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Everything posted by saywat_the_15th

  1. God i forgot how good these sprites looked, +1, we need these in.
  2. This'd be an interesting try in improving the quality of a hard role. If you meant this video to be of an actual round, issue with this would be simply getting that good round with everything in it to represent a good security round. Yet, an interesting idea.
  3. Always up for new maint places, more places to hide bodies, more places to renovate. The bathroom looks a bit off with the silver doors. Also that detective room, give me now.
  4. Those suits were removed for some reason. If the HoP hires new miners now, he has to give them EVA suits.
  5. Surgeon is just an alternate job title for medical doctor. Both MD and surgeon can do eachothers' jobs even though it might ruin some immersions.
  6. Aren't those solvable by relogging though, i've heard that should work (heard :V)
  7. I have no idea why i wrote this. May or may not continue.
  8. It does not need one word, just one letter like button ( i ) for "info", and then it opens small note window like paper, that only security can write it down and delete it, but other persons can see it. I think this would be pretty neat, but you can already write down stuff with secHUDs. Not many officers use this function even if it can be really usefull.
  9. I dunno, i have always liked the whole evil corporation thing. Also, i'd assume some of the stuff lore team has been writing up would have to be changed since there is gonna be NT stuff in them.
  10. -1, antag freedom is already too strict
  11. Just some items sprites i've been doing for fun. These are one of my first ever works, quality might reflect that. Pelt hat Napoleonic wars era british trooper uniform
  12. This suggestion...pretty good.
  13. This is not the speed i though of
  14. For example; a wanted traitor falls SSD due to his connection dying, officer finds him, searches him and finds traitor stuff which he then takes away. When that traitor comes back *poof* his stuff is gone, he could have had his objective item there which the officer took. That would screw the antag over big time, they already have it tough. If the person going SSD is clearly doing it to avoid getting caught, that is a thing you can ahelp. A rule rewrite for this issue while it might do some good, would just overly screw over those who don't do it on purpose.
  15. Damn phones :^) Vote accidentally went to no, soz.
  16. I was a detective, this one dude came up to me and asked if i could show him what kind of job detective was, he tagged along to some minor crime scenes and asked things about detective work and such, almost at the end of the shift he wants to practise cuffing me, he does, turns out he was a changeling *cue absorbing*
  17. Eyy, 'sup. Cargo tech best tech.
  18. Was great. Doin this sorta stuff with the community and staff is fun. Both the players and the administrative side gets to hear both sides' concerns, questions and answers in one package.
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