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Everything posted by Dumbdumn5

  1. All of this. Also, in terms of IPCs not needing to eat, humans won't die if they don't eat, they just get slow, same with IPCs who don't recharge at APCs. IPCs get both more brute and burn damage, immunity to oxygen and toxins. Be aware that the two most common damage types are brute and burn, the third being oxygen loss, and fourth being toxins. The vast majority of all weapons you'd use to kill somebody easily beat IPCs without any trouble, faster and easier than a normal organic race. Lethal supervirus diseases aren't incredibly common, and when they do spring up, virology is a fairly easy task if there's a competent virologist aboard, which there isn't always. EMP lethality and weakness to incredibly common damage types are a necessity for their boons. Lack of breathing and sleep/stun chems, and everything else mentioned included, IPCs are still weak to explosives, fire chems, death sprays, acids, and aren't stun immune, which, using soap, banana peels, buckets filled with water, space lube, etc. can work for ghetto stuns. If need be, I'd ramble on about this topic all day and night, but in this regard, I think it'd be best to quote properpants and say . Simply put, it'd be best to leave well enough alone, there are more under and overpowered things in the game that are more influential in the round than the current state of IPCs due to how easily the positives and negatives can be dealt with. Greys are an interesting topic at the moment for being horribly underpowered or stale due to a series of nerfs/removals of features they've gotten over time.
  2. Karma locks on jobs are there to allow somebody that is hopefully more competent and reasonable to be placed in a position that is believed to hold more roleplay intense situations, such as NT Reps, Magistrates, and the Blueshield, while some are for more recreation or off-hand jobs that add a bit of spice to the game without being wholly necessary, such as barber and mechanic. Stripping away the karma lock from magistrate would allow for more players to experience that kind of role, and it's understandable to think that we could have people adjust to that position of power. This is most prevalent in the captain role. Some players play captain regularly, and often times grow through the process of the job, learning what makes a good and a bad captain and how to avoid becoming the latter. However, like a captain, for every good captain, there's going to be at least a handful of mediocre or outright bad captains to take their place. This isn't to say it's impossible for there to be any kind of balance of power, but abuse potential is something we really have to look out for. The Magistrate goes above everybody except for CC(Admins), including the captain and the HoS, meaning that this position is especially prone to people who are known for being metafriendy or just in a bad mood. Sure, we could dish out more job bans for it, but our goal as admins isn't to toss out bans or babysit certain positions because they're being abused or have the potential to be abused. We're here to make sure the game runs smoothly and enjoyably. In terms of the current process being slow, I can connect with you on that point. I've gone through the process as a player before, and it either got a response within ten minutes, or got completely ignored and passed up for the entire round. Communication with CC over issues can be one of the most frustrating parts about Roleplay simply because it relies on admin rank, availability, and the drive of the admin behind it. There can be plenty of different responses to one question depending on who gets the the fax panel first, and sometimes that makes it hard for admins to send a fax back, mainly due to how they're either too busy to be bothered, or because they think somebody else might have grabbed it, and don't want to step on any toes. I can't say removing the karma lock will fix any of the problems you hope for, mostly because trials are almost unheard of, most of the arguing is done in processing, making trials close to obsolete due to the essentials of a trial environment being incorporated into the arrest if security is doing well. In short, I can't support how this is currently, not because I completely disagree with the concept you're shooting for, but because I don't think this will fix the problems you think it will.
  3. For reasons above, if I didn't state it already, -1
  4. Eh, still, if it's for the sake of realism, don't try that argument, I'd guess the reason for this suggestion is so sec can't say "Oh, this is Jim Bob's brain, he died earlier and said something about maint, must mean this guy is a traitor." This would just add the step of jamming it into an MMI and repeating the previous sentence. Having a brain on you outside of its body is going to net you a tonne of suspicion regardless. What would having no name fix?
  5. This would SUCK for MMIs and surgery, not to mention anything else involved with brains.
  6. They belong to a person who plays on a server involving SS13, nailed it.
  7. *opened secrets panel* *snapped to make all items look like guns, summon guns, summon magic, japanese animes mode, make all players retarded*
  8. Changed badge into a two pixel pocket, no major color difference, will be reworking helmet if people dislike it or want to give me new ideas, and the sec uniform is exactly the same, but with black pants.
  9. Fully outfitted sec officer with new, corporate styled uniform, helmet(spaceballs inspired), and vest.
  10. Good luck surviving! *ominous chanting begins*
  11. I'm willing to try my hand, any ideas for what sec armor should look like? Going for a knight approach, ballistic vests, military gear, loads of pads? Helmets should cover the face, not cover the face, and what should they look more like?
  12. Bump, hopefully through the sea of- OH GOD THE SUGGESTIONS ARE ACTUALLY VERY BUSY!
  13. Alright, this race is damned awesome, I fully support these things, and those sounds are REALLY, REALLY cool.
  15. To show off the scope of what this changes in human_face.dmi alone. Before: After:
  16. Working through IPC human_face monitor sprites now. (NOTE TO FUTURE MONITOR SPRITERS: PLEASE DEAR FUCK USE DELAYS DO NOT MAKE A MILLION FUCKING FRAMES OR I WILL GUT YOU!) I have to copy paste the monitor frame to all of these. Goodl ord I hate the BSOD spriter.
  17. You can recolor monitor heads, unless you want some themed ones, which I could do.
  18. Fixed human face dmi dl. http://www.mediafire.com/view/u9w2q2rfd ... n_face.dmi
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