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Grey Tider

Grey Tider (1/37)



  1. you say "We", so you real skrell, yes? ^.^ Hm, what about tendril ? i read some idea that skrell have caviar under tendril Me too :3
  2. What is Sax? He's a bluespace Corgi... if that's what you're asking. Yep, that is ;3 Thx a lot ^.^ Hm, i am read yesterday about Crookshanks from Harry Potter, and he is 1/2 is Kneazle So, corgy have ears like the Kneazle, and i think that u make magic animal like URL to Harry Potter That is Kneazle :3
  3. Hm, what is the nyan animal, like a fox fenek [or dog?] -sax? ^.^
  4. so, what u think about anatomy? Skrell- its like silicon or jelly? what is body temperature? They are not frog 3: How they are reproduce?
  5. Oh, ok , i understand "Determination of the fact whether the site belongs to the category NSFW often is subjective and creates problems for those who study sexuality " - true 3:
  6. Image removed, keep it sfw oops, sorry. [i try to make swf, if it's wrong, pls say to me how to make swf] Like this nyan skrell. Guys, why u want to terminate so nyan xeno, THERE ARE AMAZING guys i coming in to the discord, please stand by
  7. Hi guys! I am from RU community, our station is very xenofobic, and i cant find some nyan erotic xeno pictures. So, i want to open tumblr account with TOP name "Wet skrell" or website. But i need some URLs or pics with erotic skrells, and i can't find it, maybe its not popular? I read all "PhantasmicDream Fanart ", its amazing, but i want more HOT. With hopefull, Your [Nyan orbite mouse from totalitarian space station]
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