinter.

If you have research the viological components you can start to improve them with tech parts. Augmented lungs, eyes and so on.

Implantation is done in medbay.

JOB ( Medical Research Department - Bioengineer / Augmentation Specialist /...


PS ( remove genetics science should be medbay only)

Edited by BiberDark
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On 9/23/2016 at 11:25 AM, FlattestGuitar said:



A job that is centered around creating improved organs that medical or science can later put into people to make them better? Yes, please.


Roboticsts already kinda do that with cybernetic implants.  They function identically to organs as far as the function of them is concerned.

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1 hour ago, Da Dman234 said:

This is over half a year old, pretty safe to say it's not gonna happen.

Don't be such a pessimist, I had similar ideas myself about what the Biology department would be able to do. Comprised of Xenobio, Xenobotany, Xenoarch, and Genetics, it'd qualify and operate fully as its' own department, a type of Science that isn't focused on research and weapons.

Honestly, I'd love to reopen the idea to interpretation, however it seems like it'd require the cooperation of a lot of people, or the organization of such, to say the least.


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Botany can be expanded into maint to contain all of the needed equipment making it a biology department, virology can also be moved there alongside genetics. I still think the department should be under joint control of CMO and RD rather than recieving a separate head.

Edited by Monstrant
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We're already looking at a cyberneticist position that would handle bionic and robotic limb / organ upgrade, implants and the like. This idea is redundant in that context.

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