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Posts posted by Rumiluntti


    i have this scene burned into my mind when i was playing as a blueshield.


    The detective suffered some minor wounds after cremating a ling and the captain decided to give him a medal for personal reasons.


    When i walked into the captains office with some personally heated coffee on a plate, i saw the captain strip off the detectives clothes just to put on a medal.


    But for my blueshield character, it was out of context, he left the coffee on the table, said something and then left.


    adding this will make things a little better in general.


    "Time for your reward, bby."




    "Take off yer jeans so I can pin this medal on it!"



    Voice chat as only form of comms?


    God no.

    I would totally make a overly sexualized female character and use my normal raspy voice just for shit&giggles. I wouldn't even try to hide my accent.


    I don't want to hear the neckbeards rustling, Dean pls no.


    Also, forcing voicecomms and controller while trying to not appeal to casual gamers.

    That's like trying to shoo away clowns with bananas.


    I want it to be good but this gives me the spoops.



    Discussing anything important in IRC is just silly. It would be like this:


    NerdmanPro666: Gibe IPC layzer eyez pls.

    @BigShoeMcTurds: datz stoopid


    ***@BigShoeMcTurds quit (Read error: you can't read lol)


    SlowpokeMcDongs: @NerdpantMcDoodoo Ayy you ping me 5 hour ago, what was?!?!?

    SlowpokeMcDongs: pls respond

    Greytidewurldwied: !admin

    Greytidewurldwied:: !status

    Greytidewurldwied: !notify




    NardmanPro666: Gibe IPC lazzoreye pls i didn't see what responed becuz i went 2 play CS and drink energy drinks my mom is buy.

    ***@BigShoeMcTurds ([email protected]) joined.

    @BigShoeMcTurds: wut I miss?

    Dudeman: nuthin'

    @BigShoeMcTurds: k

    *** @BigShoeMcTurds is AFK



    If your detailed fax is not getting a response, it's either:


    a. We missed it, the message about incoming fax stays on the screen for about 0.2 milliseconds when Greytide McShitface goes on a rampage and geerates metric fuckloads of logs. If you think that happened, just toss us with ahelp "ayy fax sent, mon"


    b. There's nothing we can do about thing x you faxed about. We rarely send "Mr. Funtimes & co" to "re-educate" shitters. Your fax might be a factor when we decide the level of ERT we send when one is requested. I have sent AMBER level teams when half the station is overrun with cult just because the request message was so shit, "halp us." does not really cut it.


    c. We all assumed that Tully ninja'd the fax at the millisecond it was sent and already has a 2000 word answer ready for it, while in reality he is AFK. Therefore we just forget about it.



    You can always Ahelp if you feel like someone is being a massive dickbag, we will then report back to you with "solved".


    If he is not antag, he gets told to stop being a dickbag.

    If he is antag, that's another story and depends greatly on the situation.


    Self antagging is against the rules, admins are here to stop that kind of asshattery. Don't fear to ahelp.



    What the everliving fuck.


    How would this improve the quality of anyone's rounds?

    What's the benefit of all this? You can print out ridiculous numbers of tools if needed, it's not like they are forever gone after the greytider pockets it.



    People who break space law, KNOW they broke it, KNOW you caught them red handed, and yet scream bloody murder when you arrest them. And then proceed to whine in LOOC.



    Oh i do to see if i can get away with it and not be jail and play all the cards just to get free. :3



    I have a tendecy of banning LOOC whiners, I would not do that.



    -Vox scream opera in escape shuttle

    --Vox scream opera in front of bridge

    ---Vox scream opera in front of NT rep office

    ----Vox screaming opera on this same plane of existance I happen to inhabit


    -People that toolbox someone to death for "He punch the other guy and i went help.".

    --When the logs of said puncher man shows only disarms.


    -People that decide you are the bad guy that needs 9001 cases of disarms because you are security and dragging some screaming asshole to brig.


    -Shitters that go on a powertrip for finally unlocking head roles and get dissapointed that we do not allow them to play out their comdomancer power fantasy.


    -Shitters that decide to play pets and drag around random shit you drop.

    --same shitters that cry via ahelp when I mercilessly kick their corgi ass.


    -People with patience and attention span of a ferret on meth when you attempt to explain to them how to do shit x they asked about.

    --same people when explaining the rules to them.


    -Rule lawyers. "Hurr durr, i don't think it was excessive to welderbomb bar becuz barman told me to fuck off. i want apology for this bwoink."

    --The shitters that say "I want to speak to headmin!" when you explain how they broke rules.

    ---The shitters that say "I want to speak to a REAL admin" to trialmins.

    ----The shitters that say "Your are not even admin, stop judging me." to mods. Seriously, that is maybe the worst way to respond.


    -Shitters that think they can make you mad after you bwoink them. Why?! Why is this a thing? "don't do that please" "U WOT M8 FUG U I DO WAT I WANT UR NOT MY MOM!"

    --shitters that get mad over you giving no shits and increase their typing speed to maxium overdrive in attempt to spread their salt.


    -People that try to lie their way out of bwoink. Stop wasting everyone's time, lying to me just turns that potential warning into a sure ban.


    -People forgetting that admins are humans too. We are not professionals trained for this, we are not customer service, we are not robots.

    --People that think they are a customer of some sort and that they deserve our respect after acting like piles of shit. Act like shit, get flushed from server like shit.


    -People that attempt to justify their actions in game with some IRL reason. "I have ADHD, I can't read rules." Too bad, take your time and come back when you have accomplished it.

    --People that try to milk us for pity. Yes, we are human, not stupid.


    -People that give too many shits about the game.

    --People that give too many shits in general.


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