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Everything posted by TheClosetMailman

  1. Considering the fact the agent abductor has surgically grafted armor on them, I doubt they will just waltz it off as a grey. I would much rather prefer having their ship and gear upgraded a bit. The ship lacks the essentials every other tator with a ship has huge stashes of, particularly meds. And for gear? A proper monitor to keep track of all the peeps you've experimented on, as well as a view of their goals so you could potentially steer clear/assist them. Some fancy alien medithing for healing the agent when metanerds inevitably starts robusting everyone "by accident" to find him. Perhaps a floormounted medibeam projector? An alien medkit? The spaceship itself has healing chems in it's air supply? Who knows!
  2. Shut up, it`s romantic and therefore SERP if we say so!
  3. Jenkins loved the wrong woman(?) It seems. The stakes are also much higher than just a simple break-up also deergirls when
  4. I agree with the shirtless vulpkanin, most of these can only really apply to someone that uses the TYRANT lawset, AKA an asshole with an office and a few metabuddies in the head of staff roles.
  5. New Adventure New outfit! A black cap A black trenchcoat A tacticool turtleneck, with a waistcoat and red scarf attached. Jackboots with tape on the soles. Black gloves, because a red Shellguard Munitions hand could be interpreted as a loaded laser gun, speaking from personal experience sadly. I decided to not use a balaclava as seccies have an odd tendency to shoot first, ask later with it on. After gathering my usual array of tools, being lucky enough to even get a tool belt straight from the public tool storage, I head to the arcade and play a few games for tickets. After acquiring enough tickets, I buy the suspicious sticker and put it on my ID, keep that in mind for later. Decide to test it's valid-value, wave it around in front of a random scientist, instantly they unwield a blunt object and try and robust me. Keep waving it around while running, a security officer sees and tazes me, then drags me to the brig and proudly show me of to their HOS. The HOS looks at the "Emag" nodding enthusiastically, patting the officer on the back for good work. Have you tried looking at it a bit closer? I suggest, they do just that. HOS flashes their ID, it reads "Business man" They both stare at me, then at the Emag. I subsequently get robusted out of the brig and my ID thrown straight in my face, I'm laughing my ass of IC and IRL. Proceed with my usual business, find the right wires, attempt to break into the teleporter room. A new officer, that has just arrived, sees me next to the open door, me, being eternally bright, waves the emag around, then runs. One short chase later, tazed again and dragged to brig. HOS sees me, confiscates my toolbelt and gives me ten in the brig. I get out again, head to cargo for tools, noones around so I find another way in and nab a multitool and tool belt, before the QM waltzes in, screams at me and chases me out with the biggest metal rod I've ever seen. Declares me a heretic and says if I come again, I'll get robusted. With new tools, I hack my way into the Blueshields office and take their Zippo, then into the NT Reps and take their gilded pen. Hack my way into the teleporter room again, turns out someone with an RCD has added extra doors to every command room. Laugh, takes me like 30 secs to pass the three extra doors, screw you, RCD man. Steals every non-antag item not bolted to the floor, plasma coin, bedsheet, soap and cup. Try to hack my way into the bridge, AI bolts, Blueshield shows up. Tazed. Searched and arrested again. Fifteen minutes in the brig, but I keep my tools. Hack my way into the HOPs office, oh look, more unnecessary doors, fuck you RCD man. Hacks the final door, jump in, vortexes happen the moment after and the coroner crashes into me flying out of a vortex. We have a nice chat, talk about the shift and all, I wave hello to Kitty that has her nose pressed against the window in surprise. The coroner and I head into the command break room, have fun using their intercom to taunt them. Evacuate the room when the vending machines turn trigger happy, meet the captain in the bridge. You again!? I nod, we get thrown out, have a laugh, I get arrested again. While in the brig, the captain asks for volunteers to touch a red cube, I volunteer, the HOS drags me to the bridge, too late, someone else touched it. I commit suicide. The coroner nabs my body, perhaps to clone me. Nope, to the morgue we go, while ghosting, I see she has a catatonic vulpkanin gal standing around. From the conversation we had earlier, she told me about it, only reason she hadn't morgued the vulpkanin was because she found her "lovely" to have around. She takes out my brain and stuffs it in the vulpkanin. Wake up after being defibbed. Oh sweet, I have eight tits now. .... Wait. Scream in agony, she pets me gently, declaring me her jewel. Oh No We evac on the shuttle, she's literally keeping me in cuffs so I won't run off or "ruin that pretty face" Round ends. Overall, 10/10 round, what a fricking twist.
  6. Got a kill target on someone? As well as a theft target? Use your PDA and find the desired target, then check their species. Most species can be easily incapitated with relatively simple tools, found legally across station, or be outright obliterated with stealthy syndicate items sec would only ever find if metaing the fuck out of you. Also, if you really wanna shut someone up, get some hacked meds from a medical vendor and a hypospray. I mean, if you can get rid of the emag needed for it to work. Gotta steal some shit? A toolbox and multitool will get you very far, no emag needed, you can even upright ask for the tools at cargo, and even ask what wires do what from any random engineer or wirehappy greytide. Depending on the current person holding desired item, you might even be able to buy it off them. By offering a briefcase full of mice, I once bought the advanced magboofs from a una- uni... Eeerrrrr, lizardman. Overall, just use every legal thing you can find, and if you gotta use syndicate items, use the ones that are practically legal as well.
  7. I heard some AMAZING guy on Deviantart suggested to add these deers as a playable species. He's truly a brilliant genius. :3
  8. Thats one way to drive the HOP to suicide Teach me more about this magic
  9. Ohhhh, right, cargonia, those stingy lizzers.....
  10. But I've never beaten Ian, he's too cute for that-
  11. As a matter of fact, granting the janitor more access than your average assistant will cause him to be found dead in a locker much more often y'know. That, and powergamers picking him solely to zoom everywhere with their metabuddies. If you want more access, ask the damn hop, they're your boss and will gladly give general access to help clean most messes. Well, most cases, command tends to love janitors willing to clean in more areas than one, but a few HOPs are quite tight on additional access.
  12. Could you perhaps do a detailed field medic manual for slimes? I've been paramedic a few time, with little to no clue on how to save terribly wounded slime people
  13. One of these are not like the others...
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