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Everything posted by FlattestGuitar

  1. I'm still waiting for Rapid Data Exchange animations.
  2. I think it should be considered that a holoparasite doesn't necessarily imply someone has malicious intentions. Same as non-slip shoes it doesn't have to be used to steal/rape/pillage/kill and could just serve the funciton of a more robust pAI. If someone says they found an injector in maint and they just turn themselves in, this should become an IC, non-shooty-shooty issue. I'm still a firm believer in that if something isn't actively trying to kill people it shouldn't be killed under any circumstances. That said, the support guardian needs a nerf.
  3. Bump for Praxis being cute when he gives S.P.E.Z.Z. drugs.
  4. I really don't think the game using a controller is a bad thing. ss13 doesn't use that many keys and most of the work is done with the mouse. The only problem I see is that voice chat will most likely be the only form of communication and that already disables a giant portion of gameplay. The game has ambition and Dean has stated himself that he'd rather have a small playerbase than a game appealing to casual players. If this is what he's saying it is, it might just turn out to be pretty damn fun.
  5. Welcome to your new life. Feel free to make sad and depressing posts on the minichat, that's what it's for.
  6. One of you reasons this is shitty is that you can't make an IPC torso, so you literally need to use a corpse, which shouldn't ever have to happen.
  7. What's there to explain? *bluespace did it*
  8. I really like the idea of studying lings or vampires. It would add a whole new level to both cooperating and non-cooperating antags, as well as gameplay as security and command staff as they could risk the procedure instead of executing. This could possibly lead to making searching for vamps easier (shouldn't be too OP though) or even finding a way to cure vampirism. I'm sure someone could come up with dozens of new and fun gadgets RnD could get for doing sp00ky science.
  9. So many Polish people around here, wow. Well me too. Not much to say, really. I don't even like vodka, if that makes any difference.
  10. Possibly add more smaller objectives to make it easier to get small point boosts. I think that could work, but it would require quite a bit of coding to pull off right. We'd also get a lot of publicity as a server if we did that.
  11. This thread proves that playing vox is just too fun to give a shit about the lore or forums.
  12. Generally the 'get dead' objective is non-compatible with the rest of the stuff you have to do. If you need to steal something there's no better way to greentext than just spacing yourself with the item in your backpack, and even then there's no guarantee you won't be found. I think antags focus way too heavily on greentext and dying being an objective only makes the issue bigger.
  13. Updated and therefore absolutely destroyed the wiki page, sorry for wiping your work, Scrat. We're still missing IPC medicine, which I'm not sure should go to that page, but whatevs *shrug Also, I've decided not to include a 'relationships with other species' because it's racist and stupid, considering IPCs are specifically stated to have no culture. NEW WIKI PAGE Enjoy being a snowflake!
  14. Didn't Elliot cut Zeke's head off later? Or was that a /completely/ different shift?
  15. Okay, I think the GLORIOUS IPC LORE is ready to be uploaded to the wiki. Question - is there anyone that 'authorizes' that or should I just slap it there and call it enrichment?
  16. Merged your suggestions. SHAMELESS LINK BUMP
  17. He's cute <3 (the lizardperson, duh!) Also, I was super racist towards Lasskaklassh once and I'm so sorry D:
  18. If I get to choose between fun and greentext, I'll choose fun every time, but I think it would be pretty neat if fun became coincidental with greentext. That's all I want. If people want to off themselves spectacularly, they can do so already. Nobody is forcing you to keep playing. I've never seen an antag actually die a glorious death rather than just sudokuing themselves with the verb just to get dat green.
  19. They changed it to 'stay alive', which I did, but security stole my brain and gave it to its cloned owner while letting me go clear of charges. ;_;
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