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Everything posted by Viz

  1. Light mode user detected. Doomsday device active.
  2. So do I, but I am considering the average person who needs this guide is nowhere near confident enough to not panic while trying to keep someone stable.
  3. Ah then yeah. I agree and I've said that before, IPCs have no use for an emergency internals box like the others. The fact that they get one is essentially a free bonus so you can help others.
  4. Not entirely sure I understand what you mean by this. Fleshy people easily can and usually do since they got newcrit. But if we're considering a special autoinjector, yeah that wouldn't really work for an IPC.
  5. Actually forgot to refer to this. First of all, revive drops cuffs, so that does quite significantly change the dynamic, because a reviving cling can and will overpower an officer given the chance, if they're the better spaceman. Second of all, being dragged to the cremator gives other clings an opportunity to save you, like the cooperative antag they are. SRing or decapitating clings immediately upon capture cheats them of their entire revive mechanic. The SOP clearly states they are to be cremated, so presumably they are meant to be lifeforms that can regenerate from anything less than that. It feels incredibly gamey to do something else due to game mechanics working like they do. Clings are weak, their abilities generally suck in comparison to the other antags' analogues, and they're meant to make up for that with persistence.
  6. The fact that removing a cling's brain somehow stops its regeneration is pretty weird. On many other servers you do in fact have to cremate them (like you are supposed to here). Feels kinda exploity that you can just decap, especially with some officers LITERALLY CARRYING CIRCULAR SAWS OR SR PILLS.
  7. Mhm! I wish that was something that players and admins alike paid more attention to. Because as everything that we let gamers exploit, it is something I keep seeing more and more often. And it sucks, because it really is just a play to win mentality. And I say this as someone with crew antag off most of the time.
  8. I don't even understand why that's acceptable. A lot of sec players nowadays don't even bother morguing, they keep everyone in execution just in case. It's becoming meta. There is literally never a case to do this, even if medbay has been proven to revive antags that round, because you can simply destroy EoC bodies via the crematorium, which is both more permanent, and actually makes sense ICly. And preventing revival with more than a DNR tag when such a thing isn't even proven yet fits the definition of powergaming like a glove as provided by the advanced rules - "Playing to “win” should not be done with the exclusion of all other considerations". So I really don't want security to get basically an ok to do this in the form of brig doc having morgue trays.
  9. Viz


    Presumably they have a cooldown, and most of these storage areas contain mostly multiples of the same object, and basic objects probably would be worth almost nothing, also it'd be super obvious and immediately get sec on your ass. Though I do wonder still what Coca has to say about it.
  10. Viz


    It's you or me man... Hold this L potato.
  11. What else are you even going to do with the first 30 minutes of a brig doc round? This would just remove the delay on the brig doc cryoing which normally happens 1h in right now. Again, that setup is what's fun about the job. A blood pack crate is easily ordered from cargo - order that instead of ordering a surgery crate that contains nothing cargo can't print, medbay has like six anesthetic tanks and masks in areas you have access to. So is a vendor, actually - and cargo can print you boards for that, too. If you just want stuff delivered to you, you can do that. Medbay starts with FIVE defibs, not counting CMO's personal high-risk one which nota bene you could ask for aswell. They only reasonably need four of them.
  12. Further negating the need for roundstart tools. IPCs simply do not have a reason to own an emergency internals box to begin with. The fact that they spawn with one is already free unneeded stuff. They do not breathe.
  13. Epinephrine does not do what you seem to think it does. It can't even take you out of crit if that crit isn't caused by oxy damage.
  14. Yeah not sure about always keeping people alive when they need surgery. If you got ample time to revive them and they're majorly fucked up, it is not infrequently better not to desperately struggle against death while their 3 IBs rapidly make it harder or impossible to do. Very much so a case by case basis thing.
  15. Oh hi :) Remember the wiki is a great resource for new players like you! Don't worry about people calling you a baldie. :)
  16. Viz


    I would also like to add that regardless of what happens I WANT to see that hot potato spell in the game in some way. Can people pass it to each other or does it prevent that after first pass? Just the idea of a bunch of seccies passing each other a primed explosive in a panic is hilarious to me.
  17. Setting up the brigbay is what's fun about the role for a lot of brig doc players including myself.
  18. Viz


    This is REALLY interesting. Looking forward to how this idea develops.
  19. Hostile architecture PR. Like those awful anti-homeless spikes but for bridge hobos.
  20. There's a perfectly fine morgue in medical and antags should have a chance to come back. If you need them gone gone, cremate the corpse.
  21. Medsci remap but actually merged. Brig is fine.
  22. It's healthy to let your clown outside once in a while.
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