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Improvised Defibrilator


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We need an improvised Defibrilator that you can make by doing the following.


Screwdriver to battery,

Add wire,

use wirecutters,

Add two pieces of metal.


Has a 50 percent chance to actually revive the guy, and 50 percent chance to add burn damage.


Secondly, the improved improvised Defibrilator,


Screwdriver to battery,

add wire,

use wirecutters,

add two pieces of plasteel.


75 percent chance to revive the guy, and a 25 percent chance to deal burn damage.


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I'd honestly rather not make it even easier to throw folk back into the round.


You can literally find all the tools to make this by snagging a toolbox, taking a stroll through maint and breaking down a wall.


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No, I say make the batteries scale slightly the success rate. This seems like a pretty cool idea but make it so you have to have gloves on for it or you also get a shock and burn damage. Also forget the plasteel defib. That shouldn't make any difference.


This would be easy to code. At least until I try making the check for the user to have gloves. Ima try it when I get back


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Seems kinda pointless if I'm being honest. Defibrillators don't work unless the patient's body has enough health to not be dead. And if your in a position to heal a body back to functionality either he shouldn't have died in the first place, he'll rot before you get the supplies, or you're already in the medbay with the defibrillators and cloner.


It'd be a neat hail mary, I just can't imagine it being used all too often except by sadists. And there are more important projects the coders can be working on.


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As if death needs to be even more trivial on Paradise than it already is.



I find this ironic as you were the one that initially added in defib units in the first place.

That said, I don't really see a need for this, there are many ways to revive someone as is.


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Maybe make the improvised more of a risk to use? Since it is OP, keep plasteel, harder to get and when mining gets plasteel, competent scientist in RnD should have enough research to make one. More risk? 33% to revive, 66% instagib, no matter what damage, just gib. Should fit in nicely with SS 13 dark humor.


EDIT: After posting i started to think it would be too OP antag weapon, instagib, would be able to get person brain fast... maybe revive to 40% and gib to 60%. Just imagine, need to get someones brain, ye wanna gib him, but instead he gets up and robusts ye with a toolbox on the table...


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why the fuck do we need improvised tools that gib the innocents on failure. what is with you people and making more non-antag ways to gib corpses


do you want people to have a reason to be a dumbass? These would be able to be made by anyone again IE non-antags as long as they have materials so they can just be hanging around some dead body then purposely try gibbing them so they can pass off their dickery as a failed defib.


If you want to gib someone without traitor items use a chembomb or a gibber ffs, don't punish victims with an improvised item that is supposed to be a major help to them, especially if they can't say "no fuck off." Make it punish the USER. Make it have a chance to backfire and severely shock the guy behind the paddles or if you really want to be a cock to dead bodies just make it shock the dead guy by some amount.


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You know what would make this shine? A gamemode where all existing technology (save for cyborgs and IPCs or maybe just IPCs) on the station just flat out DIES and the crew is required to makeshift everything before CentComm sends recovery to the station. Then again such a gamemode would be tough to balance let alone code I bet. Oh well, I still like the idea of this item

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I have to agree, we don't need improvised defrib.


Though I don't know if I read this on the wiki, or elsewhere, but it'd be nifty if you could grab someone before touching an electrified door/grate to have a small chance to defrib someone just as a emergency trick (or, you know, rogue AI).


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The way Defibrillators currently work makes it quite overpowered to have an improvised Defibrillator.

It would effectively take away medicals Job to actually revive and help people and I seriously dislike this idea.


Our medical system is not going in the right direction to make it a balanced thing to add.


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