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Posts posted by Purpose2




    As a person, I'm always about trying to make other people have fun. I get kicks out of other peoples enjoyment. Hence, class clown, standup comedy, D&D GM... the lot... IRL.


    As AI I have a lot of leeway to let certain activities stop / proceed, to try to maximise the enjoyment of the round for other. Catch an antag five minutes into the round?


    AI: There is unauthorised access to the Captain's Office.

    Captain: Who is in the Captain's Office.

    AI: There is no one in the Captain's Office.

    Captain: Who was in the Captains Office.

    AI: Within what time period?

    Captain: Within the last 10 minutes.

    AI: The Captain of the NSS Cyberiad, and a civilian named Trip Fuzzball.


    Allowing that individual a chance to escape and store his items, to enable the round to continue rather than shut it down 5 minutes into the round.


    Absolutely nothing of interest happening, and you can bend your laws to comply with the request to let someone dodgey into an are they shouldn't, provided they RP'd a good enough reason? Go for it. But probably inform command in a round about way after.


    Or if Security is having a super hard time, go super-cop AI and doorslam perpetrators.


    The AI is an integral part of the story telling of a round, and I feel so privileged when I get the role.



    Medium RP. 'Nuff said.



    O = low


    X = High


    Every single point inbetween is medium. It certainly isn't in the middle.


    Which is likely the source of a lot of peoples contention with this, some people see medium much more to the left or right than everyone else, whereas when you are on one end of the defined spectrum or not, it is easy and clear to define.



    Obviously going to depend on timezones, but I have felt this massively myself.


    I think partially it is due to (it feels like anyway) that nine out of ten rounds are changelings/traitors - rather than some of the more 'fun' rounds like wizards, blobs etc.


    Depending on the lawset, playing AI can feel like playing a strategy game... If you don't have the heads whipping their departments into shape, its like having no pieces on the board.



    Welcome aboard man!


    I paid a lot of attention to Karma when I first started... then I sort of forgot about it, now I'm nearing triple figures and I haven't spent it, because I'm enjoying the default stuff enough.



    This is a very good guide Reno.


    Please please please make things more interesting for me. I've had so many laws that basically scream HEY I'M A ROGUE, COME CARD ME, if I was to follow them to the letter.


    Also cardinal sin, typos or grammatical errors.... I can and will take them to the letter rather than the intent. And you'll be upset.


  6. Haha, I only was someones target once that I can remember... and they never got me... I vauely remember that round, I don't think I was doing anything interesting, maybe setting up the abandoned bar. I was shocked I wasn't taken!


    can read code

    I can, but a lot of the fun is muddling through sometimes. Every shift, I'm learning something new.


    Also it is a fairly good RP opportunity to be the FNG, asking for help IC from another of your role.



    Figured I'd pop by the forums to say hi, as I've been on paradise for the last week or so... I've been on gardening leave so I'm enjoying losing my life to this game... sucking something like 14 hours a day into the game some days.


    Most frequent IGNs: Jaden Jackson & William Hardman.


    I started a little over a week or two ago, mostly doing engineering jobs, keep trying to branch out, but I feel like this a lot:



    But apparently I do Clown well, as I've done it once, and earned 90% of my karma that way....


    Hi everyone.


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