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Gateways's NPCs


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Gateway's npcs.  Right now they have unlimited ammo to their gun and yet we stuck to having a limited ammo, I know that they fire slowly but if they had a SMG gun then there no way that you can even peak to shot due to the SMG 3 round brust make it into a steam of hail of bullets not allowing you to even try to shot back.


I just want to get a Feel on the whole player base if they want to keep it as if or change it.

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With body on rolling chair trick, it's really easy to deal with those NPCs (except Russians, because you can't get gun from that gateway). Making NPCs having unlimited ammo will make things much easier and there's will be no challenge at all in gateway. Just imagine they're carrying ammo pack with them.

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Now I'm having a question, why syndicate terrorists dropping guns from "Wild West" gateway, but russians in "Russian Station" don't?

Edited by SideCat
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44 minutes ago, Rumiluntti said:

russian station is piss easy

Except for gateway noobs like me

I think that's part of the thing here is there is certain players who have seen every gateways dozens of times and no exactly what's in them and where and how to deal with it. Then you have people like me who are new to gateways and pretty much die in any of them you are capable of dying in.

The noobs feels like they are too hard cuz they haven't learned how to deal with them yet and may feel they need to be easier cuz of that...but then they'd be even easier for the vets.

I don't think they need to be easier, just noting that I am in fact a noob at them. I've literally yet to see the same gateway twice.

If you think about it that happens with almost everything in the game. Antags. Jobs. "I'm new at this and it's difficult so it needs to be easier" meanwhile the people who have done it forever make it look easy. Everything just has a steep learning curve.

Edited by ZN23X
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Well,   I'm thinking for the noob gateway player, right now they don't even have a range weapon too they kill a npc that drop one or request one from the warden... nearly all the time the warden will say no.

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The gateway missions should be difficult, and hard to survive.

It's something you're going out of your way to do. Most gateway missions provide you with ranged options inside them anyways, and even if they don't, it's very simple to just cheese the mobs as others have mentioned.

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Yeah... the types of gateways that have the 'harder' mobs to face are typically the gateways with the larger rewards to them, even then they are pretty easy to take out if you play it correctly as well, they are like braindead monkeys who only have one thing on their mind, shoot directly at person. Past these guys or even if you kill them there is typically loot they drop you can use to face future types of these foes from range yourself with ease.

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I mean... I wish they had HARDER and more life like AI, but we make due with what we got :) I wish they were smarter and acted like people, had a random chance to charge you for melee combat instead of just shooting and hiding perpetually, or spider wise giving it a 1/4th chance to swerve to kinda make it seem like they are dodging and so on and so on. There's certainly a lot of room for improvement for the NPC Simple MoB AI. 

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make the IPC's smart based on the Gear you have, like, a russian engaging a guy with a c-20r and a elite hardsuit is not really realistic at all, then , we could make the NPC's flee next to other of their type based on your gear, so, if you have alot of good things they will fight you on 2x1 or 3x1 for example

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