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Everything posted by Xyd

  1. Xyd

    Rsik's Art

    I hope he has medical insurance...
  2. Xyd

    Rsik's Art

    New art that just got finished. Sleepy Rsik. Cute!
  3. Xyd

    Rsik's Art

    This is great! Thanks to Lumi (who plays Kikeri) for drawing this especially since I wasn't expecting it! It's awesome and complements the artwork really well. Love it!
  4. Xyd

    Rsik's Art

    New art, this time, something different... Babby Rsik!
  5. Xyd

    Rsik's Art

    New character art of a new character of mine. - Orissa
  6. Racks shotgun This is a local forum, for local lizards only... Just kidding.Welcome! Aims shotgun...
  7. - Blueshields who don't understand the concept that you're there to guard command. Not mingle/socialize for half of the shift with your non-command IC friends. On a slow boring shift with nothing happening, no harm to relax and chill. But I have legit seen Blueshields chilling in maints or away from command areas. Even on slow shifts, you should still be near a command member, watching their ass because things can turn south very quickly on the Cyberiad, and before you know it, command are shouting Blueshit at you! - Blueshields who 'powergame' by having AEG's and everything else under the sun on their person, carrying a personal armoury of weapons. And all on Green/Blue alert. I'm sure Tator McGarry will love a good loot pinata Blueshield. Even on red, unless nukies/aliens and other highly visible murderboneish threats are about, it can be excessive. - Redshield, enough said. - Pod pilots who never use their pod, or use it once and then dump it off to become a regular redshirt. - Miners who will wait over an hour if need be to deposit their first batch ores just because the ORM hasn't been upgraded. And in-between that period of waiting, you could have made two or more deposits! - People who shout SHITCURITY at the drop of the hat for getting cuffed/arrested. I call these 'sovereign shits'. - Those who shout for an IAA over 5/10 minute sentences, screaming down the coms repeatedbly for one as if they're about to be executed or chucked into perma. - Being asked to fill out paperwork at cargo for lathe supplies. Recently got asked to fill out a form for a piece of cable wire. There's keeping a papertrail, then there's just being an ass/shitter.
  8. His brain was in the bartenders safe ?
  9. The amount of internal screaming I was doing, after presenting evidence that was pretty damning against Shane O'Brien. he was let go and even allowed to take the brain of the person that was killed. Glad to see justice prevailed in the end!
  10. Also in favor of this. I think there's pros and cons to having a glove form - it means making the Blueshield a possible target for his gloves via traitor objectives, and that adds more variety to traitor goals, not a bad thing. On the downside, he may become too much of a target for traitors (to those who don't even have him as a target) and might want his gloves for CQC, and he's already a prime target for the captain's spare that he may or may not have. Blueshields are easier to lure out than Captains. I think I would prefer to have the Blueshield inherently know the martial arts rather than a set of gloves for this reason. He's suppose to protect the heads of staff, not walk around with a big bullseye painted on his back because he's a loot pinata and end up becoming a far more tempting target than those he's assigned to protect.
  11. 7 being maximum amount of push-ups Wolf O'Shaw can do
  12. I was observing that round when you got robusted on your own ship! Was hilarious! This happened couple of days ago, and now cows hold a special hatred in Rsik's heart along with clowns. There was a cow orbiting the station on a loop (and funnily enough, would have crashed right into the escape shuttle if it had continued on) that me and Yorrach (who was a stok, which will be explained) had spotted. Considering we had a run-in with a cow earlier which resulted in my pod being exploded, Yorrach who was my passenger being gibbed and me being left legless in space, we were quite adamant about getting some revenge. After transplanting Yorry's brain into a stok and heading back out, we decided to build a wall in front of this cow's path. Suffice to say, things didn't go according to plan. It was my turn to get gibbed... "ARE YOU KIDDING ME!" - Yorry's reaction as he watches me get gibbed from the safety of the pod. My brain was recovered and I got transplanted into a... stok unathi, same as Yorry. Figures!
  13. Xyd

    Rsik's Art

    God damn greytide santa's! Anyhow... Here's Rsik getting his revenge on Bubbles the Clown!
  14. Xyd

    Rsik's Art

    Hehe, I hope to get more dark themed art like that soon... Anyhow, here's more art! So, some miscommunication with the artist led to Santa Medic tending to an injured Rsik. Originally it was meant to be a medibot, and the joke was that there's Rsik, pumped full of bullet holes and a little medibot comes along and injects him, which does feck all for him... But santa medic works as well, if not better!
  15. Xyd

    Rsik's Art

    This is from the same artist who did the above one. He has a very different style than normal, which I like.
  16. Xyd

    Rsik's Art

    - That's because he's eaten them all!
  17. One thread to rule them all, and in the darkness, lewd them....
  18. It was the last art, not adding anything more to it from this point on.
  19. OP post updated with art - Bonus points for spotting Kennard Rose...
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