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Everything posted by saywat_the_15th

  1. Sec aviators would be awesome. And perhaps a red campaign hat, some police departments/law enforcement agencies use those if recall correctly.
  2. Oh, this stuff is pretty nice, huh.
  3. Welcome! That painting, it's true art.
  4. Not sure if that BSA is part of the "pre-emptive preparations against cult" but it sure as hell would work in that role too. Also, welcome! if not to the whole game and community but to the introductions section of the forums.
  5. Welcome! Bit of a learning curve ahead, but once you get over that, the game's fun
  6. We already have the carrot shiv, think you need to just apply a hatchet on carrot.
  7. This sums it up. Let's keep this discussion constructive.
  8. Those are fine, when there is a janitor/civilian traitor, chances are high that they have picpocket gloves. Those things are hands down (pun intended) easiest way to pull off most of the theft objectives.
  9. ...i never thought we'd need this, but we do.
  10. /me emoting handshakes is a bit awkward, this'd be neat.
  11. Good way to celebrate that post amount, about as many post as chainsaws, sheesh
  12. I don't know if this absolutely neccessary. Seems like on most rounds i play with the population being around 60-70~ there seem to be borgs of all kinds going about. There's a functioning robotics office most of the time, from what i've seen. Upping the slots wouldn't neccessarily be a bad idea, but having a lot of round-start borgs takes something to do from robotics. This also could prove to be a problem in one other way too. Cyborgs are rather powerfull things, not OP, they have some counters. But they have tools needed for the job with them at all times. They are also durable and space-proof. They are strong. The point here is that round-start + robotics borgs could equal to a lot of cyborgs onboard at once. And having a lot of borgs on at once could be a problem.
  13. Gotta ask, since i haven't gotten around to re-installing this yet due to my router and steam not liking eachother, do the planets still cause massive lag? Also, that fleet part was pretty damn awesome, gotta admit.
  14. If we made a rule that we enforce in a way that does not take the intent in question, this'd mean in your case, you would have been banned too. Making another rule for something wouldn't neccessarily make people follow it, and blind enforcement is not unfortunately going to really work, as it usually does not. There's a possibilty of lie in every talk about a rulebreak, in some cases, someone might be good enough of liar to get away with it. Usually, if they repeat their mistakes, they won't get away with it by lying.
  15. Been thinking of installing it again. Bought the game early on when it came to early access after seeing some youtuber recommend it, never played too much though. Could be up for some faction stuff.
  16. What, no no, i thought this would never see the light of day again
  17. Eyy, welcome. Game has a steep learning curve but once you get past it, it's great.
  18. I support the idea of having a longer cooldown between stuns, that or the standing up thing paired with aiming for legs to stun.
  19. Yes please. Also, i like the single orders thing because it'd fit this sorta weapon.
  20. That "no prisoners, only bodies" one, to this day, is my absolute favourite shitcurity moment.
  21. Woah, all of this is pretty darn nice. But, the seal ripley and the duck suit look the best, just because how silly they are.
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