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Everything posted by Regen

  1. Removing 1/3 of the weapons you can reliably use against a borg is ludicrous, this is a textbook example of "I ded pls nerf" Humans can be beaten to death just the same with a stun baton, except they have tons of other weaknesses, for instance getting peppersprayed in the face, harmbatoned, tasered, drugged, they are vulnerable to chemicals, they need to breathe, can break bones, need a suit to survive in a zero pressure environment etc. "But you can be permastunned by a flash!!" Well you can also be permastunned by a stunbaton, as well as it serving as a reliable blunt weapon to beat you to death with, it also can be recharged, whereas a flash is a non-rechargeable resource that has a finite amount of uses before being destroyed.
  2. Aaaaah I see! Yeah we've already got some ss13 people who are play testing the game, I can't wait to get it out in early access
  3. Yep yep, that is correct, where'd you read that?
  4. Kinda sad this thread wasn't what I hoped for
  5. this button on your toolbar should do the trick
  6. I've added the ability for members to hide their own content, this means that normal people won't be able to see it, but staff will.
  7. You mean the "new paragraph on enter" is a good thing, yes? I wasn't sure if it was something we wanted, it did break formatting on some old posts, but overal I think it helps people format their text better. You can also do shift+enter to get a linebreak
  8. Now that we've had the new forum for a while, I'd like to get everyones feedback on it. Is there anything that you are missing? What do you like? What don't you like? Give us feedback here, so we can see about correcting any mistakes, and so we know where we did good, so we can continue doing good.
  9. Anyone can change their own title at 1000 posts if I remember correctly.
  10. It's in the works!
  11. Apparently this is a thing, durp

  12. Jup! I'm just working on a way to automate the process!
  13. Please see the updated version of the server rules.
  14. Regen

    New Forum!

    Welcome to our new forum! We are very excited to announce our brand new forum, sponsored by our lovely patreons! This forum will serve as the new home of the paradise community, it has a lot of new features which we hope you'll enjoy! There might be some bugs or errors, if so then please PM me either here or on discord, so we can work 'em out. I am still working on adding, tweaking and fixing things, so be on the lookout for changes! The white default theme will be changed as soon as we've got a personalized one that fits paradise!
  15. I'd rather we discuss neca's newfound ability of necromancy seeing as you're back from the dead Good to see you again
  16. I've been tearing it up as orochi
  17. Oy, don't forget who taught you to play I'm going to be playing it a lot, add me on steam or uplay yo http://steamcommunity.com/id/regen123 Uplay name: Regens1
  18. Then we better remove HONKS and Recitence mechs, plus the ability to Superfart, also toilet water/greenvomit, also fat people exploding with the thin mints. There's a lot of stupid silly things in SS13. If we're gonna start axeing silly things, a 'Growth serum' is one of the lesser of the silly objects we have. The difference is that things like mint and the HONK mech has been in the game for literally years, while this growth serum was added very recently. If we want to steer away from being a lowRP server like TG then perhaps we should start to curb these over the top silly things, not continue to add them because TG does it
  19. Agreed, it's stupid, and quite frankly makes us look like [insert vore server here]
  20. I'm all for it, it's a good change to make the game less hugbox
  21. The SQL database will be taken down for a short amount of time for patching, won't take longer than ~20 minutes. Only the Forum and Wiki will be affected. Database will go down around 11PM EST.
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