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Station/environement/hazard penalties for bad hygiene/cleaning


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As you all undoubtedly know, the stati'ns hygiene isn't often put on the highest priority. To simulate more the importance of actual good hygiene, I would suggest some things to perhaps be changed or added:


Currently there is a score penalty linked to the amount of UNcleaned tiles. This means that somewhere, if I am not mistaken, the amount of uncleaned tiles is registered. It would be nice if there would be an increased risk of infections spreading, the biohazard event increasing in frequency.


I would also like the more deadly diseases come up more often. The jungle fever one, I haven't seen in action ever, for example. This would actually render the janitor's job more important. Currently it's more about an environement being pleasing for the eye than the actual hygiene that the janitor is called. 

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If I read it correctly, the recent blood refactor means that blood can actively have viruses that can be spread from coming into contact with it.

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6 minutes ago, Shadeykins said:

If I read it correctly, the recent blood refactor means that blood can actively have viruses that can be spread from coming into contact with it.

Blech :C Gross!

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On 2017-07-21 at 10:32 AM, Landerlow said:

I would really like some clarification on that :))


It would be really neat if it was already in the game. And if not, for it to be implemented.

@Fox McCloud I forget if your blood refactor removed the property entirely (because it was defunct and not working) or changed it so it's now viable.

Does blood on the ground carry pathogens now?

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I would love to see the kitchen get a lot of hygiene checks. Things like working with dirty hands, leaving food out on the ground, working on dirty floors, and keeping perishables out too long should affect the chef's cooking. Food served from a dirty kitchen would have a chance to give food poisoning, toxins damage, or vomiting.

This is an idea that's come up in discussion before; a minor antagonist that either feeds off of, or creates, filth and trash. My idea for them is an unidentified lifeform that works to build a nest in maintenance, then goes out and feed on trash and filth while leaving slime behind. The slime is toxic, and will give small amounts of toxins damage to people that walk over it. Using the nutriments from the trash and filth, the lifeforms would upgrade their nest, corrupt the surrounding area, and create more lifeforms. The crew and the janitor will be pressed to keep the floors clean, or risk a full blown infestation of toxic slimeballs.

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If I read it correctly, the recent blood refactor means that blood can actively have viruses that can be spread from coming into contact with it.


This was fixed, then promptly removed, actually, and it certainly wasn't all blood. It was only blood that you extracted from someone, put in a beaker, then dumped on a turf.


Hitting someone to generate blood on the floor wouldn't trigger this...likewise, even if you dumped blood on the floor (as above), then stepped in it and made blood trails with it....you still wouldn't have any viruses in the blood trails. It was explicitly only blood dumped on the ground.


Either case, viruses were refactored to be more sane---they are now handled entirely on a mob instead of a discrete controller.


Dumped blood infecting wasn't worth it to keep, and expanding the system to work with all blood would have been incredibly costly (500-1000 blood decals all processing to check if they can infect someone in range).

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Roaches on tiles with vomit or dirty plates, spreading around, low chance of slipping on a tile covered in blood or vomit while running over it, overall dirt bonus for spreading infections, toxins in food and people will make sure there is no mess around. (I want to believe so). Also janitor job should be a job for two, even without other changes.

Edited by McRamon
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It's a good suggestion but like the most gorey of antag rounds and the lack of people cleaning up messes would kinda make this overkill on the crew.

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I think the issue is, per what Fox pointed out, the behind the curtain processes involved in making this happen aren't worth the amount of performance it consumes. More processes running = more potential lag. Always something that needs to be taken into consideration when adding things to the game.

Edited by ZN23X
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The thing is, biohazards might be easy to cure, depending on the biohazard, (virus) BUT, the frequency of the biohazard event could increase if the station was messier. It's just an if (dirty tiles) > [number]

then : Biohazard chance = (perhaps a multiplier linked to the amount of dirty tiles?)

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