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Malpractice bay 2.0 or WTF are you doing with my organs?


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There are more combinations than you would think, made more extensive when going through the ribs or skull as there is an additional branch, so to speak, in the steps.


Limbs and lower body; sure it might work as only after using the retractor that it branches out to single limbs and one branch after the main.

After pulling the skin layer away:


  • Bone repair, veins, foreign objects, organ repair, cavity.

  • Organ removal:

    • Select organ.



Then standard wrap up for each.


Ribs and skull has an additional main branch:

After pulling the skin away:


  • Fix veins, wrap up.

  • Bone repair, wrap up.


  • Organ repair, cavity, and foreign objects.

  • Organ removal:

    • Organ Select.


    [*]Bonerepair with additional step

[*]Then wrap up.



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I'm sure it might be for the overall better but this would be like chemistry dispensers already starting out with advance chemicals/medicines ( in terms of lost fun/magic).


Not even remotely.


There's hardly any skill to surgery at the moment; it's still a pre-defined set path to follow; the fact that you can branch off and perform multiple steps at once doesn't make you more skilled, it just makes your more knowledgeable. Ultimately with the old system vs the new, there's really only one major difference of something that's impacted: time--with the new system, you'll likely be spending more time doing a surgery, but it won't be any less "skillful" than it currently is.


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As someone who much enjoys spending round upon round sitting on a chair, waiting for surgeries to perform, I can agree with Fox.


There is no skill inherent in the Surgery system. It's a series of steps which, so long as you don't move, and you do them on a surgery table with the tools you have, cannot fail. Personally, while I did use the whole "multiple surgeries" thing, it's still admittedly a blatantly ridiculous thing if you think about it. I do not, personally, mind the "one procedure at a time" thing.


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I didn't claim, or intend to imply, that surgery is skill based.

Just that I and others have fun with what it is currently and worry that it'll get stream lined to something completely different...or maybe I'm just too nervous about change.


I just feel like this wont go so well during a crisis, especially if it takes even slightly longer..

As to how well it'll compare (in game) will take time and to notice something someone might not have foreseen if any.


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It'll certainly take some adapting to, of that there is no doubt.


However, as others have pointed out, the system can always be expanded upon later. For now, focus on getting a non-oh-god-what-the-hell-is-this organ code. It'll be rougher around the edges at first, especially for people who were used to the old system, but it'll most likely lead to a whole neeeeew wooooooooooorld of possibilities.


I, for one, am excited to see where this may lead.


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This whole thing strikes me as the spitting image of the discussion to toss out the Old Xenoarch code to implement the new mining, or swapping in new virology. Yes, it might be difficult at first but modularity and simplicity on the back-end means more possibilities in the future. Who knows? With a new system for this stuff you might be able to make the surgery function or feel unique depending on the race involved.

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Yes, it might be difficult at first but modularity and simplicity on the back-end means more possibilities in the future. Who knows? With a new system for this stuff you might be able to make the surgery function or feel unique depending on the race involved.


That would be nice and my mind is already racing some ideas that get me excited :




    Kidan : You have to saw through the exoskeleton instead of scalpel and bones can be repaired externally ( or hell, maybe also to even apply touch medicines).


    Slimes rarely gets operated on but all you need to do is scalpel past the "skin" layer and then shove repair kit into the core ( or hotwire an organ). I'd say to compensate on it being more direct and faster, the tools get slippery, an increased failure in future surgeries/tools through slipping. Fixed with a simple wash.


    Vox bones are light and porous requiring extra delicateness and time for each bone repair step ( or an increased chance of bones re-breaking) and additional damage if misstep.


    Unathi : Extended scalpel time due to scales and saw due to their bone structure or needing to apply fix-o-vein twice in the upper chest.


    Grey : Extended brain repair due to size and complexity as well as mouth/throat due to the mucus ( or just everything head related).


    Tajarans/Vulpkanins require a shaver in the operating area?....

    Oh no, what have I done!


(please don't take this as a way of 'balancing' races).


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That would be nice and my mind is already racing some ideas that get me excited.


And Dionae will still never end up on the operating table! xD


They may have organs but I've never had one be damaged, I believe, other than the time I got brain damage from someone hitting me with a super potent mix of toxins. I guess their organs regenerate damage too, and they have no bones to speak of either.


Only surgery I can really think of that's worth doing on Dionae (outside the anti-antag stuff like pulling thrall tumors) is to re-attach limbs, which can currently be done by absolutely anybody by just laying the Dionae on a table and then clicking the on them with the limb while targeting the appropriate area.


As for a new surgery you could add to them, there could be something like surgery to remove absorbed Dionae Nymphs (as far as I can tell, currently the only way to get a Nymph out is for a player to take control of it and leave the body) or possibly even harvest something from Dionae bodies that would be the equivalent of a brain, Slime Core, or Positronic Cube that you could use for a Race-appropriate cloning, such as taking them to the gardens or hydroponics and then planting it so they will be "Cloned" as a nymph, or at the very least be coned via plant-pod rather then traditional cloning. Makes no sense for them to be cloned the normal way, after all, since their bodies are not made of meat.


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Yeah I find it on the side of ridiculous that you can literally shove a limb back in and it's all dandy.

With the new surgery, I now hope that gets changed ( unless robotic) to require at least minor surgery, like fix-o-vein and then cauterize.


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Yeah I find it on the side of ridiculous that you can literally shove a limb back in and it's all dandy.

With the new surgery, I now hope that gets changed ( unless robotic) to require at least minor surgery, like fix-o-vein and then cauterize.


For Dionae, this actually makes perfect sense since they can heal from almost any injury just by being in light and have no skeletons. Just put the pieces together and they should heal on their own.


For all the other races, however, it makes no sense at all. (except slimepeople, maybe) You should need to set and bone gel the bones, Fix-o-vein the blood vessels, and probably use retractors or such to pull the lims to the body before finally closing up the wound with a cautery. just feels silly that its actually WORSE to have your arm broken in an explosion than it is to have it completely blown off


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A little buggy for IPCs [spoiler2]not that I expected differently :^)[/spoiler2], but all around still doing good so far.

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the new Diona organs seem to be functioning a bit different than the old ones. Will have to test further to confirm. All I know is currenly Diona eyes actualy take damage while welding, where they didn't before. Also for some reason they couldn't implant me as a Diona.

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