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Limit on genetics powers.


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I absolutely agree that there should be a limit to the number of genetic powers a person can have. One idea that I had was to make it so that whenever someone injects themselves with an SE syringe (whether it has a power, disability, or is an empty gene) it has a chance to randomly mutate one of the player's other genes just like when you irradiate a subject in the genetics pod.


As for a limit on the number of genetic powers one can have there's a couple of ways of going about it. I could see categorizing the powers differently so instead of Minor and Major powers we could change it to a tiered system. Here's an example (not all powers listed):

Tier 1 Powers - Cold resistance, Heat resistance, Psy-resistance.

Tier 2 Powers - Cryokinesis, Remote View, Telepathy, Read Mind

Tier 3 Powers - Hulk, Xray, Telekinesis


In this way we could limit a player to having 1 power from each "tier". Antags can still get some good powers but they have to pick and choose what powers work best to achieve their goals, just like traitors have to choose which uplink equipment they want to use, just like changelings have to pick which evolutions they want, and just like vampires have a limited pool of blood to spend using their abilities.


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Just like how there's a limit of how many gene modifications you can make to plants.


I give a preemptive yes (being it sounds good on paper, but I'm too lazy to think about it too deeply and I wanna hear ze arguments and discussion BEFORE I'm certain.)


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There has to be a lot of changes to Genetics to make an tier system. As of now, the Mayor and not so mayor powers are kinda unbalanced in my opinion.


If we can come up with and fleshed out tier system, then it would be good to have one or two powers per tier. Build yer own genetic code per say like the old Virology had, stages.


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I really like how goon handles this, that is to say that each power gives negative or positive stability, and if your genes are too unstable, you mutate into a mindless mob for your hubris in taking too many.

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I really like how goon handles this, that is to say that each power gives negative or positive stability, and if your genes are too unstable, you mutate into a mindless mob for your hubris in taking too many.





I whole-heartedly agree Genetics needs some limitations, but for the love of God, please.


Do not give the RNG job RNG restrictions on how much they can RNG their RNG before the RNG kills/harms them due to RNG. A chance to randomly mutate some other gene wouldn't really solve the problem, it would just be a gigantic kick to the dick in terms of enjoyability.


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Despite not really playing genetics or really using their powers very often, I think it would be a good idea to try and make it more limiting, rather than continue to allow people to powergame with it once they find the mutations they seek.


Making it so you could only have so many genes at a time would keep people from turning themselves into mini-gods. Hell, one genetics researcher got banned twice from his job because he did just that: Abused his position to turn himself into a super human and went valid hunting. Even if they don't run off to go hunting for antags or grief, it is still silly for them to constantly inject themselves with super powers as soon as they find one, rather than a proper test subject before securing the DNA samples and handing them off to security where they should be.


A limit on how much alteration you can handle before it starts cancelling out all future upgrades would be nice.


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To be honest, I'd be happy if we threw out our current genetics system and grabbed Goon's from the open-source.

How does their system work?



It may be a TL;DR, but I encourage a full read of the guide, because Goon genetics is VERY different.

You don't have DNA injectors by default for one.

And DNA Injectors once researched, cost materials to even produce, so they don't just poop them out infinitely, meaning to spread mutations out via simple injectors, Geneticists have to continue doing work to accrue resources to make those injectors, etc.

Otherwise you gotta go the long way an splice it manually.


Also, everyone has randomized potential mutations innately, and these don't effect your Genetic Stability at all to have activated. (This is both positive and negative mutations)

The only time stability comes into play is when using injectors to give powers not already latent in their genetic code.

If Stability gets too low, bad things can happen. Such as randomly gibbing yourself.

Negative mutations like obeisty and blindness and the sort, typically make your genes more stable, while beneficial ones typically make them less stable. So you can only have so many powers without also giving a few negatives to balance out.


The guide will explain a fuckload better then me, so don't take my word on shit.


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To be honest, I'd be happy if we threw out our current genetics system and grabbed Goon's from the open-source.

How does their system work?



It may be a TL;DR, but I encourage a full read of the guide, because Goon genetics is VERY different.

You don't have DNA injectors by default for one.

And DNA Injectors once researched, cost materials to even produce, so they don't just poop them out infinitely, meaning to spread mutations out via simple injectors, Geneticists have to continue doing work to accrue resources to make those injectors, etc.

Otherwise you gotta go the long way an splice it manually.


Also, everyone has randomized potential mutations innately, and these don't effect your Genetic Stability at all to have activated. (This is both positive and negative mutations)

The only time stability comes into play is when using injectors to give powers not already latent in their genetic code.

If Stability gets too low, bad things can happen. Such as randomly gibbing yourself.

Negative mutations like obeisty and blindness and the sort, typically make your genes more stable, while beneficial ones typically make them less stable. So you can only have so many powers without also giving a few negatives to balance out.


The guide will explain a fuckload better then me, so don't take my word on shit.


This is a pretty good overview. Two major advantages is that you can easily get a few random powers but too many and too good of powers will quickly make things go badly unless you give yourself disabilities as well.


It's a pretty fun system and you can call people with rare genes down to genetics to speed up getting something like say, hulk.


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Oh. Also worth noting:

By default, in Goon Genetics, the Hulk mutation is not permanent.

It lasts a short time before wearing off, it takes some special fuckery to change it's duration.

So it'd also solve a sizable portion of "Genetics gets hulk, fucks off for rest of round" nonsense.


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if we try to implement the goon system, the extra work we have put into the current UI system (snowflake bodymarkings...) will need to be integrated into the goon system somehow.


Also, if we do have the goon system, i want the research budget thing so non-RP oriented people will see worth in it for once.


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