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Posts posted by Purpose2

  1. Thats a fair point. The one time I hijacked as a clown, a badmin played Nuclear on the kazoo. Whoever that is, I forgive all your past transgressions.

  2. When we have the Station Shield objective, make it so we have a much higher chance of meteors as an event. You can even flavour this into the announcement that get faxed to the station.

    This'll help the station feel like there is a wider world, things are more impactful, and maybe people will actually try this objective. Also you can typically power only parts of the station at a time because its expensive power-wise to use. Having to run to the console to toggle it all on when you get the announcement would be awesome.


    Make it so you don't -always- have a station goal. People have stopped bothering really because you get them every shift. Retain interest in them being increasing scarcity.

  3. I've heard a mix of things about the recently added station goals, ranging from "meh" to "eh".

    I'd like this thread to be a brainstorm of thoughts/feelings about station goals... how we can make them better? Suggestions of things to add? Make things easier? Harder? More rewarding? Less rewarding?

    Currently they are the BSA, DNA vault and Station Shields.

    I'll keep this updated as your suggestions roll in.

    Bluespace Artillery:

    1. A large 'object' is travelling towards the station. Too large for Station Shields. Construct the BSA to 'save' the station. Could detonate a larger than maxcap if they don't construct the BSA by a certain point.

    DNA Vault

    1. Construction (maybe by use of a multi-tool to carry the data) of the vault gets the DNA samples the cloner has scanned so far this shift. This'd make things easier.

    Station Shields

    1. Increase chance for Meteor events


    1. Reduce how often these goals are generated, once every 2-3 shifts instead of every shift?
  4. The idea of them is to keep a head of staff safe so they can get away...

    Currently they're used to stunlock. They should be used as a 'smack on the legs to stun them' then 'run the fuck away'

    While keeping someone stun locked, I can make cuffs, and cuff them, while keeping them stunlocked... which seems like the wrong way to be.

    • Like 1
  5. Brain dumping thoughts:

    Assuming the idea behind 'Head of Service' is more like a Front of House / Maître d'hôtel - working as a sub command role much like the Quartermaster?

    Journalist/freelancer - this is already an alternate title for "Librarian" and imo, should be split out to being its own job separate from Librarian. (Although I'd probably attach a low 5 karma entry to increase quality there from people intentionally wanting to play that role getting it)

    Priest/nun - Reporting into the Chaplain?

    Not sure what 'Regional Director' would be - seems like the role CC fill sometimes.

    Stripper - :eyes:

    Comedian/Entertainer - how would you seperate this out from 'clown'?

    Musician is cool, reminds me of a player I haven't seen in ages 'Dan Jello'

  6. I'm not too enthused with the idea. If you need extra assistance, as Warden you can delegate responsibility of these to an officer in the round, rather than it be an always on thing.

    This'll also suffer from the same thing we had recently, where the alt title for MD for coroner was used by literally every single MD that was on the station.

  7. 25 minutes ago, Anticept said:

    I've said it before, I'll say it again:

    We do need some "AntagLite" as shadey aptly named them, but in ADDITION to existing antags. Hear me out.

    So basically, I would like to see a lot more objectives for people everywhere across the station. Minor little things, much like science has. Stepping up above that, we could have AntagLites, which are RP antags. Drug cartels, kleptomaniacs, sociopaths. These are ones given leeway with some of the rules, but are not murderantags. Then you have the existing antags already implemented from syndicate.

    AntagLites would be an opt in.

    I have a system for this but I've been unable to get it to a point where I think this'll actually work well with the community.

    I'd been calling it 'miscreants'... I'll show you the design sometime, but I feel incapable of getting this to a point where it'll work sensibly, without people taking things too far.

  8. 2 hours ago, Love-To-Hug said:


    Please stop. You've been really fairly toxic lately, and I ask that you take a step back and examine your recent interaction

    21 hours ago, Twinmold said:

    Just because there are bad Internal Affairs Agents doesn't mean removal of the titles is necessary.

    For this and many other reasons, I'd oppose removing this. A good lawyer has gotten me out of shitcurity being shitcurity more times than not. And I've never had an IAA be a pain to me while playing security... if you have them being a pain in the ass, maybe you're the shitcurity...

  9. Once my mapping tools PR gets merged, I had planned on doing a sweep over maintenance adding flavour with it. Hopefully you can find use of them @FreeStylaLT when you're doing stuff, otherwise I'll be looking at that once maintenance is more... stabilised...

    I also have one in at the moment that moves blob spawns to better locations in the new maintenance tunnels, and fixes some missing wiring.

    I also have other mapping projects on the go, but they aren't to currently live maps, and don't require further mention at this time.

  10. On 3/21/2017 at 5:58 AM, Shadeykins said:

    It's Brexit at any cost because the people on the remain side had grossly overstated the costs, which has lead the Brexit side to completely disregard anything anyone on remain has to say about the issue.

    I really wish I believed that, I truly do.

    Both sides lied. And from my ivory tower, I feel as though the Pro-Leave side lied relentlessly, and their advertising targeted the un-educated and un-informed heavily through use of fear mongering and misinformation to such an extent, that alone would turn me off of the Pro-Leave side due to the nature of their tactics.

    An issue is the media is largely for Brexit. Why? Because it is uncertain, it throws many things into chaos. And guess what? That gives them things to talk about. Stories to break.

    The media's push on Brexit is one driven by capitalist greed on short term results, so the rich can get richer and get out.

  11. @Anticept Thank you for taking the time to write that. But feel free to just cut out the middleman and beat me with War & Peace (or some other comically sized work)


    I agree with what you are saying. This will certainly solve a number of issues, and as you know a lot of that is already how I've been operating.

    Perceived concerns:

    1. Getting all participants to buy into the process
    2. Getting the guidelines written in the first place. (Something that was mentioned elsewhere was a spriting guide to keep our sprites looking along the same lines)
    3. Actively managing the roadmap, ideally the maintainers do this, no? Do they really want / capable of managing this in addition?
    4. Deciding the line between 'PR that requires this level of pre-work' or is it a small addition. The line is going to be different for every individual.
    5. Has the potential for the clique to increase in strength somewhat with the barrier for entry.
    6. Doesn't address the problem of Maintainers weighing in too heavily on 'design decisions' rather than code health/stability. But I guess that'd be an issue for the Maintainers/Heads to argue over.
    EDIT: It blows my mind a little bit that a system like Trello isn't being used or something similar to manage the pipeline of upcoming work. It feels like firefighting, rather than proactive development.
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