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Posts posted by Purpose2


    As loathe as I am to agree with Feweh, he has a point.


    Your list of 'banned names' if you implement the top option were full of ones I wouldn't consider being the bannable ones, propping up an arguement that I don't think anyone is necessarily making.


    I'll use your CE as the example Neca:


    [*] Grendel Riker - OK

    [*] William Riker - Not OK

    [*] Bill Riker - Not OK

    [*] Suzie Riker - OK


    If its literally the characters name, then no. If its a clear attempt to be that characters name, then no... but GRENDEL Riker... and JESSICA Janeway are perfectly legit imo.




    There will be a lot of agreement on the glaringly obvious names, but there will be issues with the more fringe cases.


    The obvious ones will be fine, but my worry here is people going out of there way to find a work of fiction that uses someones name they have a grudge against. Not to mention - do we count fanfiction? Published work? An indy game I made 20 mins ago?

    I can imagine this happening on occasion, but I really don't see this becoming a systemic problem. If we were to try this and it is, I will eat my hat. Until then, I'd need more than conjecture to concede this point.

    I have to agree on this, I don't really see this happening. If it does, its an individual being salty to another individual and trying to be a dick to them. In which case, they're violating rule 0.



    Otoh, it's important that even if we are consistent, we're perceived by the players to be consistent. Even if they're wrong, trust is important and we must be perceived as impartial to gain that trust.

    I'm glad you said this, maybe its my marketing brain, but perceived inconsistency is unfortunately just as bad as actual inconsistency.



    No crew members.


    Clowns Wizards, and AIs are exempt from this.


    My reasoning is 'muh immurshuns'... The latest rule has unfortunately led to inconsistencies in policing. So it needs to be an all or nothing thing.


    Nothing against either player but:

    [*] Gandalf running around with a robe and staff was asked to change his name.

    [*] Fox McCloud is an anthropormorphic red fox, and is fine.


    This is an inconsistency in rule enforcement (Which isn't a slam at the administrative team, its hard to police an RP game like this), and it should be all or nothing.... and I opt for nothing.



    Nobody can tell them apart, and the names go with the lore.

    That said, there are a few that are a tad ridiculous.

    I'm looking at you, Starburst_stuff

    You ever met my Vox, Spark? I've only played them two or three times.



    Eeehaaaaiticia or something



    When I'm nuke leader I - ALWAYS - declare war.


    When I'm Nuke grunt, I badger the leader to declare war, but they almost never do.


    WAR is fun for everyone. The station rallys around a cause... and the nukies get more toys.


    I was a nuke op in the round that I think prompted this thread. I definitely think some people had fun, and if they didn't in life, they did in death, as the rest of the round, particularly a nukie losing the nuke in space and having to chase it and eventually die of a heart attack because they ignored their broken chest for too long....



    Botany can do so much now, with all the "injection" and "squishing" effects, that it makes me question if this is what this server needs


    Injection, squishing, smoke, bluespace teleporting, and most of the other traits all existed with old botany.


    The difference is, new botany isn't so esoteric, difficult to understand, or overly-complex, so more people are playing it now and learning how to properly utilize botany, on the whole.


    There are new features, for sure, in addition to some new interactions, but for the most part--it's just more accessible and presented a lot better to the player.

    Now that we've had a week with the reduced size Growth Serum, and closed the one for removing it.... would you be opposed to re-opening the one for removing Growth Serum, so that conversation can be had with the context of the nerf?



    I hate the suicide verb myself, for the record - someone else might wanna weigh in on this due to my bias which doesn't seem to be the same as the rest of the community.


    Otoh, better a dead body you know won't come back than an SSD who might.


    Upon getting caught or the like is a kinda shitty ragequit though, and robs sec of a lot of the satisfaction of a job well done.


    I don't know if I can blame someone facing an hour in perma though for it.


    I'm all for removing Suicide verb.


    If someone wants to 'suicide', they can do OOC->Ghost.



    When it comes to suiciding, do not suicide upon getting caught or when converted by a conversion Antagonist.

    Emphasis mine.


    For clarification, does this include catching a murdering antag, and perma brigging them.... they shouldn't suicide in custody / perma brig?


    I'm asking because this happens ALL THE TIME... including admins that do this.


    Personally if thats the interpretation, I'm all for it... the amount of time I've tried to break out someone, only to find they suicided out of boredom...


    As an aside, I hate the suicide verb.



    Growth serum received a nerf to make it only raise a sprite to 1.5x size. This despite the PR outright removing it having three times as much approval.


    This is a suggestion to (as before) outright remove the mechanic (not nerf it). It's silly, jarring, and has no place on the server.


    This was a decision taken by the maintainers to overrule the majority.


    I do not agree with it, and still fully support deleting the growth serum entirely.



    If we do have a rule against names referencing characters or people, or anything like that, make sure Fox McCloud is not an exception. If there's one single valid point against Fox that's been raised, it's that. He shouldn't be above the rules.

    Yep, he of course wouldn't be an exception.


    However he is also likely the one that'll stop it from happening.



    On reddit at least, as well as on the discord, ive talked about it a lot. Annoying amounts actually. Pretty much everyone is in agreement that stronger naming rules would benefit the rp environment



    Now, find where to draw the line, and concisely write that as a rule. Survive the nitpicks and salt and arguments and get something near a consensus and its got a damn good chance of passing.


    Complaining is easy. Change is hard.

    "Don't use a fucking retarded name".



    I was going to put up a PR that makes Gateway Explorer into a real job.

    Not a karma-locked job. Just a normal job.


    At peak times, we can end up with 50+ civilians. That's nuts!

    We need more job slots!

    Gateway Explorer is a job:

    - That can have several job slots, maybe 3-5.

    - Which people already do, and enjoy.

    - Which requires no map changes to Cyberiad to make it viable, unlike most other suggestions for new jobs.

    Show me ANY other job that can match the points above. I don't think such a job exists.

    Given that we need to add more jobs, for their job slots, Gateway Explorer is the #1 most obvious job we should add.


    I played HoP the other day and I got 18 people coming to me in series at shift start. A third of them just wanted to be Gateway Explorers.

    That's nuts. Its already treated as a real job by many. So, let's make it one.


    Here's what I have so far, if you're curious: https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradis ... plorer_job

    The comments are there to explain it - I'll remove them before I submit the PR.


    Agreed on most of this. Only problem is when the Gateway is a beach.


    It'd only free up one extra slot, but an easy addition would be the Coroner, take it away as an alt job title for MDs. Make it is own job.


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