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Everything posted by DeletedUser

  1. Why would you want to hide your insult rather than spit directly in the xeno scum's face? ARE YOU A COWARD? Preach your Lithany of Fury in low gothic without doubt or fear just so every single one of these abominations may hear it and tremble before your righteous wrath. HFY
  2. When you drive a steamroller tank, obstacles simply dissapear. And you don't need to maneuver if there are no obstacles. Except for gas stations. And flaming eyes. And big houses. And cave entrances. And triffid queens. And bunkers. And road blockades with tank drones/chicken walkers. And giant beehives. And shrubs. Always dodge the shrubs. Okay nevermind you do need to maneuver. Unless you have a slow turtle like your metal box which can't even hope to avoid ramming into a forest the moment it speeds up a bit. Mine almost doubles your safe speed, I have a racing steamroller tank that makes POWERSLIDES. Fully equipped, fully armored and almost with the same cargo volume as yours, oh and did I mention the 6 mounted flamethrowers by the sides? (not showing an icon on the vehicle screen for whatever reason). Suck it.
  3. My kill count isn't higher only because the game doesnt count enemies i rode over with my battle tank, enemies burned with holy promethium fire and Exterminatus.
  4. You are kinda late, that came out like a month ago.
  5. Pffff, ye kall dat an airforce? Alwayz remember, red wonz go fastah.
  6. What part of "This is now a black templar thread, you heretics" you don't understand?
  7. [spoiler2]Fuck yes another thread for me to shitpost.[/spoiler2]
  8. If you haven't noticed yet, Emprah is to WH40K like what SINGULOTH is to SS13. Or at least how i present it. I mean c'mon ain't it obvious?
  9. You really had to didn't you? What's next? The same but with the skre-.. NO DONT.
  10. The Blood God Patron saint of: BLOOD, RAEG, CARNAGE, BLOOD AND BIG RED FONTS Personality: http://puu.sh/hzK6v/ca0d6027fa.mp3 Typical Appearance: BIG, RED AND ANGRY. ALWAYS ANGRY Preferred summoning method: RED STUFF, STUFF TO GIB, MOAR SOULS TO FEAST UPON Dislikes: SILENCE, SPACE CLEANER AND LONG EMOTES THE GLORIOUS ONE TRUE IMMORTAL LORD SINGULOTH!! Patron saint of: HOLY PROTECTOR OF HUMANITY! Personality: Typical Appearance: GLORIOUS AND MIGHTY! ALL HAIL!! Preferred summoning method: http://nanotrasen.se/wiki/index.php/Singularity_Engine HE IS OMNIPRESENT! MIGHTY IS HE! Dislikes: HOSTILE XENO SCUM! NAR-SIE AND HIS HERETICAL FOLLOWERS! THE INFERIOR SUPERMATTER!
  11. But it would not cause random crewmembers to become "survivors" with an excuse to murderbone? I.... I actually like that option, it makes it easier for both admins and players. If the crew ONLY gets guns, without becoming traitors, then they can focus on the real enemy, who gets also rewarded for it. It's better than what we have currently anyways.
  12. That pretty much sums it up nicely, now get the coders down here to actually make it true.
  13. Welcome back at last! [spoiler2](ha first)[/spoiler2] and..
  14. A shame most people aren't like you, and instead of using the staff of transformation on the wizard, they shoot it randomly at everything, and when you PM them they say "I DIDNT KNOW WHAT IT DOES. I DIDNT KILL THEM". And yes this happens. Too damn much.
  15. In reality it works more or less like this: -Use summon magic or summon guns. -Everybody gets OP stuff. -Wait for admins to be done banning the idiots who thought they can murderbone (That's never) -"; Hey guise if you see somebody in funny clothing you should probably keep an eye on him" -Wizard teleports in. - http://sam.wileycomputerworks.com/SS13/Wiz.wav
  16. Staff of Transformation. GO. DIE. IN A HOLE. OF FIERY FLAMES. Whoever summons guns or magic deserves a quick brutal death, it's an admin tool and so should have always been.
  17. Looks like what would be the outcome of some horrible live experimentation of some insane surgeon worshipping Nar-Sie. You should call it Carl.
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