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Everything posted by MarsMond

  1. A problem about the public sleeper for "small" injuries is that it actually could lead to more work for medbay. Guy gets an infected wound, think it's healed from the styptic, later needs to be treated for septic everything. And currently, a stationary medibot is probably better for that, applies correct chems, and alerts medbay of critically wounded patients. And yeah, there is a difference between players who want to do some other stuff, but will do their job when needed, and players who disappear from their job and do whatever roundstart. The first type can easily have one or two on standby, and call for the rest when needed, regularly cycling who watches the lobby. The second type is better off as civilian. I think one issue is that there isn't much interesting to do for the "tide", but attempting to close down the tide by blocking the job they do the least damage with isn't really the solution.
  2. Perfect. It's nice to see the progress on it also.
  3. You can always ask cargo for a janitorial supply crate, or scrape some gibs together, and give that to chemistry, for the soapification reaction.
  4. I really like how you did draw it, especially the clothing. The only critic i would have is that with the snout and maybe the part of the tail you can see, you would rather think she's a Vulpkanin, rather than a Tajaran. Otherwise, i think the picture with the veil is better, without, her visible eye looks somewhat off.
  5. MarsMond

    IC forum

    Well, you can write up things in Stories of NSS Cyberiad as if your char did tells a story or so, or as said you can make a club for that. Not sure if there really needs to be a more "official"/direct thing.
  6. The PR that does fix it is up, it's a bigger change to cult overall, adds some fluff/sprites for the deathcult, rather than being a Nar'Nar knockoff.
  7. Well, i got a number of catbeasts, Azunja Konr, guess currently good at avoiding working on the station, Wasam Hadii, good at piloting spacecrafts, Creshmi Harara, good at growing plants, and Hajran Raasi, good to be the token Tajaran for central, so it can say equal oportunities for every species. I like the lore, and gives a bit of species PR, rather than just being the fitting human employee #73459. And why Tajara rule: The other races all did come from a planet that does let plant grow rather easily, while Tajarans did flourish on a planet that's almost a snowball, and had a stable and peacefull central goverment, so no wars between Tajarans. That only changed when humans did come to Ahdomai, fiddling in stuff they are not supposed to.
  8. Well, 3 is a nice number, why don't you stay at it?
  9. You could do the nukie way, get an auto implanter with it. Might need to make it single use, to avoid them buying one implant, and implanting the rest of the implants with it. The combat module does sound more like something for nukies also, what do you want with a medibeam, and given the costs nukies have for an esword and medibeam gun alone, would probably even costs all the TCs of the traitor. If the Esword part of the combat module also has the emag capabilities, it sure will be to strong/costly for a syndicate agent.
  10. We actually have the system needed for this, language flags that make the language a sign, or hybrid language. Don't think it currently does support the inability to speak while cuffed, and not sure if a normal muting does get ignored. It should be understandable while being deafned. I think a reason against sign language was: It's the perfect choice for powergaming: Currently, the tertiary languages are basically the same as your racial language, usable on comms, only understandable by a few; Sign language however does allow to talk while deafned, and i think through space, locally. Why wouldn't people choose it for the additional power?
  11. pAIs are in a strange position. While they are kinda lacking some things that would help them with RP things, they are rather strong as a death alarm+. I figure linking them to their owner like this could allow that when the owner can't call for help, the pAI can neither. Though given that they are riding shotgun, they can focus on the call for help/calling out the attacker while the owner is occupied with combat. I figure with a muting with the owner, it would be acceptable powerwise in relation to the current one, as the current needs to be salvaged from the body to get it to shut up, while you can't salvage an implanted one. Though i think pAIs need to be overhauled in general, so they become less of a death alarm+, and more of a sentient Personal Data Assistant and companion. Paperwork modules, better record modules, interlinkage to the masters channels, so it can answer PDA/radio requests, things like these that should help making them more into a round-balance unaffecting fun RP thing, which they are supposed to be, is what should be looked into.
  12. Could make it a trashcan similar to the one on the mining asteroid. Fancy stationary crate, should be regularly emptied by the janitor, keeps the trash out of sight while not allowing greytide to easily disposal of all the food. Or add something like a used dishes counter for the trash items, only accepts the resulting trash. More coding work, less abusable.
  13. Getting dragged by someone you don't want to get dragged from? Hit rest, and annoy him with either slow movespeed, or needing to keep to shake you up.
  14. https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/7634 Probably will have.
  15. I would figure some of theese objectives would be rather hard to track, especially if you consider the game checks for the completion on round end from what i know. Easiest way to fix that would be removing greentext, which i would support, still has quite some things to consider. About the free choice on your objectives, the problem I'm seeing is that many people just activate their murderboner and hijack. Guy running around wordlessly bombing the shit out of the station while memecheming people in his way isn't really fun for most of the players involved. We could make rules on it, that disallows such things, but then we would never get gloves off hijack, i mean it's randomly assigned to someone that can go nuts then, similar to wizard, how would that be choosen when you can make your own objectives?
  16. The argument that it would result in less violence as everyone would have a gun, and such, would get shot if they use it, akin to mutual assured destruction, doesn't really work here, we already do get people spacewalking without protection, suicide bombing, walking into a xeno nest without the right protection, stuff like that shouldn't happen either if M.A.D. would work for this game. Engaging someone in melee does put you at greater risk, takes more time, and as we wouldn't get shrapnels into the person, less time to fix it if it gets lethal. Think that's one reason why normal lethals are laser weaponry: You shouldn't want to kill, and if you shoot someone with lasers, and they fall down from being at -0 to -50, they are dealt with, without killing them, given they can't heal. Once you neutralized every (humanoid) threat that way, you can savely drag them to med-/brigbay in cuffs, apply some silver sulfandize, and they are fully healthy again. If you try to do that with ballistics, they can bleed out, shrapnels/broken bones will fuck them up if you drag them to medical care, medical care consists of healing the brute damage, multiple surgeries to remove the shrapnels, fix the bones, stop internal bleeding, fix organs that also got damaged, and afterwards you will need to restore their blood, probably also keep supplying them with oxy-loss meds to counter the damage from a low blood level. Don't think spread out balistics will work for this server, the guns itself, and maybe such a system to backtrack weapons permits and such, should be nice, but well, way more restricted.
  17. Know a bit of a necroing, but this is done in code now: https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/7537
  18. That's actually possible, so well, no need to add that with a lower cost.
  19. It's kinda crazy how fast you seem to be able to do them, can't take you more than an hour, judging from the time between the two posts. Very nice.
  20. The idea is that the languages that get added are part vocal/auditory, part non-auditory. So you in your example, the officer would still hear them, but not understand them. Not sure if it's possible, but if they would understand pidgin at least, maybe they understand half of it, or get it translated into some misleading/senseless sentence, as the character hears the words, and tries to make some sense into it. It wouldn't be that much different talking local as it is currently with the existing languages. About more species specific language on comms, this would do nothing, as the headsets only transmit the auditory signal, and such, half of the message would not be understandable: "** code sh** **ble l** th*", which was "The code should scramble like this", manually scrambled. About the vox getting this telepathy, for which they also need to shriek to utilize it, i figured that would be a lore fitting explanation of how they would have a non-verbal component, rather than giving vox, taj, vulp, and unathi tail movement as non-verbal component.
  21. Holy water does reduce jitter, after some time causes stutter and minor dizziness, if longer (time it would cause a cultist or thrall to deconvert), it causes some confusion, no other effects on non-vampire (thrall)/cultists. That holy water does cause brain damage is a misconception that just won't die.
  22. I think it would be interesting to add some more languages only certain groups can speak, like a combinatio n pf light and sound for Kidan that have the glow organ. If they don't have the organ, but choosen the language, they could at least understand it. Think some sign-only language might be too problematic as you would be able to communicate while being deafened. Some languages i did think of: Glowtin, Kidan: Combined use of light and sound signals to be able to relay information faster. Used by the sub-species of Kidan that have the needed glow organ. Siik'Maas, Tajaran: Basically Bay's Siik'Tajr, our Siik'Tajr does equal Bay's Siik'Maas. Rootsong, Diona: Rootspeak combined with flowery aroma. Used by Dionas that decided to settle on a planet rather than becoming a big gestalt in space. Compressed Datastream, IPC: Using the TV-like head to display data while also sending Trinary signal for re-combination with the visual data for decompression. Utilised from the older IPC models, designed as it needed less talk, and such, more work done with the same communication. Vox Apgin, Vox: Vox utilising a short range telepathic communication, origin of that would be the vox apex, besides using normal shrieking. Came from vox that wanted to have some more secure talk to the other members of the vox. I figure you could give every race such a semi-vocal language, would just need some lore fluff around, more precisely why it would have happened in the first place. I would at least like to see some semi-vocal languages, the system for them would already be in place, so why not use it?
  23. The problem is a good part of the races have disadvantages, which i think made Paradise actually move away from it. From what i know, we had custom race nukies, but well, IPC nukies that die from the first EMP they encounter (and explode), diona that can be outrun by a one-legged person on sepia tiles, greys that get extra dammage, kidan that won't see shit thanks to no night-vision, plasmamen that can't really decide which hardsuit they would like to take, all not really suited for being a nukie. Besides that, would need sprites for every race for the elite hardsuits.
  24. Yeah, my bad, i just remembered it getting said somewhere, figured it was the wiki, but it was the original PR adding it: Point still stands, it's possible.
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