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Everything posted by alexpkeaton

  1. The more likely to be implemented suggestion is "make more toolbelts available at fixed spawnpoints at roundstart." I'd support an extra toolbelt in primary tool storage, wardrobe, secondary tool storage, cargo should really have one for every member of supply, also.
  2. It's an implant. It can be surgically removed. High risk, high reward.
  3. The benefit I see of a different tray color is that there's a paper trail for the admins to follow when someone ahelps with "HALP! I'M DEAD IN THE MORGUE BUT I'M ACTIVE - MY TRAY IS COMING UP RED BUT I'M HERE!" (or "HALP! MY TRAY IS GREEN AND THEY AREN'T CLONING ME!") Can anyone comment on the potential coding difficulty for this implant? I imagine it would at least be moderate difficulty as this is an implant that interacts with two different pieces of equipment (cloner and morgue trays).
  4. I don't want fascism on this server. Are you sure we don't have something awfully close to fascism on this server already? And I don't mean the fun-killing admins. I mean Nanotrasen. I'm not going to go all political philosopher here, but a case can well be made that the political system we are in IC is one or two degrees short of fascism. The understanding I have of the backstory is that Nanotrasen isn't just our employer but very much administers all aspects of the lives of employees and their families. The Syndicate organization is a little more extreme but is yet another "great power" in space. It's still pretty darn right wing that a corporation with a profit motive coordinates all elements of society. And if you look at a lot of elements of fascism, many are there here. Extreme nationalism. Uniting against a common enemy. Highly dangerous tactics that endanger life and limb of the people to accomplish goals. Regulation and censorship. Forcible suppression of any any all opposition to the state (404, Death squads...). I mean, the Syndicate is closer to fascism in their tactics. Of course, Nanotrasen would want us to think that, right?
  5. "I've got 19 problems now but luckily still none are admin related because Saywat appears to be occupying the bulk of their time." Get the hit rap single at itunes.com
  6. (Regarding CC intervention) Well admins will adminbus regardless, and I'm afraid "chaos" is what they call "!!FUN!!" But I get your point.
  7. On another thread, it was lamented how medbay often isn't told that a corpse dropped off by sec shouldn't be cloned. So that's where I'm starting from. Here's the suggestion. A box of implants, either out in the armory at roundstart or in the Warden's office, that can be implanted in a body of an identified antag killed or executed. The implant will prevent the body from being scanned in the cloner and will turn morgue trays either red, or a unique color (orange, blinking red, yellow, etc). The implant can be surgically removed and then the body cloned, of course, but since medbay and security don't share each other's comm channels, this is an easy way to communicate "this body should not be cloned." Also this would eliminate the need for coroners to manually label bodies "DO NOT CLONE." I'd suggest the coroner be given a box as well, but that would be too OP for a potential antag member of medbay to get their hands on, and would almost certainly result in griefing preventing cloning. So keep it in the hands of the loyalty implanted to prevent such an occurance.
  8. I really like everything put forward in the original post. I was a proponent in a past thread for Vox to become a side-antag because it's non-sensical that the round abruptly ends when the Vox leave. Since the Vox only tend to interact with a mere fraction of the crew, the rest of the crew get a sudden, often unexpected halt to their round. Not fun when you've invested that time in your job to suddenly get the scoreboard in your face. I think that the Wryn idea is great and can be something that can stand alone or work fantastic with an adminbus. Wryn have a kidnap objective, but Comms Officer Jenkins would love to get his hands on some useless relic (or fantastic weapon) that he contacts the Wryn and orders station heads to hand over all male Vox on the station to meet the kidnap objective for the Wryn so that Jenkins can get his prize. So it would end up being a Wryn vs. Crew vs. CC round, not just the first two. Would add a unique spin on the gamemode if an active admin played CC.
  9. Assuming the unupgradable piece is legit, this seems to be a sensible and simple change.
  10. I think the floorplan could even be increased here, to include the starboard half of the entrance to sec. Move the reception booth (maybe new Warden's office to encourage actually processing prisoners) to the middle of the port side wall with a desk/windoor to public access, and with a windoor dumping out starboard into temporary detainment. One cell fore and aft of the Warden's desk, hallway running fore-aft next to that with a dedicated entrance to sec for prisoners, and then two interro areas running into the detective's office. Then perma can get a massive overhaul now that you open up the current interro room's footprint to the floorplan. So, under this floorplan, a prisoner is brought in the prisoner entrance, dumped in an interro room or holding cell. The officer tells the Warden, who's right there, the crime, the Warden then takes custody of the prisoner, moves him or her to the brig through the forward entrance into the sec hallway, and books them for the crime.
  11. I agree with all of Ace's ideas. Cap has a hardsuit, and when the bridge gets bombed and lacks atmos, there's a common time the Cap would don his hardsuit despute not going anywhere, and BS should be right there with him. Plus, the BS's suit should have at least some armor.
  12. Admins, please lock this thread. No need to continue the he said, she said, github said.
  13. I should clarify that I feel that the Rep's fax is his primary hardware for Code situations and ERT's. And I think, for ERTs in particular, instead of fumbling with the swipe station for the 5 minutes it seems to take 2 warm bodies to coordinate a swipe, the NT Rep should be focused on a concurrent fax to CC about the need for an appropriately-equipped team, and not on being one of those warm bodies.
  14. Here's a few ideas I was thinking of. Remove NT Rep's authority to swipe red/ERT, remove NT Rep's swiping station in his office (I am playing NT Rep a lot recently but admit this seems to exceed the NT Rep's authority/charge - if the Blueshield has this authority too, it should also be removed) Portable swiping stations for heads using PDA. Insert ID card into PDA, click a button. (I don't know how difficult this would be to code to allow simultaneous swiping) Increase simultaneous swipe recognition from the current 2-3 seconds to 10 seconds. This can get frustrating and that sort of time change does not change the intent of simultaneous swiping. Notify all parties to an ERT swipe that the request was sucessfully transmitted, or, better yet, let all swiping stations beep with that message upon a successful ERT request. (will avoid the "did it go through? Are you sure? Did you get the message? What message? Let's swipe again.") Allow jetpacks to have a limited backpack-style inventory. Maybe fanny-pack size, but allow full-sized items. Especially as a miner, getting your backpack slot taken can suck. Give NT Rep, Magistrate pens the ability to change ink color by clicking on them. Give IAA's a "cheap multicolor pen" that does the same. (cannot claim this idea as my own, saw it weeks/months ago and thought it was a brilliant idea never implemented)
  15. At round start, traitors are given their objectives, their PDA Uplink code, and a name. The name is of someone aboard the station who may be able to help them in their objectives. As I understand it, that name is generated not by who is an antagonist, but rather who has a negative opinion of NT selected in their character setup. Often, the name generated, therefore, is not an antagonist. This has created some odd interactions as a security officer and not knowing of how that name is generated. Twice, when a surrendered traitor tried to negotiate a lower sentence, he gave his contact's name. The first time, thinking this was simply another traitor being referred to as a "contact," they were hauled in for interrogation. They didn't know what was going on, I doubt they even knew the antagonist. After some wrangling, they were released. The second time it happened, the name was the Blueshield's. That NT preference is likely one that's indicated once and never changed, and it's a potential round-ruiner for people who get randomly tied up in an antagonist's round. Not to mention that it somewhat encourages self-antagging which could result in a difficult explanation to admins. I think the name suggestion should be nixed, or at least be made to select only from other round antags. In the latter instance, it will allow traitors to contact each other rather than attempt to use those ridiculous code phrases over comms or in general conversation. What do you think?
  16. Ok. Can the paper on the Blueshield's desk with the info about the HoS be fixed then? Or is that something for github?
  17. Keroman, I can't say that I can claim giving a medal away. I haven't given out any medals as Captain. I have, however, recommended someone for commendation in the forum threads. Since the medals in the case match the ones offered on the forum commendation screen, and the character profiles say "Commendations: (to be added by admins)" I've stayed away from handing out medals during a shift.
  18. I honestly agree with this treatment, as I was surprised initially that the Blueshield reported to the NT Rep in any identified fashion. Also, FlattestGuitar, you were the Blueshield last night when the Amish Captain was adding all of those electronics/livestock laws. I was the IAA. Good round, and you were a good Blueshield.
  19. I agree wholeheartedly. I never liked how rounds suddenly end when Vox TRaiders return, and this would confuse people's meta senses. Always a good thing.
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