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Posts posted by Dumbdumn5


    I must agree with what's been said prior, roleplaying a job instead of roleplaying a character is no good, and a mechanical lockout of knowledge is bad for a few reasons, one of which is that it completely stifles anyone new coming in, and acts as a physical and immoveable "NO, you CANNOT do this, not even if you try to" rather than the "You SHOULDN'T do this, but if an emergency happens you are allowed to TRY". The problem in limitation stems from people who will start off trying out a whole bunch of new fields, or suddenly jump to another section just to learn how that one plays out. It ruins the discovery aspect of the whole thing more than the wiki does by pretty much telling you, "See that job over there? You can't learn how it works because your character wouldn't be able to make such a jump." It's a roleplay feature, yes, but it's not very fun, as most things that lock you out of something aren't fun. It denies somebody the job mobility they might want.


    What about the job lockout system with the knowledge implant thing suggested above? That's a bit worse, mostly considering we have ghetto X systems for the entire purpose of being a makeshift surgeon or a mock-knight, maybe a musician with a makeshift guitar, why would your characters, all of them, be able to know how to craft these things, some of which don't even have that much of a purpose? It's more of something that's fun than it is something for roleplay, and that's not necessarily a bad thing.


    For both of the above, you have to ask whether or not they are the right amount of or the right step towards higher roleplay that seems to be all the rage, and is that implementation going to be better or worse for Medium RP, which is trying to find a balance along the Low-High RP spectrum that fits. How does it benefit the idea of Medium RP, being able to roleplay, not having to be good at it, not always having to be consistent, and generally having a good time while portraying a character in the world.


    (To answer Doukan, Medium RP, it's a wide spectrum and the thing flickers from higher to lower, but only if you squint a bit.)


    I believe a BestRP style just-for-show system would be more beneficial to the idea of roleplay, a visual aesthetic, or maybe something with minor stats, like a character trait, than can have a small debuff or buff, nothing large, and not many points, just something your character would be good at and poor at to add a little variety without pigeonholing into a certain job or flat out locking things down.


    On Medbay, I agree with the views of StubbsPKS, as I've played an MD almost religiously for a few years, and while I'm more often than not a civilian due to job lockout, I manage to find myself behind the medbay doors more than once per shift. Medical is in two binary states, swamped and not swamped, and it changes drastically. You go from engineers without their gloves being shocked to five or six corpses outside, half of which can be defibbed and need surgery on every bone possible, two of which need cloning and the full mutadone mannitol treatment as well as finding their clothes, ID, and other belongings, and one that's an SSD that you have to spend a minute or two dragging to cryo.


    That's about all the time I've had for writing and such, best of luck! Remember, I'm just stating opinions, even with the giant purple textbox, just think about it like the rest!



    Considering the low cost and high power of the emag, not sure it'd be a good idea to, at least in this state, have the ability to control the entirety of the synthetic crew for the cost of one item. Getting the first few is hard, but get enough 'thralls' and you'll end up getting most of the rest.


    As it stands, I like where IPCs are, as they currently seem pretty well diversified from the human races with nothing too strong that isn't offset by something equivalent in weakness or sometimes even greater in the case of the EMP. EMPs, being kept in place as a serious side affect (Be it death or major discombobulation), can now be completely mind controlled at the cost of 8 TCs, still 2 telecrystals lower than the standard mindslave implant, and that's only if the traitor uses the EMP flashlight, which they could negate with the instant stuns we have and mindslave somebody for the price of 6 TCs, enough to get 2 sets of noslips and military belts, or an ecrossbow, or a revolver, or a chainsaw, etc.


    This isn't to say that no change can be made to IPCs, just that, in their current state, they seem to be the most diverse of the bunch considering how much snowflake coding goes into them. Adding more interactions between IPCs and other traitors is good, though the suggested idea of adding emaggable mindslave-y interaction is sort of odd considering mindslave implants comparatively cost an arm and a leg, and are not reusable (You get a box filled with a single implanter already loaded with one mindslave plant for 10TC, non-reusable compared to the 6 TC reusable emag.).


    I want to write more, but due to school, can't do so, I'll try to cover arguments about the diona more particularly due to how relevant they seem to discussion, though I'll probably spend some time scrolling through the other pages to see what else has some hubbub about it.





    Maybe this is all just due to a lack of communication about etiquette or what's considered acceptable - for instance, a non-antag civilian knocked down an officer, broke their hand and ran off with their taser - I ahelp them, wait fifteen minutes, and they're still doing the same greytiding behaviour... does that mean I can't ahelp them again? I know Paradise's admins are more keen on issuing warnings and leaving some margin for error, but what's the policy on someone who receives a warning, waits a few minutes, then starts doing the exact same thing again? To put it more frankly, where's the line drawn between 'helpful' and 'tattling' when it comes to sending ahelps about someone who actively disregards the rules after being warned?



    I can't say much on my thoughts on sec without sounding like a broken record, but you've pretty much said exactly what I've thought for a long while.


    As for the ahelping bit, now that's something I can answer. We don't often get a massive amount of ahelps, just a few massive cases across the round. There isn't a limit on how much you can ahelp, just make sure it's important each time, especially if the guy's a repeat offender and he's still being a bit of a dick even after he gets a talk. Tattling isn't a thing as far as I'm concerned, helpful depends on whether or not it's against the rules or seems like fishy/greytide behavior. Punishment is harsher for repeat offenders, especially within the same round, so don't worry about things ending up the same way twice in a row.


    Thanks for asking, actually, first time I've seen that question.



    I'd like to ask, what aspects did you see go away or plummet? It seems like every time somebody ends up jumping ship there's never much of a discussion on what aspects, just that there are some. You've been here a while, so it had to have been something serious to go on and do something like that, the only problem is I can't try to fix it if I don't get details.


    Was it an issue in the theft, the lack of an admin acting to prevent that theft, or a culmination of issues and this was your final straw? It's no help in keeping quiet, as it only makes things get worse through inaction.


    It sucks to see you go this way, good luck. I don't believe by any means the admin was in the wrong, and lag isn't really something we can control, though it does bite ass.



    ...but I am not talking about listening to everyone at the same time. Just to take stuff into consideration do something like brainstorming and come out with best idea altogether as one damn community.

    I agree entirely, though I can say the focus on races for so long is starting to derail things, or at least make it seem entirely centered around one or a set of changes. the scope looked to be more to voice your opinions on everything that might be going downhill, for you and for others. There's a lot more people have to say in here, but it's crammed inside of responses to one recurring issue that's got multiple stab, puncture, and slash wounds. Death and coming back is an issue with how they're able to do it so quickly and easily, though it does make a traitor's job take a bit of skill, maybe some thought, or a colder heart to prevent that.


    PS: Thank you, pretty much the last 3 to 5 posters, for trying to bring things around to what seems to be the original point, that which being to discuss opinions on everything that could be discusses and to come out with an answer as a community.



    Back on the main track, by way of heading towards server problems involving mechanics as I believe the point of "furries" and vulps has been discussed to death over the last 3 pages and admin processes were apparently nailed according to previous posts.


    Mechanically, we're currently stagnating with the feature freeze preventing any of the fun changes from being implemented. For the most part, it's nothing but bugfixes and refactors. We can't do much to get things out of the freeze as administrators, as that's the job of the maintainers, but as far as suggestions go, we should hopefully see a massive influx of feature PRs right after because everybody is so sick and tired of the number PRs. So we've covered races and making them unique, we could do that, get some ideas going first. Vulps have had ideas for either a speed buff with an appropriately sized damage vulnerability (it'd have to be large as speed means a lot in combat) or a scent thing, much like the noir glasses, but on a long cooldown or with an inversely detrimental debuff. Skrell could have more of an aquatic theme or something in-game relating to their water breathing, for instance, they might be able to make a ghetto helmet out of duct tape and a fishbowl then fill it with water for air. Give science some more incentive to slow down and have to discover something by implementing more of an actual R&D system involving more trial and error rather than a definite set of objects to cram into the box and max everything out in five minutes with a bit of prep time beforehand. The tesla could be nerfed in power output, again, or become more dangerous as the Tesla grows in size, making the engineers have to worry about setting and forgetting the PA. Make things more dangerous by offering more opportunities to get damage from more sources, the place is a deathtrap, you're NT's property, and can be replaced, so naturally, much like public restroom TP, no expense is spared. That's about all the time I've had before I've had to head out, best of luck with the rest of the discussion.



    I would love this however im not sure of any fully functional build-and-save code but I could be wrong. I know there is some rudimentary code at least but when I last looked into it I was told you would still need to manually map edit any saved map to be functional upon the next use.


    Still, having ANY constructions savable would be absolutely amazing, hell you could have an entire player made main station once one was built well enough.

    Nope, there's a tool in build mode that allows the admins to save any object as a txt file on their computer, they can then load and apply that template anywhere, it's mostly for structures or larger areas. It's possible!



    It's not just /r/ss13. It's the ss13 community in general that feels strongly about furry-oriented content, Fox, and vulps. Tons of servers restrict non-humans as heads, and on some cats and lizards are valid to kill at all times. The community in general also thinks paradise is worse than it used to be.

    I don't believe it's fair to call it furry oriented, as there are a number of other games that do include races of animal-people-things that aren't pandering by any means. The Elder Scrolls isn't a furry enabling series when it has the Khajiit, or lore about snake people, and nor is ss13 when it has seperate animal hybrid races that don't really do anything to look like some nerd in a suit. There are actualy differences in the code for most of the races, they're just generally more subtle, I would prefer adding in the necessary wirecutting of gloves and shoes for them to be worn, as that was a small detail that at least added to the immersive bit, though I can understand how it was annoying to have to do it to everything every shift. Fox is an opinionated issue, as it's a love, hate, or apathetic relationship. The important thing to recall is that the personality and the coder must be split at some point. As a person, he's enjoyable to me, though as a coder, I disagree with what he finds necessary in terms of balance, features, and priorities, though I may not be a coder. Vulps aren't just Fox's baby, they are a race suggested and sprited by FoS, one of our longstanding community members. They intended to make them varied, but many of the features, like so many others, haven't seen the light of day, and they stand a taj reskin. As to why para doesn't and has never allowed or encouraged the lynching of or placing restrictions on a certain race is because of player interaction with the game. It's intended that the player has their own agency, and can do mostly as they please, so long as it's within the rules. Genociding a race is something that's generally griefy or unfun for anybody but the genociders, and restrictions on jobs, though they might add roleplay options, are limiting to a degree that doesn't seem right to put on people, nor do I think we'll do it in the future, as we've not had any of these restrictions for so long.

    I have an extremely difficult time taking you seriously, because you play your fursona on paradise. At it's heart, ss13 is a roleplaying game. You're not roleplaying here, because it's just you in a fox suit. When people are playing themselves, or mary-sueing up a storm, there's gonna be more drama because you're irrationally emotionally invested.

    Are you claiming that his argument is invalid because he plays a hybrid race, making a point about mary-sues and playing oneself, or a hybrid of both? I find that it's actually better to play as yourself if you like, so long as that character fits into the world provided. If you talk about yourself or modern day happening in a game taking place in 2560 on a research station filled with crazies, then that's not roleplay, but if you put yourself in the position of somebody on that station employed by NT, doing a job there, that is roleplaying in every sense. You may not be somebody else in personality, but in circumstance, occupation, and knowledge, you very well may be.

    As far as why we shouldn't have human reskins, it's because it's just worthless feature bloat. If you take the time to create unique art and lore for a species and they function exactly like humans, it's wasted effort because there's nothing meaningful there. In theory, unique roleplay could bridge that gap but we already established that you're not roleplaying and thus are part of the problem. There are a ton of people who just play their fursona which is just as shitty roleplay as people playing a human with their own name and personality. Granted, the latter has less fetish connotations, but it's a close enough comparison.


    I agree with you in that adding random races for the sake of offering them is relatively meaningless without supporting their existence with lore and features around it, though I disagree that the effort is meaningless. The race is there, it exists, and it can be changed to be more interesting over time, the problem is getting the talent to do it and getting the right ideas. While I dislike focusing on game balance, races are very important things to keep in check with one another, making them all human isn't the way I want that done, though it certainly stifles a lot of ideas for changes. If you want to see it done successfully, check out the most recent slime person changes PR and see how controversial it was and what changes had to be made prior to its creation or the drask PR

    (Major Slime changes https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/3487 ) (Drask https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/4187 )


    As for the roleplay argument, attack the idea, not the player, you continually bring it back to how they're not roleplaying, rather than arguing about what is roleplaying. You can do the latter without the former and still make the same argument without trying to rag on theirs. As for the fursona bit, I don't care if they play a blue man from Space Australia fighting for space rights with a leopard g-string and laser tits, so long as they make it work, it's good with me. Fetishes and such aren't allowed on the server, as per the strictly enforced no ERP rule, if you see them faffing around, don't just rant about furries ruining things with their fetishes, tell an admin that Joe Shmoe is getting his rocks off with Sally or Joe #2 and we'll deal with it.

    If you really care about having your fur/scale suits, make them actually play differently or stop pretending it's anything but catering to a fetish.

    The problem is, currently, that these races don't play massively different, you're right, they have minor stat differences, Taj are weak to heat and can better handle the cold, they have claws that do bleeding damage and they have low light vision that allows mesons to give them essentially night vision across half the screen without any light, they used to have the glove and shoe snipping I mentioned above, which was a decently cool thing as it meant they had to play the character more as that kind of race. Same goes for Unathi, claws, low light vision, heat resistance and weak to cold, they get really slow when that happens. Both have to deal with carnivorous diets, they don't get nutrition from non-meat things, iirc. Vulps are basically the same as taj, so the argument for them can be connected to those. As for the Skrell, they have issues handling alcohol, with the lowest alcohol threshold in the game, they can easily get drunk and that could be used to your advantage as an antag. Kidan can't wear glasses, can eat Diona nymphs, and have natural armor that's higher than any other race in the game. Those were most of the animal hybrid species I could think of, sorry if I missed any.

    There's a difference between being an inclusive server that doesn't discriminate, and a server that specifically caters to a minority of their players. Paradise has crossed the line into the latter, and it's sad to see.

    I don't believe this to be the case, mostly because it implies that we have done nothing or very little to serve the majority of players and that we've focused entirely on the minority, as you've stated clearly above. This is not the case, as the PRs prior to the feature freeze were mostly tweaks to jobs, bugfixes, mouse hats, cloning fixes, mob refactors, so on. There hasn't been a slew of race changes or race additions all focused towards adding to the current "furry" races that would support the minority that can be heavily inferred by your previous statements. As for policy changes, many of the recent policy changes have been securitycentric and wholly focused on SoP, while the rules are currently under complete revision from Tully primarily, though all of the staff members are to contribute and nothing is passed without majority or headmin agreement.
    People seem to have a dislike for balance these days, but I remember the times two years ago when races were "unique". It sure was fun chasing down the endless stream of shitler slimes that vent crawled through the station naked cutting themselves. And oh boy, it's certainly very balanced for Vox to leap around the station. Balance may take away some of the "fun", but it is necessary to give every player (including humans) a fun time.


    You're 100% presenting a false equivalency. Vox, IPC, diona are all unique in roleplay and mechanics. They all have significant strengths and weaknesses that change the way they play. It's not easy to make races unique, balanced, and interesting, but it's also not that hard.

    Balancing races is difficult, not because of the coding skill required to do so, but rather the effort to push it through the worries of the maintainers and through the community's general opinion. There was a time where we could merge a number of things and peel them back if something messed up or people didn't have fun, but it's to the point where there has to be an order and things need to go through a series of background processes before they're given to the general public. In addition, coming up with a buff or nerf with a respective counterweight is something difficult to do because you have to take into account the people playing the race, the antags playing against that race, and the situations presented in the game, and it's not easy to think of all the ways the race would interact with its surroundings, as things in SS13 are, as always, not predictable.

    Human, Skrell, Taj, Vulp, Unanthi, and Kidan only have a handful of lines of code other than naming changes separating them. Granted, mammalian races are a bad idea because you can't do much with them but for an amphibian, reptilian, and an insectoid race you have thousands of species to draw from for inspiration many of which have bizarre physiology. People have made suggestion threads to improve this, and they fell on deaf ears.

    I've mentioned the subtle buffs and nerfs above, though I can agree that many of the suggestions created to change these into more serious differences have been shot down for seemingly bizarre reasons or logic that appears to be broken in some manner. I'd love to see more done to improve these, but again, as said above, community resistance is difficult to overcome, and coming up with the idea to create said difference is no small feat.

    Edit: Because I've talked way too much about lazy species code, Why is the Tesla engine not removed, and why do you have baby's first atmos now? Ss13 is a disaster simulator, and you've dumbed down the avenues of disaster significantly with a braindead easy engine and significantly less dangerous atmos.

    The Tesla is under discussion or was under discussion a while back about nerfing its power input significantly so that another power source (solars or the turbine) would be required in order to fully power the station, as the Tesla is a low risk, high reward system in its current state, as for atmos, ZAS discussions or increasing the speed of LINDA has been prevalent for much of the time, though I'd leave it up to the server host, headmins, and maintainers to determine whether or not it's right for their plans or if it's going to be hell on the server. ZAS caused serious issues with the server in the past due to how rapidly decompression was occurring, especially during explosions. As for atmospherics, I'm not well versed in that field, so it's not for me to judge, though I have heard the setup at roundstart requires no modification.



    Let's not forget the reason we are here: to play a game, and while the dedicated volunteer work of the admins and maintainers is VERY appreciated, I think they often forget that the players are the lifeblood of the game. Without players, a multiplayer game is just an empty skeleton of code and tears. And I feel that players should be part of the loop in major decisions that affect the server.

    Only going to say six words about this one. Thank you for bringing it up. Wouldn't believe how much I rant about this.

    I'm going to extend this to server development, where I think transparency and player feedback are severely lacking. Sure the maintainers are great, and sure they have a much greater understanding of the limitations of the engine and various performance issues it has, but it seems they often forget games are made to have fun playing, and a lack of transparency doesn't help. I feel extremely discouraged to develop content for the game, when, often my own PRs or those PRs of other developers are shot down by maintainers even with overwhelming community support, or shot down with little feedback other than a nebulous "it was discussed", or at worst even a literal "lol nope". I've seen many great PRs that have died recently and in the past few months due to similar reasons, and I honestly don't feel like committing to hours of work to create a feature only to have it briefly and vitriolic shot down.

    At least vote numbers, maybe a discussion on what was discussed so at least the playerbase can argue the facts or the flaws of each side and make a convincing argument. Would be a bit better, can apply this to administrative decisions as well, although posting the rants we do might not be the best idea, as everybody up there writes in text walls and speaks in hands.

    And sure it's not reasonable to involve the community in every discussion on that subject, and that players don't have the technical knowledge to be involved in all code discussions, but it is way more hush-hush than it ought to be currently. And again I realize this is part of that "rift" where the average player is misinformed, but I feel as if even just basic justification should be required when denying features and such.

    As I said above, would be a hell of a lot better with at least a vote number or general arguments thrown out by both sides of the coin so that some discussion can happen instead of being shot to hell.

    I kind of have a neutral stance towards the way administration is handled really. My experience with Paradise staff has led me to believe with certainty that they are the most objective and most understanding of any admins in the SS13 community, and certainly the least overbearing or powertrippy, but they are still regular people and can and do burn out, and they are still admins so they can still be threatening, due to the absolute authority and power they wield.

    Speak of the devil, there's a thread in the min section talking about burnout right now, in summation, it says don't work too hard. Also, thanks for the compliment. Not exactly the most threatening people though, I should really post or have Tully post his video of all of us playing Secret Hitler. Hopefully not the one where I ended up bugging out and being able to see one other player's hand.

    As an example, I think Tully is an amazing example of what an admin should be, and have had nothing but positive experiences with them, but I was still miffed and terrified after coming back to being AFK as Warden to huge font 30 bold red italic text screaming at me to answer a seemingly trivial question. I understand the reasoning behind it, but I was still terrified I was going to be banned for not being able to answer a question due to being AFK. And I totally get there were probably hundreds of factors behind it, such as extreme multitasking and burn out, but it still scared me shitless. So yes admins come off as a bit overbearing at times. It's kinda like the police, I love the police and fully support them, and totally get the shit they go through every day only to be hated by everyone, with the sole intention only of protecting people, but even the most polite officer will scare the shit out of me if they're questioning me or treating me as if I might be in trouble or something. Even just talking to officers gives me an adrenaline rush, although most of that is due to media hysteria. Same with admins, most of them mean well but whenever one bwoinks you you can only assume the worst.

    Don't assume the worst, only ends up preventing good things from happening by taking a few risks. Also, the mins are actually less into banning people than they were, there are just more vocal people complaining about it I hope, most of the time I see people warned over getting banned outright. On top of that, Tully text scares the shit out of admins too, it takes up the full text box in a split second.



    As more things have been posted, I am compelled to post, firstly, to sate Arthur's curiosity, I was raised up as an admin in a low admin high pop setting, I often feel that I'm not doing enough or I'm being unproductive if there are not at least 50 players relying on me, and it's much better with over one hundred, but that's because I'm a masochist and I like to talk a lot. Admin burnout is always a possibility, on listed you burn out from doing too much, on unlisted you burn out from doing too little. Even admins used to be a thing back in the day and they focused on doing in-game events while stepping in to admin rarely, there's an invisible line nowadays, where most admins are kind of able to tell which admins fit where, I do mostly events while Tully ninjas all of my ahelps and mhelps (he has since he was a mentor, took my job!). As for msay, I am a major supporter of giving them a chat in-game, as each chat adds more and more of a bond between the mins and the mentors, I want to know who I'm trusting with answering questions, not assume they know how to do it and leave them as a distant personality off doing something on their own while not even cracking a joke about it to me or discussing something entirely unrelated. Hell, I don't even get to hear gripes!


    Sweet spot for admin:player for me is 1:50, mostly because it was, again, something I developed with, though if we had rev in rotation, we'd need the full team to even be able to get through, and barely.


    As for Doukan, I admit, there is less danger, but to say there is no danger isn't entirely true, there are still a number of antagonists that can affect the normal crew, vampires, cults, changelings, nuke ops, wizards, blobs, xenos, etc. The one thing that can't quite get the danger in there is the most common one, traitors. Security's power is something I've been working to check, most recently there's been a thread I created about ideas for checking sec power with a few lifted antag restrictions or other similar procedures to better try to get sec and antags to fear each other rather than sec rolling over the common antagonists. A traitor should be able to 1v1 a sec officer with at least a 50% chance of winning. Instant stuns are something that are something I somewhat dislike, but the most problematic for me it the fact that security can effectively stunlock a player by repeatedly batoning them or tazing them, making most antagonists unable to face them unless they have a large amount of cover and the ability to run faster than the redsuited sec officer behind them.


    As for hugboxing and atmos, atmos first, hugbox second, atmospherics isn't entirely useless. There are still plasma fires, there can still be butter walls, the only issue I see with atmos is slower decompression, and it wasn't changed to make the game easier. It was changed to get the server to process things more effectively and for testing with new gases/liquid flow. As for the hugboxing, I'm not entirely sure that the entire game is devoid of ways to robust players effectively, if that were so, memechems on their own probably wouldn't exist, much less a number of changeling abilities, antag stuns, instant gibbing, brain destruction methods, etc. There are still plenty of ways to die and be harmed, the only problem I find is that we may be focusing too much on trying to balance the game without determining if the game is fun or not. I will admit, due to rules over mechanics, you are far less likely to die, as mentioned above, I am currently suggesting changes to antagonists and security to better make the round involve more than just the red and the currently, mostly dead.


    To answer your last question, admins are both DMs and there to ban the tide, it's a mixed role. If you have one without the other, you get either very boring rounds, but grief free, or chaotic grief filled rounds, but at least it might be interesting if you live long enough to experience it. When it comes to the topics you've listed as non-rule related, explosions are a bit of an issue due to destruction of the station, and without much of a purpose to it, bombing a maint tunnel isn't something you should be doing. They may not be asking just to see if they need to ban you or not, they might be asking out of curiosity or a desire to understand what made you do a certain action. (Beating a dead body to death might depend on a case, recently there'd been a medic gibbing bodies for meat, one of which was an SSD victim who had their body destroyed before a min could revive it. The other one was likely curiousity over the stamp, or asking why you'd broken into a secure area to get something that might be relatively powerful, hence wanting to know what it was going to be used for.)


    It'd also be cool to post the ban appeal section on the in-game warning rather than the out-of-game login screen.


    Players not using ahelp is likely a combination of all the reasons listed above by any of the posts discussing it, though it'd be good to use ahelp more often than not when it comes to seeing behaviors.


    Back to what Alex has said, I myself echo his thoughts, I'm generally oblivious to many of the issues presented, and take this for a good way to express and understand some concerns.



    I've said my piece on my beliefs over unlisting, the stagnation and potentially even worse consequences it might bring, so I will refrain from repeating myself. (I understand that the purpose if the original post was not entirely about unlisting and its properties.)


    My worries are that the staff and the community is beginning to have a disconnect, if they don't have one already. We've recently had people leave, saying that they had negative experiences with the staff or the server, and it's somewhat terrifying because it seems like nobody on the staff, including myself, knows what drove them off. Normally we talk to the players enough to where we got an idea of what everybody thought. I think we still do that, and it might be that those that have said there's no communication were in some state where they couldn't reach us, but what if they weren't? Is this a genuine problem, do we stay too silent or ignore too many complaints on server direction without enough reason? I don't believe so, but that's because I'm on staff, and I've participated in a number of threads by voicing my opinion and hopefully contributing to the discussion. I do hope that the rumored disconnect is something that isn't there, as it certainly wouldn't help in terms of getting things done.


    The feature freeze, in my own opinion, was one of the worst things to happen this year, as I enjoyed seeing feature PRs over balances and bugfixes, although I can certainly understand why the maintainers would want time to take a look at the mega PRs coming in, or solve issues. My problem is that the issue count seems to have been just barely reduced, and that many of the bigger PRs are still in the works months later. I'm not on the code side, so I can't see what's gone on over there, but if they coders say that they think it helps, I'll have to trust them on it, personally.


    The banning policy is something I don't enjoy, but I understand it, there are sometimes too many cases in too little time with too few admins to handle each one at the length one should, though at that, there shouldn't have to be that few admins at any time, aside from the graveyard and morning shifts. My own problem arises when the practice is carried over to situations where you could talk to the players some more, it's slower, but a better result can come out of it, and it feels like the issue has been resolved for good rather than just bandaged up with a permaban. Still, I don't think it's power-tripping as much as I believe it's related to the policy in place behind it, which encourages more permas than we used to apply, likely resulting in the issues in the bans, ban appeals, and admin complaint threads. (For sake of Da's curiosity, only 3-4 of my bans have been appealed.)


    As far as events go, whenever I'm on, I slap down a few random objects or creatures for the sake of making things a bit more fun or interesting, though the problem is that I'm not on as often as I hope to be, mostly due to school and family having my ear for the whole day. Can't say much more on events because I've simply not seen enough to talk about them, as I'm usually one of two or three admins on.


    For the topic of perceptions, I've heard that the admin team looks intimidating or something about the team looking far more overbearing than we're trying to be. I don't know if I should attribute this to rumor or general consensus, as having been on the team for so long makes me look at the people around me and think that they seem to be perfectly fine, there are those that makes events for the short term enjoyment of the players, some of which will be remembered, those who make policy changes, affecting the style of the gameplay in the long run, those who run the backend, making sure that we're even standing, and those who manage the positions, making sure we're all in the right spot. Even the mentors, to which a thread from the old ancient days when the server was created and dinosaurs roamed about says aren't staff, are staff to me, as it seems they should be. It might be a thought process, have we created an us vs. them vibe somehow without even knowing it? I've also heard the phrase that "a few admins are ignoring problems, and because they are in power, a problem doesn't exist." Is this true? I don't believe so, mostly because I've seen the issues at least discussed, though I have my doubts as everybody may.


    There are some issues, I know it, the only problem I have is finding out what the big ones are and how we're going to need to tackle them. We need community help because the staff is a close system, we're often not able to tell you all that happens on the back end for sake of keeping our privacy intact, and we can't really hear what you guys think without having to be in the right place at the right time on the public discord for a discussion or being friends with a few players, most of mine who don't seem to say too much about their opinions outside of the game, and many of which I don't speak to OOCly, though I may wish I did.


    Hopefully, we can get some layout built up here, then plan procedures on how to act in regard to that problem. Everything can be fixed relatively simply, the only problem is find out just the right thing we need to fix to get the ball rolling.



    If I could say anything oocly outside of what Doukan's already said above, I couldn't.


    As for IC, I'll miss dicking about with Tristen, thanks for the laughs, the roleplay, and being the rolemodel. Wish I knew what pissed you off specifically.



    A cryosleeper in permabrig has already been shot down in another suggestion, I'm pretty sure.
    Yup, kind of sucks too, since, yes because, "it's basically the same executing, why do you even want to go there in the first place if you're not going to stick with it?", even though it's very likely that after 20 minutes you'll start to regret your decision if you've not got any entertainment or visits, so it'd be natural to want to head to cryo rather than stick about.


    Other than that, I personally love permabrig because I used to end up in the even smaller one all the time and had a whole bunch of fun messing with sec because of the arcade machine rewards, speaking of which, add the prize counter to perma, it's not fun holding a bunch of tickets and have nothing to do with them!


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