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Everything posted by Sonador

  1. My personal two cents is that an overt act vs. inaction is critical, as well as the "NT Reasonability Standard" many silicon players are often banned under when following their laws but being shitters about it. Basically, if I'm doing my best to follow my laws, but something transpires that is debatably (but not absolutely) against my lawset but still when weighed against the whole set and the spirit of the laws is passable, I let it happen (for example, not interfering or announcing when security uses lethal force to detain a very difficult to detain traitor who has already eluded capture repeatedly) but if I'm set to crewsimov, harm is NOT on the table as a direct action (telling borgs to harmbaton, shocking airlocks, etc) and I need to find another way to handle it - which is often best for the balance of an AI/Silicon. I usually consider, "If an NT Representative, or worse, an SOO/NNO were breathing down this unit's neck right now, what is their preferred action/inaction?" I'd imagine an NT supervisor wouldn't greatly care if the AI exercised restraint intervening in security beating the snot out of a meth/adrenals traitor, but would absolutely pull and ship back an AI for inspection if IT started beating the snot out of someone on Crewsimov. Best judgement is good in cases like these. Follow your laws to the best of your ability. I'd imagine that the admins will give you leeway if you exercise restraint and do your best to balance an AI's overpowered abilities and follow your lawset but do something that *might possibly* be against *one of your laws* if *viewed in a very specific way.*
  2. If it helps, Blueshield shows up under Command on the Crew Manifest.
  3. My only two gripes: I'd like to see more than three editable pages (although I'm sure there's a reason for the length limit?) I'd also like to see librarian integrated more into the round somehow as there's still very, very little impetus to play as the librarian beyond dedicated roleplaying and being an assistant+. I wonder if departments like research could have bonus objects or randomized data each round that the library has in books each round, so they become part of a no-super-essential-but-appealing-to-robust-players integration. Some ideas: - An "electrical code updates" textbook that populates a list of some random wires and their functions each round. (Vendors, doors, lathe, air alarms, apcs - obviously not ALL of them, but a little smattering) - A system in science where a few random object types each round are picked for bonus research levels each shift, alluded to in an "annual research report" - A journal reporting on the supply chain in this sector this year, listing some items that if shipped back to CC by cargo are worth bonus points this round - A "fine dining on a budget" cookbook that shows some random recipes this round the chef can cook for less ingredients Other than that, the improvements listed sound fantastic, this is just me spitballing, I'm very thankful for work you've done
  4. I get you're under a lot of stress right now so I forgive you of the intent, but accusing me of gaslighting you isn't really great and I appreciate you not doing it in the future. I'm pointing out that what you say the issue is (both with blueshield being karma locked and the karma system in general) falls apart under scrutiny. I'm not applying any further criticism than, say, the administration does when questioning reasoning in a ban appeal. In either case, I'm fine with this thread continuing specifically about the blueshield being karma locked, I just need to point out that I take umbrage to being accused of being a sociopath for criticizing your reasoning.
  5. So, just to be clear, It's not okay that karma trading's going on to get jobs, but it is okay that it's going on to get races? I'm not following here. I think it's just not a great idea to cite that as your main reason when it's not really your main reason. There's a lot of metagangs on the server, I spend my time with a couple people I recognize as friendly and decent people, too. Either metagangs are causing problems and need to be busted up as well, or they're not quite the source of the problem and the problem is the entire karma system itself and how it's abused, not just groups for friends trading karma.
  6. I've seen this "metagang" thing tossed around a bunch of times now, so to confront this: Karma trading is punishable by a ban from the karma system and all unlocks already. Why not just ban people trading karma within a metagang if it's negatively impacting the server? Seems like kind of a cop-out to use this as a reason. To be clear, I'm not entirely against phasing out the karma system if it's *only* being abused, but I use it pretty frequently and considering the server's present issue with tidery and hostile players in general, I'd still like a system to ensure only players with the intent to be positive impacts to the round get access to certain jobs and races. If you really want to get into it? Metagangs are against the server rules. Each round is the same round in terms of story, this is outlined on the wiki. Therefore, people gathering with the same other people to bridge hobo or otherwise hang out is a bannable usage of OOC relationships in IC - there's no IC reason for them to be gathering like that. This isn't to say I'm opposed to it, I'm just saying if you have such a distaste for them you're using them as a reason to rip out a server feature, then maybe the issue lies a little deeper than just OOC friends hanging out. All karma trades are tracked by a database as it is. Have you considered requiring a reason for supplying karma when given? It's be very easy to spot and handle "They're my friend" and "assdasdasdasd" trades vs. "They saved my life this round" and "They roleplayed with me in the bar." This really smacks of an issue with the karma system, its usage and oversight, and not what it's controlling to me.
  7. The only time I offer advice (or worse, make command decisions) as a blueshield is if A) it's immediately material to otherwise getting a/the command member I'm guarding injured or killed, ("Captain, please stop trying to chase the ling into maints. Let security handle it. Please.") or B) All of command is dead and I have to venture into an unsurvivable combat situation to retrieve them (usually means I'll be trying to rally security to accompany me i.e.: making HoS decisions) or they all are totally off-sensors and missing and I am the only person with bridge access in a time of crisis and trying to stabilize the situation is my best bet of things getting sane enough to recover them without getting instantly murdered myself. Trying to play command or inform command as blueshield is hell and not something that's encouraged given nobody's subordinate to you. If I tell the captain not to run into maints after a ling alone and he decides to anyway, that's his decision, I'm not going to try to drag him away from it, it just means I'll probably rotate to watching the HoP. I've made a few mistakes in the heat of the moment, but above all I'm laser-focused on just keeping my heads alive, however bald they may be. If that means informing them from making life-threatening decisions, so be it, they don't have to listen to me. Trust me, there's a flip to this coin. I've been yelled at by the HoS by replying to people asking if their were swarmers, and eventually bridge-announced by the HoS that I was making it up... because I was replying affirmatively after hearing that same HoS announce from the bridge there was swarmers. It's really not worth advising command or trying to be involved in command operations when you're a handy scapegoat.
  8. I spent my entire last round getting fucked with by tiders/cargo with a voodoo doll to the degree I got beat to near crit with a welder, and security was equal parts too bald and too getting run over by antags to do anything about it, so by all means, every non-lethal mitigating tool at my disposal I am *very* fond of.
  9. As someone who took quite some time to unlock Blueshield I'm very thankful it's karma-locked. It's not the kind of role you wanted handed out to just anyone given its pretty much command-adjacent role. You've got a job slot whose entire job is to hang around the command staff as a tag-along for the entire round. You absolutely do not want shitters getting into the role. As someone who's been enjoying and not enjoying in equal parts the BS role, I worry more about the people that take command being inexperienced, because invariably my shifts with inexperienced and/or ill-tempered command are the ones where I die horribly trying to protect them. I wouldn't mind the addition of time requirements in medical/security, but having it karma-locked is an added layer of security that tiders aren't getting into the slots.
  10. I love LIFT. LIFT is good. They and Help-Bot or somesuch (Haven't seen them around recently) are my two favorite IPCs and I constantly hand out karma as I know you're doing your best c:
  11. I agree that, if the intent was to reduce detectives pursuing threats, the revolver having only lethal ammo will probably have the *opposite* effect. Whereas a detective deciding to pursue threats was always a risk with non-lethal rounds, lethal rounds make that much more viable now. That said, I'm curious what the reasoning was, and if anyone who was involved could explain or point me at the discussion I'd appreciate it. I heard a lot of second hand chatter among players, but never any official "this is why we changed it."
  12. I greatly like this approach. Code already exists for it that could be modified for clothing objs, which would be work but monumentally less work than fresh code, and removes the idea of Nians being a nuisance by actually matter-eater style consuming people's clothing. The only remaining floodlight is in the chef's little farm patch, I think.
  13. Luca Cabrillo is a prideful woman. Don't talk shit.
  14. Monke abductor has a message for you.
  15. Briefly hung the server with this terrible joke.
  16. Does this not already happen? I seem to recall that neckgrabbed people, although visually just about sharing a tile with their captor, reside on the tile adjacent to their captor in which they're facing, just with their sprite translated.
  17. If you're being serious and not shitposting, it's the way the Vox often refer to themselves. See the lore page on Vox here: https://www.paradisestation.org/wiki/index.php/Vox
  18. If I can care about my car, my phone, and my computer because of the positive things they do in my life, I can pin tape a medal to a borg that saves my life or the station. It's pretty normal. Silly, but symbolic and not at all something I'd frown upon as command.
  19. I think you're missing the OP's point. The point was less to make an antag more robust and more to make them *aware* of how their interactions with security feel as a security player - specifically how being a shitty, powergaming antag with no sense of sportsmanship can really make a security player stressed out and fuck up their round. It's kind of a "mile in their shoes" sort of situation so that an antag learns why playing to win isn't all there is to antagging. I'm all for this suggestion.
  20. God those old firelocks date this pretty accurately. I sprited those for Baystation many moons ago. Different times. Not great times, ahah. It's always nice to look back over the years and see how things have changed.
  21. Honestly, just remove Mr. Chang's entirely, and turn that section into an open area with vendors, wood floor, and seating. It's proximal to the bridge, solves the issue of people clogging up the hallway, removes a mostly unused enclosed area, gives players a spot for security to kinda nudge bridge hobos away to.
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