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Everything posted by Dumbdumn5

  1. We have those, they're called cigarettes! If you want robo cigarettes for some reason, give the original cigarette a grayscale look and make the glowy tip change between blue and cyan, hold on, let me sprite...
  2. *begins to fervently search for a donation box and pocket change. I may not request anything, but this is for the daily ramen rations that any young adult will need. I will need the same later, my stockpile is standing at about ten packets of it... ten packets of ramen, the sun's heat, and concrete should work well enough, now I just need to collect rainwater.
  3. Looks like i was wrong then... I mean, they're not bad cutscenes, not by any amount, but still, the game would provide a lot more fun.
  4. We see names side by side, like this "dumbdumn5/(Slade)" Ask if you need anything else!
  5. This has three main issues. 1)Tedium I'm highly skeptical of a player actually enjoying having to take time out of their gameplay to spend a few seconds extra on things like taking a shower, washing their hands, taking a dump, and drinking a bit more considering people already complain about having to eat food once in a while. It's not uncommon to end up completely absorbed in your work to the point where you actually ignore the meters on the right side of your screen, and when that occurs, if you force and action every few seconds or cause some form of debuff, you begin to create something that's not as immersive as it is incredibly annoying and detrimental to the experience. 2)Time The round time as it stands is in a nice spot right now where it ends around the time where things start to really wind down or get destroyed, with a system like this, the round will slow significantly due to new necessities, as well as limit the availibility of some important roles and other jobs. Due to how busy some departments can get and how often you need to be mobile, this wouldn't help out many of the more time constricted and busybody jobs. 3)Population While people can enjoy the added necessities, many will not, and this will mean a drastic reduction in the amount of players on the server, besides the people who can appreciate or enjoy a system like this. This isn't to say the system itself is bad, just that the system itself will likely not be enjoyed by the larger part of the population without serious adjustment or flat out removal if it were added. If it was enjoyed, population fluctuations are a real problem, and because this system would be on most people, it would end up causing crowding where there otherwise wouldn't be, even with a number of additions.
  6. All xenomorphs are female, ye butts!
  7. The Borg? Dis gon' be good.
  8. I've actually had antag turned off for over a year ;P
  9. RABBIT was wonderful last shift when they got corrected a million times.
  10. This is damn cool, and was talked about a long time ago, if you can code this, hell yeah!
  11. RISSA's tips on summoning things from bluespace, usually food or animals, and then watching people beat the crap out of them with anything in their hands.
  12. This is when you shout "I'm learning ghetto surgery and he's helping me!"
  13. Uguuuuuuuu~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  14. That or the guy spamming subtlemessage from above.
  15. Where's the punky person? All hail punky resting bitchface flavortext person.
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