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Posts posted by Dumbdumn5

  1. First week of April, all should be relatively good, cold weather's dying down and such, some plants coming out and giving me allergies, should be alright. Relax, feel good ya nerd!

  2. As a maint dwelling space asshole, I absolutely adore new maint, it's big and open, and it's about exactly what I was looking for in terms of a good balance between maint and station. There are a few random rwalls and windows that could probably be fixed, but otherwise, I really like the expansion, especially the more dilapidated bits that remind me a bit more of the maint bar, and I can only imagine the shanty towns that could crop up in the new rooms. Overall, hell yeah!

    • Like 2
  3. It seems more as if both sides are being a bit hostile and biting at this time, what with the rapid responses and such, stick with evidence based arguments and talk about the issue at hand. Ad hominem won't solve anything. Both parties are regulars and have presented what appears to be a legitimate concern, let the argument go along without hammering at it. Keep things civil and respectful, calling things a tantrum or just flat out off the wall isn't any way to calm things down or keep things from getting any worse. Blunt language and generally tossing out insults. Utilizing the forums for a complaint is not a major issue, the issue is primarily in the verbage of the argument and how heated it's getting, as with the old PHP board. Please, remember that there's likely more to each story and explanation will be given with time and though. Do think prior to posting and make sure the criticism is constructive and well worded to suit the topic.

    In short, argument should be taken down a notch and relaxed a bit from the rapidfire posts being exchanged.

    • Like 4
  4. As a senior admin, the most discussion I really manage to see is on the github, and as I'm not heavily involved in the github or coding, especially the decision part of it, it's not my place to speak. Though I will say that by the presentation of this argument, there's definitely something that things should probably be reworked, a bit more open, or at least identified as a problem if this turns out to be an issue. I've seen a number of more interesting PRs in limbo or shut down for reasons that weren't ever really made clear to me or, seemingly, the public. Feedback and criticism should likely be applied before the denial of the PR in a list of grievances style, perhaps.

    I do understand that there are likely a number of reasons, as Lightfire's brought up, for things to be kept behind a door or two. It's just the final sort of bit involving the PR shutdown  that I believe could definitely be done better.

    • Like 1
  5. Abominations.dmi









    Stool Atronach


    Skeleton Salad:


    Skeleton Fawkses:








    Hardhat Engibot:


    Cuban Pete Bot:




    Beepbot (Knife Legs):



    Old Mech WIP:



    Not signed in




    Not signed in

    Gateway Trophy






    Not signed in


    • Like 2
  6. Could tie this into your NT relation, making opposed far more likely or able to receive more violent objectives with skeptics being less likely or unable to receive violent objectives, though it might be better as a preference if added. As a pacifist nerdmin, I would like to see this.

    • Like 1
  7. It just looks a bit off, nearly skeletal or anorexic to me. For other reasons stated far more elaborately above (spriting work needed on your part and future spriters, awkward and unnatural positioning, etc.), I'm heavily against this change and would prefer that the sprites be left how they are at the moment. It simply makes new content harder to make in the future and looks strange compared to the standard, what would be male sprite.

  8. Jay is obviously going feral, look at that squat. The robot hands are obviously intended to scare the baby, making it gain character. Hats and Masks make the character, in the event the primary is gone, try for an alternative, I'd say try the wizard hat, but that comes with a beard.


    Well I got asked to show off like a bastard and I suppose I've got to oblige, here's all the sprite's I've got in my custom folder, barring fluff items, of course, WIPs included, send me ideas, the well can get dry sometimes!


    Dark Souls Armor Sets:


    Elite Knight Set:


    Voxxy Elite Knight:EgSctf3.png

    Knight Artorias:




    Random Unthemed Suits/Costumes:


    Pod Pilot's Hardsuit Idea:N1oBxzB.png

    Duck Suit:CIaDA64.png

    Rusted Suit: 1pWoMdq.png

    Cult Hardsuit: NsXWala.png

    Vintage Style Sec Uniform/Helm/Vest: MtFplwZ.png

    Not Super Fat Unathi Sec Suit: cVBk1YC.png

    Stool Armor: zojP9c0.png



    Bike Suit Bonanza:





    HATS! (And Masks):


    Seal Hat: BG0qXbg.png

    Corona Australius (or something like that from TF2): PgOigqA.png

    Some pyro hat from TF2: swWPQz3.png

    Grey Gas Masks: hNITvJ3.png



    Death Cult:


    Cultist Armor: RGQZ8qu.png

    Wraith: pA6ClYw.png

    Juggernaut: lVlmOPh.png

    Harvester: bbEJxHa.png

    (To ADD: Sword, Bunch of bone runes, the necronomicon, lazy atm as it's pretty late and I ahve homework right after this post.)



    Power Rangers (Well, not quite, it's completely bootleg):





    APLU S.E.A.L.Y.:



    There's a bit more that I'm worried I might not have time to add, but these are all the worn sprites and only three of the bunch of mob sprites I've got, be ready for a bit of an update whenever I decide like this deserves one.


    PATCH 1.0 - Removed spoiler tag spam

    PATCH 1.0.1 MORNING UPDATE - Adds Seal Mech


    • Like 2

    I'll state that I am entirely against any implementation of naming rules aside from just offensive ones or body part names. That said, I understand that the community wishes to see that the names are the real issue and to some, break immersion just by existing, even without appearance or action behind it. I don't and will never understand why this is, but as it is this way, I'm not entirely certain how it's going to work out. There are ways one can stumble on to a famous name, the more simple the name, the easier it is to fall into it and be accused of something that not even you were aware you had been referencing. The chances of such a case are slim, but something I dislike having to do in the first place. Similarly, the practice of forcibly removing the name of some people with long-held reference named characters, regardless of their character building or the actions portrayed by them that may not have even come close to the manners of the original characters. Previous examples of this have been Bulma Briefs, who didn't have their name taken away, but served as a good example of a reference character that was interesting and provided roleplay to the server without constantly spouting memes or mimicking the original character. Similarly, a body part named character, Hughe Jass, acted fairly competently and grew a bit of a group for a while that actually did quite a bit of good for the interesting environment on the server, even so, when his character name was removed, I haven't heard from them since, they took it a bit harshly and, unless I'm blind, they haven't come back since its removal, and that group has since disbanded. The latter is the situation I would like to avoid and prevent from occurring again, as, even if the player continues to play, it'll be hard to reintroduce yourself to each and every person you've met, especially if you had a behaviour that would be portrayed completely differently by a new name.


    Contrary to popular belief, I don't believe this is a necessary step in rooting out behaviour that genuinely detracts from the server. The behavior that comes off as memey and cliche is usually the thing that impacts immersion the most, not somebody's name which should be adapted to within the first few moments of conversation. There is a suspension of disbelief that must be held to understand the game at its basest level, or even attempt to immerse yourself at all within it. For all the chaos and the insanity around the game, I have a hard time believing this is truly the only or one of the major issues regarding RP in its current state and things that detract from the MRP environment.


    I honestly want to believe that things will be enforced perfectly without fault in the first bits, taking out names that are only blindingly obvious and not removing any more than they have to, but I'll fear the first week or so of adjustment time where people are still testing out how deep the system goes and whether or not it's going to do anything to fix the issues we hope it does. I don't want to deal with, now likely multiple 'Hughe Jass' situations for something that doesn't fulfil its expectations, and so I have to worry that we're potentially punishing a group for not doing anything terribly wrong in hopes that we might get a result that serves to better things to a minor degree or moderate at best. It won't be Earth-shatteringly difficult or impossible to enforce, no would it be in its effects, but it's something I find personally uncomfortable in that I'm sticking the hammer straight into somebody else's business when they're not acting maliciously or in a way that heavily damages the server atmosphere.


    It is, however, very likely that I will be wrong, and that things will go on as normal for a while and we'll find something else to root out later down the line, as issues in the past have shown this to be the most common case. Regardless of the outcome, enforcement should be applied as evenly as possible, and if there wasn't a no option, I'd vote for the main cast of popular fiction to apply limiting modifiers so as to not catch people in an odd situation where the player learns of their own 'referencing' as they're being PMed for it.


    EDIT: Hell's bells, I didn't even know Chron still played here! Hadn't seen the bastard in ages! Point still stands that it royally sucked on the enforcement side though.


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