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Everything posted by saywat_the_15th

  1. I sure hope that nothing has happened to the sir, he might be laying on the street in 49 pieces.
  2. Where do these topics come from? It ain't illegal, it ain't wrong, no need to label each quacking 100 000 wrenches and screwdrivers onboard. Does not matter where the crowbar is from, it still finds a way into your head :>
  3. We must reserve enough food for the guest's dogs, there will be 24 dogs here soon.
  4. I always try be polite and nice to security whenever i am arrested, because i know how good it feels if you are an officer and you arrest someone who just knows that making your job harder is not nice.
  5. I could, but i don't know what should i use and stuff, i dunno anythin 'bout this kinda stuff.
  6. Let's face the fact, the peacemaker skin is probably the only skin people use. The other (gold trim, leopard etc.) are just horrible looking. What i mean is that we should replace the lazy coloured versions of the normal revolver with something like: The Dirty Harry's 44. Skin OR the Colt Navy 1850 one. Feel free to shoot this down if ya wan't
  7. Adr baka! Neko neko nyaaa~~~~
  8. Eyyyy, hopefully you won't be on the receiving end of my stunbaton in the future. Have a secure day
  9. I would like to extend my stay to 5 days, if that is fine by you.
  10. Do you mean footsteps in general cuz I thought footsteps got merged after some controversy with the enable/disable steps thing (Yet again I only look at the github from time to time so fuck if I know) I dunno man, i never look there. What i meant was that if more walking sounds were added i would lose my sanity. Jackboots and clownshoes are annoying enough ;_;
  11. Jackboot sounds alone are driving me insane. But this could be kinda cool, needs a mute button in the menu if added though.
  12. Botany grows coka plants, by grinding the leaves you get like raw coke stuff (idon'tfuckingknow) then add something like sugar and other stuff in like they really do. Also effects could be sumthin like brief nightvision or sumthin exotic. This would cause heavy addiction though, increased hunger and being all jittery. Death by starvation if not cured or more coke.
  13. Command meetings would never be dull again.
  14. For so long have i wanted to snort some lines as the captain in my office. For so long have i wanted to be the Tony Montana of the station. For so long have i wanted to reenact the 80s in this 2d spessgame. Really, why isn't coke in the game. Hell it is the future, i am sure chemistry could make artificial cocaine. Effects would be loss of hunger and energy boost. Also you should be able to make a coke line on a desk.
  15. Can i get banned, i need my life back.
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