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Everything posted by fludd12

  1. Cool. Sounds difficult to code, but really, really cool.
  2. Yeah, that. I didn't realize Bay had a clothing/fluff system.
  3. I feel like more character customization options would be nice. Think of something like Goon's character customization code, where there's two options for hair/accessories that you can mix and match, as well as the perk system which could be used in place of our current disability system. Then, add on a few round-start clothing selections, I 'unno. Thoughts?
  4. Tildes used in moderation are nice. With great tilde comes great responsibility.
  5. You could reuse the demon heart ability code for this, where it actually makes the hand icon red.
  6. What people forget is that removing suicide will just make people ghost or close out of the game. Not only is this (arguably) even worse roleplay than suicide, it means that the officers will still have to usher the mindless body to cryodorms. Removing the suicide action won't remove people leaving the round because of dumb stuff - it'll just make it more annoying.
  7. Shorten it to a 1 radius? The entire bar doesn't need to know that a slot machine somewhere on screen failed.
  8. ack you keep saying that, regens it hurts me
  9. Minor TK is a smaller counterpart of a genetics power, sure, but at the same time, it's quite a rare one. The illusion thing is definitely a cool and unique psychic ability, and as for fleshing out, it really needs some discussion as to how you'd choose something to create, and how you'd place it. Any ideas for either, particularly from those who know the coding behind it?
  10. I definitely agree there - if any of my suggestions are added, I'd really like grey's melee strength to be even further lessened. They're a mentally adept race. To quote/paraphrase Vaarsivus, "I'm sorry I spent countless years of my extended lifetime learning how to manipulate the very fabric of reality with my mind instead of, say, going for a jog. It tends to leave one a bit fragile."
  11. After a bit of discussion on the server, a lot of people think that the illusion ability might still be a bit too powerful, which, despite its lack of real weaponization capability, is perhaps correct. One suggested nerf is that either contact with the player (Grabbing, hugging, punching, etc) would disrupt the illusion, or taking damage would. Also, if you want to limit it to purely social use, which is fine by me, that's okay. One problem with the ability, however, is that selecting an item to create could be particularly difficult. I can't figure out how it'd work, besides using something like what the spawn menu does.
  12. I've got two ideas for Grey abilities, on top of their current telepathy. Feel free to keep telepathy on-screen, or on-z-level, I don't mind either way. Minor Telekinesis This one is kind of simple. It adds an ability similar to genetics telekinesis, that only works on small class items, and removes the capability of dealing damage with them. This'd be an interesting, useful ability for speeding up stuff in the workplace, or just having fun, without the downside of dickwads abusing telekinesis to ram a locker into you seventy times, or beat you to death from a distance. Mental Illusion This one would be a bit more difficult. You create an illusory object with your mind, kind of like how hallucinations work. People with the mental block gene and synthetics would be unable to see the illusion, and only you can interact with it. This would have both fun and practical applications, such as giving yourself an illusory uniform if you've lost one, making a fake weapon to trip up security, or even making a fake wall. I don't know, but I am pretty sure these examples are much easier to accomplish, code-wise, now that Tiger's alternate appearance system was implemented. Illusions require you to stay in eyesight of them to maintain, and your speed is reduced to walking for the duration of it. Only one illusion can be in place at a time. Thoughts?
  13. I like the idea. Imagine, if you will, a traitor gibbing both himself and his target with a bomb. Nobody will know who was who in this situation, especially if the brains aren't labeled, allowing for some interesting interactions to find who was the culprit.
  14. For those who didn't know, /TG/ has a system in which Runtime keeps track of how many times she has died, and she doesn't appear for one round after nine deaths. Also, all living cats at the end of the previous round start in the CMO's office during the next one. Similarly, Pun Pun gets a different name every time it dies, and retains its clothing and held item. I think it's a pretty cool system, and wouldn't really affect too much, besides people cheesing it by giving Pun Pun a traitor item or something. Even then, someone's bound to happen upon it before they do. Could maybe get a blacklist system. Thoughts?
  15. Make pAIs that are stored in PDAs able to interface with the PDA, receiving and replying to messages to that PDA. What's the point of a personal assistant if they can't do your mail for you? Perhaps add a tiny addendum to the messages the pAI sends, noting the fact.
  16. One system I suggested basically involved making dionae able to become their own mini-station or colonize a section of the station, growing vine floors and walls, with storage systems and resource generation like blobs, at the cost of their healing and resistences - their body would be at the center of their "station," and completely unprotected, and it would take a while to go back to humanoid. I highly doubt this would ever be added, but if anyone wants to try it, go ahead.
  17. I'd like water weakness re-added, so I have an IC justification for always using telepathy, other than 'lol im mute probably.' Oh, yeah, and the interesting gameplay that adds. That's cool, too. I feel like if Greys had other interesting telepathic abilities, it'd be great. Make a lesser telekinesis that only works on small items? I dunno. Right now, they don't feel as alien as they should.
  18. The paper has been stamped with the Admin Stamp of /thread seventeen times.
  19. Name: Miyan Gender: Master's choice - defaults to female. Race: Cat pAI Biography: A cat-themed pAI that cares for little else, other than her Master. All Miyan pAI units are, in fact, duplicates of a master copy hosted in the Central Command pAI server, that are deleted sixty seconds after Central Command deems the shift over. As a result, each Miyan is a fresh copy, with zero memory of other Miyan's experiences. Personnel Photo (Appearance text): When in card form, resembles a basic pAI card, with the screen either displaying various cat-themed images, or a cat face. Activating mobile form causes the card to unfold, eventually constructing a cat-shape out of a thin, flexible plastic with synthetic fur. The interior is lime green, so any stretches, tears, or orifices will match the glowing green color. [spoiler2]highly adorable imo, don't tell anyone[/spoiler2] Commendations [only to be added by admin]: Reprimands [only to be added by admin]: Other Notes: Miyans will frequently (i.e, always, due to the blank slate nature of each copy) form a very strong attachment to their Master, and have very little personal values. As a result, Miyans will always be highly loyal, and become very disheartened upon the death of their Master, or if they cannot locate one.
  20. Eheh, I've suggested something like this multiple times, with varying ideas for buffs and debuffs. Shot down every time. If you're good with coding, you could make a pull request, to have people see how it actually plays out, but besides that, I doubt this'll ever be implemented.
  21. I, uh, can't really tell if this thread is still about Resomi, but @Pseudo_Unicorn, did you read the original post, or simply go by Bay's stats?
  22. A fair point, counter, but I don't want to have to take 5u patches of silver sulfadine with me every time I want to access a computer that is remotely close to a lightbulb when I can't bother to tell the difference between the pixels of glow on the lightbulb sprite and the computer itself.
  23. Maybe not so much of a 'petty' change, as much as a petty feature, but a refactor of the jukebox would be nice, especially if it included using custom music.
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