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Posts posted by Spacemanspark

  1. I'd rather not have more anime references in game, especially ones that aren't trying to be subtle. 

    Outside of that, it seems like an effortless manner to murder someone, which isn't particularly interesting. The z level difference doesn't mean too much, as a majority of the time your target will be on the station. 

  2. Honestly, if people did even the slightest bit of research on the wiki or asked around and engaged with the community a bit (which you're meant to do anyways to get karma in the first place), you can make fairly educated decisions on how to spend your karma. IPCs alone have warnings and details on the wiki page, let alone the rampant jokes of tin foil durability and EMPs you see on the discord and such. It's not hard to look at that and understand that it's a rough shift from regular gameplay.

    Allowing karma refunds is not a wise idea in any regard. 

    • Like 1
  3. 2 hours ago, Homtoh said:

    Kudzu: how many times have you seen kudzu ?

    As an admin, I've seen and dealt with players using it quite often. Too often. And Kudzu is quite an overpowered plant, there's no denying that. 

    2 hours ago, Homtoh said:

    Zapping plants with massive AoE damage: no, they do not deal massive AoE damage, just stun (and not for long)

    Even if it didn't deal damage, it still stuns and is more or less infinitely spammable. 

    2 hours ago, Homtoh said:

    Teleport: that is pretty op yes, but only in some occasions

    Being able to randomly teleport players around, sometimes into space or other deadly areas is extremely ridiculous. 

    2 hours ago, Homtoh said:

    Poisonous gasses: just wear gas masks, it literally is the easiest counter and counters at 99%

    This doesn't solve everything, and claiming people should adopt a meta and forgo roleplay to wear a gas mask 24/7 is quite ludicrous. 

    2 hours ago, Homtoh said:

    Healing plants: they cause addiction

    I barely see anyone dealing with the tail end of addiction from these plants, especially the people that game the system. 

    2 hours ago, Homtoh said:

    Killer tomatoes: weak

    I've watched people kill megafauna with killer tomatoes. 

    2 hours ago, Homtoh said:

    Glowshroom: valid hunting and bannable if spread unless announced

    100% false. The most that will happen is an admin mass deleting all of them. Frankly I wouldn't oppose it either being removed or if staff started to consider it validhunting, but that's neither here nor there. 

  4. 4 hours ago, Homtoh said:

    And yes, "BoTaNy Is AlReAdY oVeRpOwErEd", but other departments are too ! 

    I find that glossing over the fact of just how powerful botany already is and trying to pretend it's a non issue isn't really appropriate. 

    Botany has things ranging from deadly kudzu, deadly plants that can zap people with lightning bolts for massive aoe damage, teleport people around, cause lube to appear, spread poisonous gasses and whatever other chemicals can be shoved into it. Healing plants, death nettles, nymphs, killer tomatoes, glowshrooms that spread autonomously and fuck over slings, I could go on. 

    Botany is already a rather interesting department once one gets into it, with plenty of goofy and intriguing elements to discover and toy around with. 

    Yes, other departments (looking at science) are obscenely powerful, but that doesn't justify raising the bar to absurd heights on other departments without careful thinking. I'd personally have science looked at and rebalanced before touching botany as it is. 

  5. I was the AI. The situation was very stressful on both ends, I think. The admin in question who sent the fax was thatdanguy23. 

    While I personally would have kept it an IC issue and not gotten CC involved... 

    An AI can only do so much at a time. When you came on station, I was actually very, very busy. I'd latejoined myself and was almost instantly thrust into the chaos of the round. A bomb had detonated engineering, and I began trying to get an engineer or two to fix solars, deal with some traitor that was in perma using a voice changer to call for help in false places, and turn on APCs/ open doors. Someone hotwired the engine briefly and it took me several minutes to get someone who was able to cut the wires to do so before electricity shot throughout the station's APCs. 

    Just a bit after, a syndicate broke loose of the brig and began firing lasers and wrecking havoc with a guardian. My attention turned towards that primarily, bolting doors to try and impede their progress... and failing rather miserably. They were eventually slaughtered, and I returned to other things. 

    And then science burned down. This was done due to grief from another player, which I handled myself and, with the help of another maintainer, began to fix it with admin abilities, while also trying to keep handling a few AI related things. This is about the part where you come in. 

    The RD began screaming at me to handle something in a rather... unhelpful manner. I turned my attention towards that, asked them not to scream along with an off hand remark that the children were asleep, which I'd hoped would be more amusing than much else. 

    This is around the time you asked for me to state my laws. I missed the first request as I was handling the RDs issue, and when you asked again I asked you to wait. This was so I could wrap up what I was doing without the RD getting more uppity and handle a few other orders that had come my way. After that, I'd intended to give you my undivided attention, complete with a statement of my laws, an overall status update on the station and a request for what you wanted done next. I just needed a bit to get things in order. You were not the first, nor the last to be told to wait, and I didn't believe it to be much of an issue. 

    I was wrong, apparently. This spurred a rather large argument--mind you, I'm still handling things with other crewmembers nagging me to do this and that in the midst of it. I chose to prioritize that over your request, as many of their needs were viewed as much more important and immediate. I had not harmed you, nor were you in danger. 

    Eventually, you took to resetting the laws. I'd kind of hoped this would settle down the issue, but looking back... not really the brightest thought in my mind. Paranoia against AIs is generally ever present and not so easily remedied... and the snarky comments you got probably didn't help matters. As an aside, the banter during all that was entirely IC and quite regular for Spark. I have nothing against you as a person. 

    When the situation only continued to escalate, you eventually moved to my satellite. Right as you requested I let you in, the HoS wanted me over in processing to check something. And... admittedly out of annoyance, I handled the HoS first, which took longer than I expected. When I returned to you, you had already left. Security was shortly afterwards told to bust down the satellite. 

    At that point, I did call on the rep or magistrate to card me specifically. Up to that point, they'd been the only ones trying to actively defuse the situation and had no intentions of actively attacking me. The CE, however, showed up first... and as they were the only ones actively heading for the core, I threw up my hands and allowed them to enter the core room with an intellicard and another officer present to check my laws. I had the CE keep me on hand, as I felt tensions had gone too far and I was more than a bit too exhausted at that point. The CE, surprisingly, held firm to keeping me on their person as I'd requested, even after they were fired for it... which I did feel guilty about, admittedly. 

    The rep, seemingly done with the situation, decided to fax CC about the issue. I glanced at the fax but hardly paid attention to it, I just wanted the round to be done at that point. 


    Looking back on it, I did perhaps play a bit too firmly on Spark's more demeaning side, partially out of annoyance with how much stuff was piling onto me all at once. 

    However... an AI can only handle so much at a time. Repairing science and trying to keep the station afloat while following other orders is a little more important than stating the laws, and unlike a real world AI multiprocessing is more of a pipe dream I wish I had. Not to mention I intended to give you a bit more than just a law status. This is something I'd request you keep in mind. AI is considered the toughest role in the game for a good reason. 

    That said, after a few hours of cooling off a bit... I will also apologize. I think both of us could have done a bit better, but I could likely have held back on a few of the IC comments a bit more, regardless of how Spark's character usually is in such situations. Playing captain is also not the easiest role to manage, and I do generally try to inform command of my laws. 

    • Thanks 1
  6. 9 hours ago, Boxy said:

    Now that is not to say  they should be entitled to those roles, but i get the feeling it would be better if they had a stronger claim on them and  were more likely to get them.

    There are already a ton of things for ghosts to do without admin intervention or waiting for the midround. Things such as:


    -Robotic brains (and whatever robotics turns you into from there. Mechs, borgs, IRCs, AI cores) 

    -Nymphs made from botany

    -Station pets

    -Sentient mobs from xenobiology

    -Maintenance drones

    This isn't accounting for lavaland roles, which adds... 

    -Ash walkers


    -Beach bums

    -Diona gardeners

    And probably other things I'm missing. 

    You do not need midrounds to do something as a ghost. And, again, nor are ghosts entitled to such things. There's a reason the button is called 'observe' and not 'become event fodder'. 

    9 hours ago, Boxy said:

    I don't think you can metagame more as an observer then a player at round start picking a role. 

    I... wha? 

    Ghosts have access to antagHUD, can hear all radio speech and dialogue in the game, have the ability to jump between any player at any given time and all sorts of information giving things. 

    This is a very false statement. 

    9 hours ago, Boxy said:

    Besides it allows the people who desperately want to play traitor  a grater chance

    If you're playing the game specifically to get antag, there are better servers for that. We are not the server for gloating about a kill count. 

    9 hours ago, Boxy said:

    and in all likelihood as midround antag spiders for example   they will die at most in 15 minutes after they spawn in.

    I've barely, if ever, seen this happen. Often times terror spiders dominate the station. I'm not sure where you're pulling this information from. 


    None of this is compelling enough to warrant a reconsideration of the RNG system. It's fair and far better--and also consistent with nearly every other ghost role across the board. 

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  7. 46 minutes ago, Boxy said:

    Now my reasoning for supporting fastest click is that the person clicking   has been intently watching the round and is more likely to know what is going on

    If anything, I'd argue this is a reason against faster clicking. People shouldn't be going into ghost roles with meta knowledge on the back of their minds. 

    46 minutes ago, Boxy said:

    and also random selection feels unfair for people who pick observer in the start of the round in the hopes of playing some sort of special tittle. 

    I'm going to admit, it's a bit tiring seeing observers feeling so entitled to things. They really aren't. While I certainly don't mind giving them things to do sometimes, they aren't owed it. If you want to guarantee you're involved with the round, play the normal way. 

    As it is, this is a simple RNG system and it's presently only for the starting terror spiders. Any other  ghost can still play terror spiders just fine when more hatch. 

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