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Everything posted by fludd12

  1. why not just make a telecomms code for it? it's like two or less lines
  2. 1) I don't think greentext applies to pods, I've seen redtext for pod usage during escape on shuttle alive/free. 2) Why not? It's not like anyone almost ever goes to the research station anyway 3) Kharshai, I love PMMM.
  3. Reminds me of when Mijhead was an IPC that died, got resuscitated, broke so they counted as dead but could talk in IC, and then I ate them.
  4. Consider this: Make it! The implements are all readily available in-game from the time R&D has researched literally anything with a bluespace value, let alone the insta-finished R&D most people get now. Just get access (or ask someone with access) to go to the telecomms sat and build the server. Hell, you could even add a script to common radio to give it it's own symbol.
  5. I'd totally agree with the idea if most races weren't just so human. Tajara are just humans with bleed damage and a lisp, etc.
  6. +1 for dwarves riding their dire corgis into battle, armed with an eshield and a fire axe And my axe.
  7. I have but one request if this is added. A custom suicide message where you infiniloop yourself then slam into the ground Make it shatter every single bone in your body :^)
  8. Suicide was part of the base game, as a way of saying that someone left the round and won't be coming back, at least not as their original body. While cryosleepers make this redundant, not everyone can get to a cryosleeper. Suicide also ensures that a random player won't be interrogated for your "murder" after you beat yourself over the head with a lead pipe. And, even if you get rid of the suicide verb, people will just use the ghost verb to escape brig time. Also, the suicides give some funny messages and keep with the hilarious-but-dumb feel for the game. In all, I really would rather it be kept. [spoiler2]Also, "suiciding" as an IPC is hilarious when people check your pulse. Don't take that from me![/spoiler2]
  9. While I don't want Bay's hardsuit system, is there any way we could try and jury-rig this to work with hardsuits on paradise? If you're concerned for balance from suit control from pAIs, just make it so that any damage to a pAI-piloted suit ejects the pAI, much like bopping it on the head. I'm imagining the RD stepping out of his NASA Voidsuit, Tony Stark-esque doing one basic task while the suit goes and does a different thing.
  10. TL;DR: Do you hate atmostechs? Great! Long story short, this would make it so that chemicals could be made into gasses. Said gasses would apply their chemical to every tile they're on (like smoke), one unit at a time, and be removed at the same rate. This also balances it, in that you can't make cheese gas to coat the station in infinite, world-crashing cheese. (And, of course, you can't make acid gas that hurts, but that's a lesser issue.) Are you an atmostech? Do you like people not dying? Put some synthflesh gas in the atmospherics system. Are you the clown? Spread space drugs gas! And then space lube gas! Tabun gas for the really dedicated (since the unit count would be spread throughout the gas, limiting it's units, making it go away fast!) is an effective terror strategy! You could give the gas particle effects that are colored as the chemical color.
  11. A long while back, I suggested letting dionae sacrifice their ability to move and heal to become something like a blob that doesn't hurt anyone or block any paths, and have interfaces and such. It was shot down pretty quick, though.
  12. Well, it makes sense to not have a mouth; They're automatically fully fed all of the time.
  13. Perhaps, when you unscrew the wire panel of a universal recorder, you'd be able to hack it into simultaneously playing and recording, so that it essentially just repeats stuff, but in common? It'd make communing with our stations one true god, Ian, easier.
  14. We should totally use goonchem for some of these. Include some fun chemical combinations. Also, my dumb, 15-minute PDN interpretation.
  15. Also, note, the server has a fairly limited pool of coders. Just because something is easy doesn't mean it'll get done in any short amount of time.
  16. Plasmamen can survive about 5-10 seconds without their suit + tank, thanks to the fact that they take two types of damage, one of which has a multiplier (fire damage). Highlander is gg no re.
  17. On the credits idea, that's not much of a balancing factor, since money isn't useful anyway. I think this would be a cool, great idea... if anyone was willing to code it.
  18. Not knocking those opportunities, Earth, since I love all of them, but they're mostly dependant on in-round shenanigans or RNG. Without a botanist, you're not becoming a diona nymph any time soon, and since almost nobody does xenobiology anymore, golems are right out. No pAIs without R&D not being the worst, and the rare time ERTs are called is usually before anyone's actually died. Revenants are RNG, and deaf squids are admin-based, so they might as well be, too. This leaves the one-or-two posibrains Robotics starts out with (which half of the roboticists never. actually. turn. on.), the pAIs in the RD's and NT Rep's office, and becoming a maintenance drone for ghosts who don't plan on being cloned. While I may not agree with grief purgatory heaven, we certainly need something to quell the bluetext masses.
  19. In short, make it so that spraypaint can change the color of plasmamen suits. If you *really* care enough to, make it have a color spectrum like hair to choose from, but just letting you change the jobtype of your suit would work for me. Plasmamen can't get any fashion, we need to fix that! Also, the base, dark orange plasma suit looks absolutely horrible, especially on the librarian, who is the only one who gets it.
  20. Guys, how about this? A machine that can be created from a circuit, which you insert a posibrain and it builds an IPC head and torso onto it automatically. It would require a single var added to posibrain code, to check if the brain was from an IPC, and it would also make it so that you don't have to worry about making a new /mob/ every single time. This could, essentially, be IPC cloning that is reliant on research and robotics.
  21. So long as plasmamen get a better suit than what appears to be a plasmaman suit spraypainted blue with a tie, I'd be fine with anything.
  22. It was Spirit's 50-somethingth trip to the Cyberiad, and she was feeling apprehensive. That station was a curse, most said. Still, she found the place enjoyable, if only for the company of the few sane ones she met. Spirit was a scientist, this shift - something she took a liking to. The shift began normally, everyone introduced themselves over the radio, but something was amiss - That is when the first wave of fire struck. [spoiler2]But then, the fire nation attacked.[/spoiler2] Central command sent an urgent announcement: The Cyberiad entered a cloud of superheated gas, likely due to some long-dead star's dying gasp of breath. This, of course, made Spirit somewhat unsettled. Spirit, see, is a Plasma [wo]man. Her race consists of the ever-sought-after resource of Plasma, the newest substance in a long line of materials discovered by Nanotrasen. Because of her interesting composition, she is particularly flammable. Thankfully, Spirit found shelter; Telescience. This teleporter-laden room was well insulated, and she soon managed to ensure the teleporter could reach any distance. She grabbed a crew monitor, to try and lessen the casualties from the fire, by teleporting those in danger to her. The fire grew in intensity. Soon enough, she heard the sounds of the station collapsing around her. Still, telescience was safe, but she could not help but wonder for how long. Time passed, some were saved, but none could have prepared for what was next. It was moments before the heat-shielded emergency escape shuttle arrived. Spirit was calibrating the teleporter, preparing to transport the ones she had saved to the escape shuttle, when disaster struck. Science was breached by the flaming plasma outside. She turned around just in time to see the maintenance-shaft door blow inwards, showering her in electronics and oil. Hellfire began seeping into the room. She tried, in vain, to grab a survivor of the explosion, but the air currents were too strong. She fled. Spirit began walking towards the escape shuttle dock, convection currents blowing her backwards down the halls. Several times, she believed she could not make it, but she tried nonetheless. After all, who was to bring news of the dead, who had to be restored? She, with great effort, arrived on the escape shuttle, alone. When she called on the commlink, none but the AI, whom she ensured was safe from the disaster, responded. Not even her greatest companion in her travels on the Cyberiad, Leaflet. Spirit was crushed, both physically, by the searing, concussive air currents, and in (ironically,) spirit. She had barely managed to recover a medical kit from the flames, and was relieved to find the silver sulfadine reforming her aching flesh. The shuttle departed, with Spirit as it's only passenger.
  23. fludd12


    Drones need to be made to MoMMIs - The lack of hands make proper repair absolutely impossible. Keep the same lawset, have internal supplies like they currently do, but hands are a must.
  24. There needs to be some sort of skill to it. Even I admit to using calculators, the whole math aspect really kills it. Hell, the old telescience was better, because at least then I actually did the math.
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