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Everything posted by Bxil

  1. Viva la Conga! Shame on you, AI, trying to arrest us the whole shift... Shame on you.
  2. Welcome aboard the death trap named after a book!
  3. I am a little bit late, but please notice the "two others" in my preveious comment. Those two built an office in gravgen.
  4. Bxil

    Karma Tokens

    That's why we should make it very expensive... Or maybe we should prioritize by the age of the tokens. Also, I wouldn't mind more nukies, not all.
  5. Bxil

    Karma Tokens

    This is probably a terrible idea, but still. How about we add antag tokens as something buyable with karma? They should be very expensive, like 100 points. This will ensure you will become an antag next round, and I think it would encourage RPing even more.
  6. Rich Douchebag! (That was you, right?)
  7. "Stop building offices!" Said the captain. "No!" Said Steven Stingray and two others. Welcome aboard.
  8. Bxil

    AI/Captain tips?

    The sole reason I've joined SS13 was the AI job. I've stayed for different reasons, of course, but I still did not dare to try AI. I would be interested in some tips too. HoP ist best. 10/10. Would give "Rich Douchebag" title to Derek again.
  9. Whoever made this screenshot, feel free to raise your hand.
  10. Bxil

    Antag Counters

    It's not hard to learn the thing. I am learning to become a programmer, and I encourage you to try yourself in it. But BYOND code keeps scaring me. Every time I try to learn it, I get scared away pretty fast.
  11. Bxil

    Antag Counters

    Antag tokens...? Also, I have to agree with this. +1
  12. Just a minor thought, maybe we should have something regarding resisting demotion.
  13. The HoP. When I heard you wanted to do an interview I was rather happy, though I apologize for the quality. Even if it appears that I have freetime I am still arguing most of the time on comms over something (I don't know if you've ever played HoP, the background - which the greytide does not see - is always very hectic). I say you should do it more frequently, and maybe record them and upload them as a book.
  14. Bxil

    Horror Gamemode

    A removed power sink means more power for the station, yes.
  15. I hate the way disarming works. This seems much better.
  16. Bxil

    Horror Gamemode

    Alright, opinion on this? I just realized that there is a syndicate Power Sink ordered via Uplink. We should make a modified Power Sink which is harder to remove, more powerful, and can be placed by the antagonist(s) with a cooldown. So maybe they can place one every few minutes. If they place them smart then they can remain stealthy until power finally goes out. That would give the crew the option to go and look for the Power Sinks.
  17. Bxil

    Horror Gamemode

    Gravity should remain, I assume. And I think it should go out at once. It would be more spooky if it went out from area to area, but I don't know. That would be a dead giveaway that something's not right. But maybe it's good to do it like that, so people can get equipment right away.
  18. Bxil

    Horror Gamemode

    Yes, there is certainly some sense in what you are saying. Statues or some modifications of them would probably suffice. How about simply making the statues able to teleport like shadowlings? Also make them get damaged by light.
  19. Bxil

    Horror Gamemode

    I don't understand. SystemShock and/or abductor style? Elaborate!
  20. Bxil

    Horror Gamemode

    That's an interesting idea, but let's not forget that we want to leave this kind of easy to program. If it's possible to do so, then I am all up for it. Also, I just realied we have a bigger problem: the AI. What are we going to do with the AI?
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