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Everything posted by saywat_the_15th

  1. Or have a mining scanner. An advanced scanner, so you can stabilize the gibtonite AND BRING DEATH AND DESTRUCTION UPON THE STATION.
  2. Hamster would suit QM. Like a hamster, QM is runnin in a wheel (in this case, cargo area)
  3. You must hug them back, with laser beams.
  4. saywat_the_15th


    Warden runs the brig, that is atleast the same amount of work the QM does. He handles the incoming perps, searches them, jails them. He also in charge of keeping brig clean, babysitting permaprisoners, guarding the armory, equipping officers and maintaining peace in brig. That is a lot to do. Edit: also yeah, warden office is too small to house a pet. I have trouble fitting a minibar there.
  5. saywat_the_15th


    QM can just order a pet.
  6. Eyyy, welcome to the paradise. where the jumpsuits are grey and toolboxes bloody
  7. Righty-o, here i go. Is gud: Your classic flamethrower music: Your choice of music when taking a jog through the jungle: asdasdsasdasdasdas: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vBecM3CQVD8
  8. Lmao. Imagine playin as a bartender, someone comes in and asks for a triple citrus, proceed to whack yourself with a knife to fill the glass with triple citrus.
  9. Cargo and engineering also have pass terminals, engineering one is pretty poorly placed though.
  10. There is an existing handshake command already, no idea how it works though.
  11. HoS is already the most armed and dangerous person aboard, there is no need for him to have any better gear than he already has. What's the matter if BS has better gloves, he lacks in other things. Also can't RD just order some insulated gloves, it atleast gives cargo sumthin to do.
  12. That's so goddamn legit hahahah, I can't believe that's a thing Does that mean you can sabotage Sec officers' batons by doing the same thing? Since you are able to screwdriver the cell of a baton out, i guess so.
  13. Ooooohhhh. Okay. See it only ever said "thats incompatible with the wrapper" or whatever. Hmm, you should be able to wrap pretty much anything that is wrappable by the package wrapper. You can even gift wrap a straight jacketed human. Cut the gift wrap with wirecutters and apply the piece of gift wrap on desired item.
  14. Gift wrap works, you need wirecutters to cut it.
  15. Security is syndicate: confirmed Both syndicate and security terrorize the station.
  16. 23. Breaking in somewhere? It is not wise to use any unique piece of clothing that leaves fibers. You can easily be hunted down if the detective found clown outfit fibers on the crime scene. Acid is a great way to destroy clothing items and that kinda stuff.
  17. I dunno, would make HoS even more deadly. -1
  18. Toss this to gamma armory or give to ERT.
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