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Everything posted by froz-t

  1. froz-t


    Don't be such a pessimist, I had similar ideas myself about what the Biology department would be able to do. Comprised of Xenobio, Xenobotany, Xenoarch, and Genetics, it'd qualify and operate fully as its' own department, a type of Science that isn't focused on research and weapons. Honestly, I'd love to reopen the idea to interpretation, however it seems like it'd require the cooperation of a lot of people, or the organization of such, to say the least.
  2. Instead of some shitty chem master that would eventually run out, I'd rather just have a "Chemistry Set" item be craftable, along with some methods of obtaining chemicals in maintanence/space. I disagree with the Chem Master and its' disregard for the fundamental rule of alchemy, I don't need another disposable one to be made. That said, I agree that there be risks involved in making chemicals in a ghetto manner. Hell, I'd even agree to it for regular chemistry.
  3. Ah yes, the middle one looks very Lifeweb-esque. @Rapidvalj
  4. I feel like the cap should be way lower, probably delisting at like, at the very least, 90. By the time that 120 people are on, it's already far too many, and there's hardly any more that I expect to see join via the Hub.
  5. froz-t

    Gun System

    It might be a difference in experience with dodging, because I never had any direct issues if people used it. Typically, I was promoted to stay still because they bothered RP'ing an arrest.
  6. Yes, but what is a breach to a system like LINDA? I get where Rob is going w/ this, and I think fire could use a little more...erratic behavior, making fire a much larger hazard, and making Atmos a bigger deal.
  7. froz-t

    Gun System

    I experienced Auto-fire, and it wasn't exactly as "Aim-bot" as people think. It fired at your current location, which is understandably a step up from firing at people yourself, but it was by no means overpowered. Especially when you consider the slow speeds of Paradise, it was relatively easy to dodge projectiles fired by people using Aim-Mode on you, and I typically found myself only using it for RP, to arrest people properly. It ought to make a comeback, with the use of it being to indicate your weapon is pointed at someone, but doesn't actually automatically fire at the spot.
  8. Yeah, I'll sprite them myself, I'd appreciate it if you'd work with me. I'm sure I can figure something out. I imagine if visitors to Lavaland set up camps, it'll stay relatively the same. I'll just have to see as time changes. I completely agree, it needs more uses and this would be optimal.
  9. I honestly consider this a good thing. If the system is more tricky to master, it'll mean less of a "make this, this, and this and go to Cryo" mindset, which I've been seeing recently. Besides, have you seen Mannitol's recipe? For such an essential drug, it's very simple to make. In fact, Chemistry is so straightforward, it just takes knowing the right combination of button presses in order to output the most/best drugs for the rest of the round.
  10. Yes well, that's certainly incentive to remove it, isn't it.
  11. You're not the first to think that this is what chemistry should actually be like. More involved, more scientific, and more advanced/in depth. I had plans to go into it on a seperate branch of code, maybe port it here if people oblige me.
  12. You're implementing further RNG into the game, and that isn't necessarily a good thing. I don't think combat should be primarily mandated by chance, as much as I dislike combat being mandated by "first to stun". Don't forget to mention stun weapons in this matter, because those weren't really brought up. Also, I hate to be the one to say it, but some of this shit just isn't going to be easy to implement, with all the shit that's been built around it.
  13. Medbay honestly doesn't need the guard. If antaggery goes on, it's a good thing, because it takes Sec like half a minute to respond, unless they are on patrol. That's the beauty of the design of the map. Medbay should be a vital target to hit, and hitting it should have impact. A designated guard just isn't necessary, nor a good thing, because it throws off the balance of the map. Edit: When I see complaints about greytide, that sounds more like a root problem than something solved by an extra redshirt.
  14. I see what you're going for with this, and I feel for it, seeing how I had a similar concept for a Predator and Prey gamemode, but I feel like there isn't much involvement for the rest of the crew, if they're not trying to actively hunt down some cretin smuggling a ring. Essentially a manhunt, with the payout being becoming the antag for crew, and a syndicate win for the hunter. Typically, the solution to such a problem is a more prevalent "conversion" factor, but this isn't always necessary. The only other question that springs to mind is what would happen to the "Gollum" when either A) he is captured by the crew/Ringwraiths and/or B) he loses the ring and survives the encounter. Honestly, it's going to be a very quiet and boring end to the shift if the Ringwraiths just have to get on the shuttle, not having been discovered/NEEDING to be discovered. I do, however, commend the idea of a crew member, having acquired the ring, slowly converting to the new Gollum. I think that if such a thing is to be possible, you'll need to make it either A) easy enough for any crew member to capture this Gollum, or B) very rewarding, other than some temporary invisibility. I get the references to LOTR, but I feel like some of that identical experience will be lost in an environment like SS13.
  15. Hello, one and all, my name is Frosty and my ideas are good ones. Story time! As of recent, I have been playing a character, "Donny", a maintenance dwelling tourist who has become feral and lives off of the land. Seeing how there is little land to live off to, I resort to setting up my camp in the unused public garden, setting a bonfire and claiming my territory. I am rather partial to the whole "abandoned, tribal de-evolution" aspect of my character, as well as the liberties that it entails. I'm unsure whether or not anyone will back me up on this front, but I feel like the tribal area is rather lacking at the moment. Whether referring to the crafting menu, or the options for cooking rats, I have a couple ideas that can spice up the life of maint dwelling hobos, and I hope people hear me out. TLDR: I have good ideas and want to add more tribal gear, but I don't know jack fuck about Dream Maker. I'd like to add more items to the "Tribal" section of the crafting menu, as it currently only has 4 items on it, and two of them are useless/unobtainable without circumstantial methods. I understand that our crafting menu might just have these because we ported it from another server, but I think it can truly be expanded upon for an enhanced experience. Adding some of the following craftable items/mechanic modifications would be helpful: Tent/Shelter for lying in, reveals the the lower half of a human's sprite when laying down The traditional "stick and box" trap, that you use to trap small animals/pesky intruders Pile of leaves that can be used to cover up items/traps on the ground A "Wilson" knock-off (Reference to the film Cast Away), possibly named "Milson", made using a basketball/watermelon Some form of club/bludgeoning stick, possibly one that can be held in both hands to intimidate like the spear More craftable options with wood, like full walls, full length torches, or handheld torches Make meals that are cookable/craftable over bonfires, whether it be Rats on a Stick, a Mold Ball, or else a nice Grub Burger Use of herbs/mold to make medicinal items/functional utilities, including healing salve, disinfectant, or smoke bombs More viable methods of growing plants in maintenance, seeing as the only ways are to get your hands on grass and a shovel, or stealing a planter from Botany. Some form of fermenting to make a foul alcoholic beverage, kind of like how I assume you dry leaves to make weed with the new botany system. If Rats-On-A-Stick is going to be a viable recipe, there should be more prevalent vermin in maintenance, either by some random spawning process, or else a means or reproducing, seeing how I only see a maximum of 4 rats in maintenance per round, unless someone has a spawning toy. As of right now, these are the only changes I can think of that are reasonable, but I would love for people to brainstorm with me on the same level. I understand some of these things are harder to implement than others, but the only thing I'm capable of providing other than concepts at the moment are my fairly standard spriting skills. I would commend and actively work with anyone who is capable of taking me up on such a request, because I think that aside from typical "maint-dweller" RP, these additions can be utilized in other situations, such as an antag in maintenance needing medical attention/equipment, an intense round of Nations, or a manner of decorating a department.
  16. I think they should only puke if the corpse is decayed enough. I'm sure everyone on this station would be used to seeing a dead body by now, but certainly no one could get over the stench without working as a Janitor. So...maybe make it so Janitor doesn't vomit regardless?
  17. Not sure whether this will meet a lot of controversy, but I figured it ought to be voiced, since I have experience with the topic. On occasions, I play Stumpy the Pirate, a paraplegic alcoholic who believes he's a pirate captain. The majority of the station enjoys his company, as well as the concept of his gimmick, from the feedback I've received IC and OOC. However, there is always someone around who enjoys unbuckling Stumpy from his wheelchair, and while I agree it can be really funny, if the assailant were to drag away or disassemble the chair, the handicapped player must rely on someone to take pity on them, or else just accept whatever will happen to them now, being left on the floor. Where is the logic in it, that someone who lacks legs cannot crawl/use items when they have perfectly usable arms and hands? Surely, they would at the very least be able to crawl, perhaps at a Diona's speed, and use items in their bag, or at least be limited to what they can use/when they can use them. I don't know if this would be a large mechanic to implement, but I would think that anyone playing as a paraplegic would appreciate this change. I'm not asking to remove the ability to escape when unbuckled, because obviously, having signed up with the disability, you should be prepared for the consequences. That said, I don't think unbuckled players should be entirely helpless on the floor, other than screaming into their radio for assistance. Another relevant example, as Stumpy the Captain, the bridge was isolated from Escape by a large breach in the hallway, so we set up a teleporter. I had my space suit on, but my wheelchair would not fit. They unbuckled me and threw me through, but it was uncalibrated. Regardless of having a jetpack on my back, I could not operate it, and was stuck floating in space with internals. I know that Hippie has a crawling system for people in crit, and it deals damage when they crawl. That said, if such a feature were implemented for disabled players, I don't think that they should take damage, but perhaps we could port the crawling system. Just note, I'm okay with the pseudo-stun remaining for when you buckle/unbuckle a player from the chair, that is completely fair.
  18. We'll have to see about that, it's going to take a while to figure out all the recipes I'd like to add in. You're completely welcome to make your own additions, but I'm willing to share a link to a form that currently has all recipes I have so far developed.
  19. FoS, those sprites look great. If you'd oblige me, I'd be more than happy to utilize them, especially to help with ideas for recipes. As a followup, any chance you'd be willing to help make more sprites for several other recipes? It's intended to be a rather large addition, so I'll need a lot of spriting.
  20. Since this thread is for spitballing, it can't hurt to give this forum stuff a shot. Now, I'm doing this at 4am on my phone, so don't expect the highest quality. There were several changes I saw would be nice fixes, for the better of the Cook. 1) Upgrades for the Deep Fryer: Pretty self explanatory, all that would be necessary is a Speed Upgrade, likely from microlasers. Whether or not a Matter Bin upgrade could be implemented for more room in the Fryer is debatable. Honestly, I really only need it to be faster. 2) The contraband dispensed from the Kitchen Vendor should be a tad more worthwhile: Don't get me wrong, the Cleaver is wonderfully lethal, but considering the average cook needs approximately one rolling pin to get the job done, I hardly see how two more are necessary, on top of the other two already available in the vendor. Anything would do, just...not more rolling pins. 3) This will be the touchy one, I'm sure. I'd like for us to be able to deep fry inedible objects again. Now, I know that this has the potential for being exploitable. I talked with some people on the Discord, they mentioned how food wouldn't be an issue when you could just deepfry a copy of WGW. This is definitely true, but what if fried inedible objects had no nutriment in them? That is to say, consuming them would not sustain any hunger, i would solely be for gags and getting rid of items. Obviously, high-risk items would be exempt from this. 4) As an afterthought, real bacon would be a nice addition for a recipe. Maybe I'll add it in a recipe PR I'll never finish, but it bugs me the closest we have is Telebacon. Yeah, so, those are a few suggestions I'd like to see get off the ground. I'd PR them myself, but I have no coders' experience, no knowledge of using Git, and no influence in this community.
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