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Posts posted by Spacemanspark

  1. While I do have replies to all of this and more--

    27 minutes ago, destinycall said:

    It upsets me to hear that you have faced such opposition when trying to roleplay as an ethical character.   Moral behavior and conscientious objection should not only be allowed for realism purposes, but it should be actively supported by Command staff for legal reasons.     Having a conscience should be considered an asset, even for a soul-less mega corporation like Nanotrasen.    Think of the legal expenses!

    This largely seems like my basic wish--for a proper SoP change that gives roboticists at least the agency to decide if they are willing to do borgifications--is something we both agree on.


    I'm more than happy to continue this line of thought with you in DMs on discord, however--I haven't quite met someone who's capable of defending it beyond mild sentences and the same, disputable points again and again. It's a very interesting topic to me as well. However, for the sake of keeping this thread mostly on topic towards robotics SoP in general, we should probably shelve this publically.

  2. I play both robotics AND cyborgs--I've been playing both department for years. I've given this topic several months worth of thought myself.

    33 minutes ago, destinycall said:

    First off, there are only one or two cyborg slots available at round start, while the average number of borg players at the end of the shift is closer to four or five borgs (very rough estimate).   Even if you set-up your occupation preferences to have Cyborg at HIGH, you are far from guaranteed to land the position.   If you have the preference set to medium or lower, your chances of rolling borg at round start approaches zero.   There's obviously a fair bit of demand for this role in the current playerbase.    Not everybody wants to play as a borg and not everyone will play a borg every round, but the competition is definitely there, despite the drawbacks of being borg. 

    For lack of a better word, this falls into the zone of 'entitlement'. Nobody is entitled to these slots--for good reason, as having too many is a problem. Not to mention that this is primarily an OOC thing players do that messes with the IC environment. It's the same as me not being entitled to a robotics slot every round despite there only being two of those, or any other role in the game.

    34 minutes ago, destinycall said:

    So what about observing at round start and going into a robotic brain?    Maybe I am missing something obvious, but this doesn't appear to be a valid alternative at all.  I've been dead a fair bit and I've started the round as an observer many times, and never seen a prompt to occupy a robotic brain.  I've seen a prompt for joining as a pAI a few times, but that's a different situation.   Perhaps your ghost must seek out an activated brain in Robotics rather than waiting for a prompt?  Or maybe they are getting scooped up too fast or not getting activated often enough by the working roboticists?  I don't know.   I'll have to look into this the next time I die and my body is irretrievable. 

    Ghosts are presently allowed to use LOOC to ask for a robotic brain to be made. Robotic brains are also a dime a dozen and are made very regularly--I'm going to guess you're around at all the bad times. Even if none of this were the case, however, I don't particularly see the issue. There shouldn't be, ideally, more than four or so borgs at any given time. I wouldn't be opposed to making the cost of robotic brains higher, either, mind.

    37 minutes ago, destinycall said:

    I can't speak for everyone, but I have one particular character that I play when I feel like being a cyborg who has a pretty extensive IC rationale for why he is okay with becoming a disembodied human brain in a metal slave shell. 

    This is actually something that, when I brought it up with people in the public discord, was frowned upon pretty heavily. People shouldn't be making characters solely to run off to robotics at the start of the round to get borged. A character like that would likely have that sort of thing handled on the Trurl, or spend actual time getting it approved onboard the Cyberiad at the very least. Shoving a paper in my face really isn't enough.
    If you want to play a borg, there are options--but you should not be expected to get it every round, nor trying to force your way into it every round.

    39 minutes ago, destinycall said:

    Looking over the SoP, it says "3. The Roboticist is freely permitted to construct Cyborgs and all assorted equipment".  There is nothing in your SoP that says you MUST comply when someone brings you a signed consent form.  You are allowed to freely construct borgs, not required to do so.   I've signed a LOT of cyborgification consent forms and they are pretty much all worded as liability waivers, not service contracts.    Basically just a way for NT to cover their butt in case someone comes asking why they are turning all their employees into robotic slave labor.  

    If you do decide to take a stand against rampant cyborgification, I would recommend notifying the relevant heads of staff (HoP and RD, most likely), so they are aware of your intentions, before it becomes a problem for them.    The other roboticist might be willing to handle borg requests in your stead, or the RD might step in to handle the procedure if he has the free time and cares enough to do so.  Or maybe nobody gets to become a cyborg that round - tough luck, so sad.    By letting the HoP know in advance, he can deny the requests for consent before they even reach Robotics.  You can expect some push-back from upset cyborg applicants and I strongly recommend making some extra robot brains to compensate for the lack of living victims ... I mean, volunteers ... but I don't think you are actually obligated to honor a stamped consent form under the current SoP.   If you get demoted for denial of service, then I would take it to IAA or an NT rep, because you have a legitimate right to NOT want to kill people, scoop out their brains, and slave them to a cybernetic master.

    This is correct; however, there's also nothing against the RD/ HoP/ Captain telling you to do it and then subsequently firing you for not wanting to do it. Playing a character that actually takes ethics and morale standing into consideration is actively shut down. Trust me, I've been there.

    41 minutes ago, destinycall said:

    On a related note, I don't see a requirement for written consent prior to borging in the Robotics HoP, but I thought that was a legal requirement.   Shouldn't that be added?   Most of the roboticists I have dealt with seemed to be aware of this requirement and expect a signed and/or stamped consent form prior to the operation, so I just assumed it was standard operating procedure.  Feels like something that deserves to be spelled out in black and white, both for new players and to provide in character grounds for dismissal or arrest if someone is caught borging without written consent.

    It is required... yet it often just falls down to a person walking up with a piece of paper saying 'borg me lol' and a signature. If you're me, you'll have them jumping through a bunch of other hoops, but that often gets shut down by most command staff who just say 'do it' without a second thought.

    42 minutes ago, destinycall said:

    With respect to the number of borgs in the round creating a balance of power issue with the AI - this feels like something that should be considered by the HoP when signing off on consent to be borged paperwork.  They already do this for other departments - limiting the number of people added into each position, unless approved by heads of each dept.   I don't have any Command experience so I don't know how this information is handled, but there could be a recommended number of borgs that the HoP is expected to pay attention to as a way of discouraging excessive borg production on station.    And it is something to consider, in case the AI should turn out to be malfunctioning.    The roboticist could also check the number of active borgs and possibly confirm with the Research Director before making more cyborgs, if the number of active robots is becoming a legitimate concern.  

    It presently isn't something an HoP considers, and while that may help with the issue of overabundance of borgs (maybe), I don't feel it addresses the problem of failRP.

  3. Most command players tend to cite SoP very frequently and follow it--hell, we sort of expect them to do so by our server rules. Yes, it would have an impact, and if SoP actually makes sense, it will help alleviate some of the overly LRP tendencies of other players while encouraging more creative or interesting playstyles. This can be combined with mechanical changes (largely in regards to mechas) for even more improvement. 

    • Like 1
  4. 4 minutes ago, ZN23X said:

    A roboticist that just blindly fulfills all requests is boring

    An RD that blindly fires people over something that shouldn't be a common occurrence is also boring, and 99% the outcome. It's part of why people don't do unique character traits. 

  5. 23 minutes ago, MattTheFicus said:

    But, just like with RND, there is no SoP saying you HAVE to do requests people make of you. You can just say "no" and there's not much they can do about it unless your partner in Robotics wishes to do it instead.

    Unless the RD/ HoP/ captain threatens to fire you. 


    OOCly it makes sense if someone wants to play a borg.

    Join as one round start or play a robotic brain personality. 

  6. 15 minutes ago, Woje said:

    B) Not sure if I follow on this one.

    This one isn't as big of a deal as the other two. Think about civilians freely getting securityHUDs or surgical implants, for example--that sort of thing. I did word it very poorly, admittedly!

  7. 0z20HRW.png

    I don't think this thread is any surprise to anyone that pays attention to the things I say on discord.

    Put simply... this stuff isn't particularly ideal, especially in regards to a few of these specific scenarios:

    A) Combat mechas can be freely pumped out at will on just code blue. You don't need combat mechas around until there's an actual deadly emergency at hand.

    B) With the exception of illegal combat implants, anyone can request nearly any type of implant/ augmentation they desire, and more or less be entitled towards getting it. It doesn't make too much sense for a civilian to be strutting about with secHUDs, a welding shield and a surgical toolset implant.

    C) Borgification is a very strange topic, and many consider it to be fairly LRP to randomly decide to get borged. However, as it's a fairly big topic that's laced deeply into Para's culture, I think that a basic change to enable roboticists to decide whether or not they want to perform any borgification at their own discretion would allow for more interesting RP for the time being--think along the lines of personal ethics/ morales. Perhaps also require a psychiatric check and signature (those poor therapists could afford something to actually do for once) if the roboticist is willing. 


    EDIT: I've reworded point 3 to be more clear as to what I want to do with the SoP regarding borgifications at this time, rather than go on a personal rant. 

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 3
  8. I spent about twenty minutes putting in zero effort, and half of these look dumb but heck you

    Although she seldom deviates from her typical style here on Paradise, the amount of times I've recreated this character in other games is ludicrous. Unfortunately, I can't really recreate Dark Souls 3 ANGELICA in Byond, so here's some filler ones I came up with off the top of my head.

    • Casual attire:Lq0smIm.pngLq0smIm.png
    • Sleepwear attire: M9SCC8o.png
    • Angel... dress... thing: fGpQfI8.png
    • Secret Angel: zFYxiaV.png
    • Apocolyptic survivor ANGELICA: pAplFmr.png


    Spark 5.5
    Spark underwent many changes from their inception. Here are three:

    • Superhero Spark: 93Geb8H.gif
    • 'Military' Spark: dBYuadb.png
    • (Current) Casual attire: VZFggYn.png


    I could do my twenty billion other characters, but I need sleep.


    • Like 4
  9. I genuinely think Meta can be improved upon. If general consensus wants Meta replaced, so be it--but goddamn it do I love Metastation. Call maintenance cramped all you like... I love all the ghetto rooms and areas to explore.

    And with Arc's post... mmm... not really onboard with eclipse, either. What about... was it Cere? The one with the asteroids.

  10. Just now, Woje said:

    There's other festive things than snow that are mapping in during that time, however. Like ornaments. Christmas trees. That kinda stuff. 

    Maybe so, but I feel it still takes away from the setting. 

    Although, this is coming from someone who lives in a place with snow every year during winter and loves it. The effect is likely lost on a good chunk of our playerbase anyways. 

    • Like 1
  11. On one hand, having them be craftable would be fun. Who doesn't want a snowball fight in the midst of August? 

    On the other hand, however... I think it would take away from the overall feel when they're mapped in during the winter holiday season. Sort of the 'if everyone is special, nobody will be' mentality, in a way.

    I suppose I'd be neutral on the matter. 

    • Like 2
  12. 1 minute ago, necaladun said:

    If there's an actual threat that somehow requires this, that's one thing - same as any other response and preparedness. It very much counts as 'overprepared'. If there's something very bad like slings, or cult are continually using the incinerator as a base - then it comes under 'an attempt to fight back', and thus should only be done with authorisation, overseen by security etc. 

    Agreed. My stance is concerning contextless, pre-emptive situations. 

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