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Posts posted by Rumiluntti


    as HoS: draw out a simplified version of your hostage rescue plan to get it in your officers heads


    as librarian: draw unspeakable things


    as chaplain: make your own talismans!


    as mime: draw the location of a dead guy you found


    as CE: make building plans


    Haha, yeah right.

    Let's be reasonable here.


    as anyone: Draw dicks and leave them everywhere.



    Birch sap is just somethign I use and it's traditional thing in finnish mead making, gives the mead a soft and fresh taste. Feel free to use something else, water-farinesugar-lemon peel mix is a decent alternative and more commonly used.

    When making blood mead I'd suggest to aim for sweet mead as the blood tends to turn it somewhat salty and metally, sweetness helps in masking that aspect of the taste away and bring the more desirable flavors up.


    Bird blood is very salty according to my knowledge, I tend to use mammal blood only. Deer is a good option, forgot to mention it. Slow boil method has never failed me in sterilization standpoint, seems to work and has been done that way for ages.


    The recipe I got from my grandfather, batshit insane uncle recommended it to me too. Never question batshit insane finnish woodsman that lives in a cottage in the middle of fucking-nowheretopia, atleast in drinking related things...


    Made a fast googling myself and yeah, not a lot of info about this avaliable. Guess the tradition is dead.


    [EDIT] Ukon Vakka is being celebrated in about a month from now. Still plenty of time to get ready!



    Make mead from birch sap, it helps with covering the metal flavor of the blood.

    You need to have the mead in the last stages before you sieve it when you add the blood. Consume the mead after 2 days of preparation or it will taste horri-bad.


    For every 5 litres of sap you want to have 1 litre of blood. 1:5 ratio. I suggest using reindeer or moose blood, if unavaliable use cow blood. They have a sweeter taste compared to pig blood that I find to be foul tasting crap.


    Heat the blood up in a wide container with low temperature, keep stirring it constantly. You don't want to burn it or let it clump up. If you feel it burning (bottom of the pan is coarse) you fucked it up, get rid of it. Heat it until you get first few big bubbles and remove it from the heat instantly.


    Stir it away from the heat until it no longer bubbles and just steams a bit.


    Add blood to mead and put it in fridge to cool down, remember to keep the pressure low or you have some cleaning to do. This kills the yeast and you can sieve it away in the next day, the yeast will be dark but don't worry.


    After you have sieved away the random flakes and yeast, you have a brownish-red liquid to horrify your friends with!


    The exact amount of sweetening you need for the mead changes depending on the blood you use, taste it before making your mead. Birch sap helps but it will not magically make it great if your chosen animal had shitty feeding habits.


    Go into the closest birch forest with your friends, make a fire, get a container that has never met the lips of a mortal and fill it with your mead, toss it in the fire so that the container breaks, praise Ukko, get wasted, wake up 200km from where you started to drink, laugh about it for years, ????, PROFIT!



    ... Should we not just deal with the person directly, should they grief with it before round end, instead of completely disallowing people to bring their creation to the shuttle.


    Seems like a slap in the face for any good roboticist, to me, whether or not that they're in it.


    Your creation has no function in the escape shuttle and you shouldn't be in a mech as a robotisist anyways.


    Is it possible to make shuttle floors to wreck mechs that step on it? It is next to impossible to remove a mech from shuttle without killing bystanders in the process after all.



    There is no reason to have a mech in the escape shuttle and all I have ever seen them being used for is to drill windows, block hallway and to be a massive ding-dong.

    We could make it happen IC with changes to SOP.

    I have no idea if it's doable with some mapper magic, I'm no coder.


    End the mech shittery!



    Nobody gets a chance to react when nukeops make ther alpha strike. If they decide to jump in your general area, you are fucked.

    AI is no different in this regard, making the core safer with shutters and stuff would make malf mode even more annoying than it is now.



    Blood mead . . .? I am not sure you and I share the same idea of that . . . please explain.


    Mead that has boiled blood as an ingredient. Tastes like blood and kisses from angel 10/10.

    Nobody does it anymore, it used to be a drink for celebrating Ukon Vakka.


    Ukon Vakka is an old-as-dirt tradition where you go into forest and get drunk as hell while praising Ukko and end the day by sniffing fly amanita dust. Only this way will your crops be good, your lands untested by summer frost and your wife stay somewhat tolerable.


    Hilarious stuff.



    Sec officer 1: Guys... I just saw SOMETHING... it looked like a man and I think.. my god!! It lives of blood!

    Sec officer 2: No way! Are you fucking crazy?! Theres nothing like that!

    HoP: Thats vampire just get a fire extinguisher fill it with holy water and spray it everywhere good k bye


    Medium RP pls



    That's high RP. I do not want to re enact complete plot of The thing every damn ling round, hell no.

    We have the "crew knows all antags" just because "lel vampires r fairytale and not real guise!! ((FAIL RP FAIL RP!! I'M REPORTING YOU TO FUN POLICE!!!!!))" gets really old REALLY fast



    Because generally speaking everyone likes the Captain, he gives them ID changes, authorizes stuff and shoots the bad guys whenever they try to take the bridge.


    everyone likes the Captain


    U wot m8? Most of the times crew would thank the syndies for removing the comdom.



    Traders worked better than raiders.

    I beg to differ, Trader rounds were so boring half the server would up and leave during them.


    Raiders is a round of undergeared nukeops with ridiculously hard objectives sent in to station for validhunters to murderbone and then brag about their ebin frags.

    I admit, I had multiple rounds where I was "Wut, it was trade round?" at the end, rarely got bored, station is a sandbox.



    Wizard also suffers from this problem, with rounds usually ending early due to people being 'friendly' wizards and getting lynched for it, though that's the wizard's prerogative, mostly.



    They deserve it. You are given a godlike mayhem-machine and you want to go to a tea party? Get toolboxed to death.


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