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Posts posted by Rumiluntti


    This could be later expanded into full blown Pimp-my-Robo -job.


    Diamond encrusted golden spinner rims for janiborg?! Turn your lame ass IPC into Bling'a'tron 9001 and see him whack the peasants with his new ruby nubbed pimp cane!


    Too bad I can't code or sprite.



    Ew, so what would Radium taste like :^)


    Salty I would imagine.


    No, a better question would be 'What does Gibsmoke taste like?'




    what does pure THC taste like


    What does pure psilocybin taste like


    what does pure LSD taste like


    -Somewhat bitter


    -Pistachios nuts, oddly.


    -Metallic or bitter



    I studied this shit and this is how I use my knowledge.



    Racial traits are a pain in the ass to balance.


    Some race gets ability x, people start to play it for the ability x.

    People go nuclear over how OP ability x is.

    Admins and coders get grey hairs.

    Admins go "ooga booga"

    Coders go "Beep boop, time to code"

    Race gets nerfed/ability x gets removed/ability x is changed in some way

    People go nuclear how shit SomeRace is now that ability x is useless and bad and literally Hitler.

    Everyone is saltier than Poseidon's armpits.


    Vox leap that gave aggressive grab was best, give back. Is balance, yayayaya!



    I observed everything from the tile ripping part forwards.

    I almost turned into a physical manifestation of pure confusion when I cast my eyes on the HoS ripping floor tiles wordlessly while atmos tech is chanting curses at him with the rage of a supernova. Decided to keep an eye on the comedy gold that is presented to me and was not dissapointed.


    It actually took me 10 minutes to find out what happened and another 20 minutes to ask everyone again if I understood correctly, my tiny mind was bubbling with confusion.

    And yes, HoS believed a confirmed traitor so much that he decided to toss the naked atmos tech into the same permabrig cell as the traitor.


    To be honest I have made stupid shit almost like that when I have been drunk/tired as hell...


  5. Clown prank #18 break into HoP office, activate the disposal unit and turn the pump off. You know have a clown nest where you can HONK your horn until you are found. This may take anything from 5 seconds from a competent HoP to 30 minutes of HONK infected frustration from entire command staff.

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